Testimonial Video Production That Builds Stronger Brands

We specialize in creating engaging and powerful customer testimonial videos that build brands, boost trust and increase sales.

Our team works closely with your brand to capture the stories and experiences of real customers through interviews and beautifully produced videos.

Testimonial Video Production Reel cover with a play button centered in front of a large crowd celebation at a rackspace event
Epicor logo
rackspace logo
Dell logo
Bitdefender logo
Thousand eyes logo
Pure storage logo

How a Customer Testimonial Video Can Benefit Your Brand

Customer testimonial videos are an effective way to build trust with your audience and showcase the value of your product or service. They offer a personalized perspective on why customers choose you over competitors and the benefits they experience from working with you. Testimonial videos also give potential customers an authentic look into how others are using your product and what they think of it.

The reason customer testimonials are so effective is that the customer, not you, is marketing the product. We can sell our own products until we are blue in the face - but do you want your prospects to actually listen? Try a video testimonial.

Woman sitting in chair smiling being interviewed in front of two professional cameras
Video production of a customer testimonial with a man in a suit being interview by another man standing behind the professional camera

How The Customer Story Creates Great Customer Testimonial Videos

At The Customer Story, we know how to craft powerful stories from customer testimonials. There are a few key guidelines we follow when we create testimonial videos for our clients that we believe drive great results:

Be Authentic. The reason a customer testimonial video works is because the viewer believes that the customer is sharing their real opinion. It's what we call social proof. Which leads us to our next point...

Don't use a script. At The Customer Story we have done hundreds, if not thousands, of interviews and time and time again we find that a script destroys the authenticity of the testimonial video.

Tell a good story. Humans are storytellers - and we love listening to good stories. What makes a good story? A beginning, middle and end. If you use good story telling techniques (we consider ourselves experts at this) your customer testimonial video will be great.

Where Should I Use Customer Testimonials?

There are actually quite a few options of where in the funnel your testimonial video can live. You can use a traditional testimonial video at the bottom of the funnel when your sales team is trying to close a lead.

But don't shy away from top of funnel placements either? How about a compilation of testimonial videos in one short, engaging piece? Feel free to contact us and we'd be happy to brainstorm ideas on how to leverage your testimonial video to its fullest potential within your marketing strategy.

Man being interviewed for a customer testimonial in front of two corporate video cameras
Woman sitting in a green chair being interviewed for a customer testimonial

Our Testimonial Video Production Process

When beginning a new customer testimonial video production, our team works to ensure that the story is tailored specifically to your brand’s goals and objectives. We are with you for the entire process. Below is the typical testimonial video production process that we follow when creating a customer testimonial video:

1. Planning & Strategy: We work closely with your brand to understand the objectives of your testimonial video production, target audience and desired outcomes.

2. Filming & Interviews: Our highly professional team then works on-site (or virtually) to conduct interviews and capture meaningful responses and the customer’s story. Our film crew will capture b-roll and great video content.

3. Editing & Post-Production: Once the footage is captured, our editors work to bring the story to life with beautiful transitions, music and sound design. We take the interview footage and craft a short, engaging and convincing testimonial video.

4. Delivery & Optimization: The final testimonial video is delivered in digital format for publication on your website, social channels or other online portals. We can also create social media optimized versions of the the video testimonial as well. We'll be sure to discuss those options as we move through the testimonial video production process.

From the Blog

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Why testimonial videos just work

August 24, 20234 min read

The Power of Testimonial Videos in Boosting Conversions and Growth

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, businesses are continuously seeking innovative ways to engage their audience and convert them into loyal customers. While traditional display and still ads are losing their effectiveness, testimonial videos have emerged as a powerhouse strategy that not only resonates with potential clients but also significantly impacts a company's bottom line. This blog delves into the tangible benefits of testimonial videos, shedding light on how they drive conversions and contribute to business growth. By understanding the psychology behind their effectiveness and learning how to leverage them, you can amplify your marketing efforts and achieve remarkable returns on investment (ROI).

The Psychology Behind Testimonial Videos

Influencing Purchasing Decisions

Testimonial videos harness a unique power—the ability to tap into the psychology of trust and social proof. In an era where consumers are more discerning than ever, the opinions and experiences of their peers hold immense sway over their choices. Here's how testimonial videos work their magic:

Establishing Trust and Credibility

Testimonial videos showcase authentic experiences and endorsements from real clients. When prospects witness genuine individuals sharing their positive interactions with a brand, it fosters a sense of trust and credibility that traditional marketing messages often struggle to achieve. The relatable human element creates a personal connection, reducing skepticism and making potential customers more inclined to believe in the brand's offerings.

Relating to Relatable Experiences

Humans are wired to empathize with others and seek familiarity. Testimonial videos leverage this innate tendency by presenting relatable experiences that resonate with the viewer's own challenges and aspirations. As viewers see themselves in the shoes of satisfied clients, the likelihood of forming an emotional connection increases significantly, ultimately influencing their purchasing decisions.

Girl watching reviews

From Views to Conversions

The Conversion-Boosting Impact of Testimonial Videos

While garnering views and engagement is essential, the true measure of a marketing strategy's success lies in its ability to convert leads into paying customers. Testimonial videos, with their unique blend of storytelling and social proof, wield considerable influence in driving conversions. Let's explore how:

Compelling Storytelling for Engagement

Human beings are hardwired for stories. Testimonial videos capitalize on this fundamental aspect of human nature by weaving a narrative around the client's journey, struggles, and triumphs. The emotional resonance generated by these stories draws viewers in, keeping them engaged and invested in the video's message. As a result, prospects become more likely to take the desired action, whether it's signing up for a service, making a purchase, or filling out a contact form.

Overcoming Objections and Alleviating Doubts

person watching reviews

Prospective customers often harbor doubts or objections about a product or service. Testimonial videos provide a platform to address these concerns directly. When existing clients share how they overcame initial reservations and experienced tangible benefits, it not only addresses objections but also reassures potential customers. This sense of validation can be the tipping point that nudges hesitant prospects towards making a purchase.

The Influence of Social Proof on Decision-Making

The principle of social proof is a potent psychological trigger that underpins the effectiveness of testimonial videos. When prospects see others like them benefiting from a product or service, it creates a sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). This FOMO can be a driving force in pushing potential customers to take action, as they don't want to be left behind while others enjoy the advantages the brand offers.

Real-World Success and Data-Driven Insights

Unveiling the ROI of Testimonial Video Production

The impact of testimonial videos isn't just anecdotal; it's backed by real-world success stories and data-driven insights. Let's delve into examples that illustrate the remarkable ROI that businesses have achieved through strategic testimonial video production:

Case Study: Company X's Conversion Surge

Let's look at an hypothetical example: Company X, a startup in the e-commerce sector, witnessed a significant spike in conversions after incorporating customer testimonial videos on their product pages. By showcasing real customers discussing how the products solved their pain points, Company X created a relatable buying experience. This personal touch translated into a 30% increase in their conversion rate within just three months.

Here's another case study video we created for one of our clients.

Data-Backed Insights: Industry-Wide Impact

Industry studies have consistently highlighted the positive impact of testimonial videos. A recent survey reported that websites with compelling testimonial videos experienced a 50% higher likelihood of converting visitors into customers. Additionally, email marketing campaigns that included testimonial videos enjoyed a 20% higher click-through rate compared to those without.


In a digital landscape saturated with marketing noise, testimonial videos stand as a beacon of authenticity and trust. Their ability to influence purchasing decisions, drive conversions, and foster customer loyalty is a testament to their effectiveness. By understanding the psychology behind testimonial videos, leveraging their storytelling prowess, and embracing real-world success stories, you can harness the potential of these videos to maximize ROI and propel your business towards growth and success. As you embark on your journey to incorporate testimonial videos into your marketing strategy, remember that it's not just about creating videos; it's about creating connections and compelling narratives that resonate with your audience on a profound level.

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Jacob Forbis

Jacob is the owner of The Customer Story. He started the business in 2017 after working in video marketing for over 6 years at a technology company based in San Antonio, TX. He has worked in corporate video since 2010 and has worked with some of the largest brands in the world.

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No Passport Required

We provide our testimonial video production services to clients all over the world and our goal is to make the process of capturing amazing, high quality client testimonials easy.

Whether you need to capture remote testimonials, on location testimonials, or event testimonials, our team can handle all aspects of the customer testimonial video production with no added travel costs, and without the need of someone from your team traveling. Get great content at a great price. Contact us to learn just how simple we make it!

high quality Video production camera

What Do Customer Testimonial Videos Cost?

We understand that for a lot of companies, corporate videos feel costly and expensive. At The Customer Story, we strive to provide transparent and up front costs to our clients.

We provide inclusive estimates with flat rate pricing so there are no surprise. A typical testimonial video production for us is usually in the $5,000 - $15,000 range, depending on scope.

Our Work

Blogs, case studies and other written content are a great first step in content marketing, but if you are leaving out video testimonials, you are missing a great opportunity.

According to Forbes Insight, 59% of senior executives would rather watch a video than read text.

Videos lead to brand awareness.

65% of those who view a video end up visiting the vendor’s website.

Brand awareness leads to sales. 50% of people who view an online marketing video end up making a purchase.

Check out a past customer testimonial video production to see for yourself.

Don't Take Our Word For It

Hear From Our Clients

Headshot of Kevin Dooley

“The Customer Story is a great partner in producing video content. High-quality work and total professionalism is the name of the game.”

Kevin Dooley


Headshot of Katie Schenck

“I loved working with Jacob and the Customer Story team. Jacob is extremely responsive, very flexible to change up the shoot at a moment’s notice or jump in to edit the final video. He is always punctual… and ready with ideas on how / where to shoot. I always know I am in good hands with Jacob and have been able to trust him with the utmost of professionalism in front of very high-level clients on a regular basis too. He’s excellent!”

Katie Schenck

Ballyhoo Blue Workshop

Headshot of Lindsay O of corporate company Epicor

“The Customer Story is a phenomenal business to work with! Jacob is easy to work with, provides quality production, and delivers on-time content. I look forward to working with him again.”

Lindsay O.

Epicor Software

Think Outside The Box

We firmly believe that the best people to market your technology products, services and/or software are your customers. The authenticity that customer stories provide is impossible to match with any other asset.

Close deals faster, super-charge your video marketing strategy, and connect with your future clients through testimonial videos from your happy and satisfied clients!

How to Choose Between Video Production Companies

When starting a new video production, there are a lot of companies to choose from. We get it. Some things that may help you choose:

Do they have case study videos for themselves? If they truly believe in what they are selling, shouldn't they be using it themselves? Here is a great one a client did for us recently.

Do they use up-front or flat-rate pricing? The cost of video production can often have lots of surprises. Make sure you know what you are paying for before locking in.

What is included in the service? Every production company is different, so be sure you ask. For us, we are a production company that helps in the whole process - from crafting interview questions, conducting a pre-interview calls, preparing the customers for the shoot, capturing great interviews, great b-roll, all the way to the video editing process.

No matter the size of your company, we want to help you promote your business and close more deals. We are testimonial experts and can help you craft effective and engaging videos.

A video testimonial camera
White logo of the customer story with a camera illustration to the right of it, with play, stop and record buttons on the front



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