Perma-culture . The actual word stands for permanent - culture. It is the living example of an extraordinary lifestyle that designs and implements human living establishments that mimic the patterns of nature to recreate super healthy living environments. By creating such settlements we allow for a replenishing ever-renewing permanent culture rather than a degenerating polluting culture that exploits and diminishes quality of life.
Permaculture settlements are built with the next 3 ethics in mind :
Care for the Earth: Composting, permaculture gardens, plant propagating (medicinal and edible) , rain harvesting, proper grey and black water filtering though biologic processes, air cleanliness by having abundant vegetation and less carbon dioxides, utilizing passive and active solar energy.
Care for the People: Building community, trading, cooperating, natural plant medicine , healthy eating , community time banks, lending a hand to neighbors and friends with sustainable projects of their own .
Fair Shares / Share the Surplus: The excess yields from a permaculture gardens can now be shared . In a green economy nature becomes the resource of wealth the more we work with the Earth the more abundance we will have to share with our loved ones and those who surround us there is no real reason for hunger or nutritional lack .
Everything that we do in permaculture communities design comes back to following these 3 ethics. We must remember that the last 2 ethics always depend from the health of the first ethic. If we take care of the Earth then we receive abundance, it is only then when we can take care of the people and have fair shares.
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Inner Ecology
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Women & The Earth