Cash Management
Cash management is a broad area of finance involving collecting, handling and usage of cash.
Most clients have two phases in their financial lives, the accumulation phase and the distribution phase. The accumulation phase is when most people are working and make an income through an employer or their own entrepreneurship. For most U.S. citizens this is from ages 18 to retirement in their 60’s. The distribution phase is when most people are retired and are living from the assets and property, they have accumulated during the accumulation phase.
In the accumulation phase accumulation and growth of assets are important for your future, by having a paycheck coming in from work most people can live and pay for their lifestyles. There are occasions when the paycheck will not be adequate to cover the expense. An example of this may be a down payment for a home, a college tuition for a child, or an unexpected health even. Risks involved in the accumulation phase are associated with investment changes and challenges.
In the distribution phase you build your paycheck from the various assets accumulated you have accumulated. Some examples of distribution phase income sources are Social Security, pensions, and savings, but there are many more. In the distribution phase you may have the same risks that were in the accumulation phase but there are many more risks. Two of the most important risks in the distribution phase are sequence of return risk and inflation. Sequence of return risk can be devastating in retirement; this occurs when money sequence in which returns are generated, and withdrawals made are larger than the generation of your portfolio. Inflation can also be devastating because if your assets are accumulating value at a lower rate than the inflation in the U.S. your assets will have less purchasing power for goods and services you need.
9950 Cypresswood Drive,
Suite 200, Houston, TX 77070
Investment advisory services are offered through Bee Financial Partners Wealth, a Registered Investment Advisor. Investments through Bee Financial Partners Wealth are not FDIC insured, not bank guaranteed, may lose value, including loss of principal, not insured by any state or federal agency.