Stop Focusing On Leads,

Start Focusing On Acquiring Customers!

Join 100+ businesses growing with MALEX

Strategic Provider To

Want to build a system that scales your business?

Wondering What We Actually Do?


We help service-based businesses under $1Mil Annual Revenue to

  • Acquire Customers on Autopilot

  • Build Profitable and Scalable Systems

  • Remove The Owner From Daily Ops

  • Deliver Impact and Value

We believe that lead generation without a system to convert prospects into customers will stagnate and sink your business.

So we go the extra step to design a repeatable and profitable system to acquire customers.

Our done-for-you service develops and installs the customer acquisition system into your business so that you can grow deliberately and not on a flook.



Businesses thrive when they have a solid market strategy backed by sound economics. We don't just provide fancy taglines; we help you understand your market's drivers and consistently ride the wave of success.



Generating leads is one thing; turning them into paying customers is another. Our approach doesn't stop at filling your pipeline; we specialise in guiding leads seamlessly through the journey, ensuring they're primed for conversion by the time you engage with them



To truly scale a business, owners need to step back from day-to-day operations. We offer a comprehensive solution by providing sales reps, marketing, and customer success staff, coupled with robust management systems. This enables you to scale sustainably while pursuing the lifestyle you desire



Ignorance of problems can be fatal for a business. Our advanced analytics tools go beyond basic technologies like spreadsheets, automatically identifying constraints and optimising your entire customer acquisition process, from advertising to conversion.

Tired of chasing leads?

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you do lead generation and advertising?

Absolutely. We specialise in comprehensive lead generation services across diverse platforms. Our approach encourages clients to remain open-minded regarding platform selection, as our expertise often uncovers highly effective channels that may have been overlooked.

While our primary focus is on lead generation, we advocate for a holistic approach. It's not just about acquiring leads; it's about nurturing them into sales-ready prospects. We emphasise the importance of strategizing for lead conversion, ensuring that every lead generated translates into tangible sales opportunities for your business.

Can I just use the AI mechanism?

If all you require is a better way of optimising your ads and analysing your buying journey in order to increase ROI by over 200%, then yes we can arrange for you to licence our software.

Is this a done-for-you service?

Yes it is, however we provide unlimited coaching and mentorship to business while they are working with us. This mentorship can be from system development, product or service design, and even mindset around business building.

What if I do not want a marketing and sales team?

That's totally fine, not everyone wants the A-Team on their side (just kidding), but if all you want is one portion of our offering just let us know and we can arrange something for you.

81-83 Campbell Street

Surry Hills, Sydney

New South Wales, 2010, Australia

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