Free Resources

Enhance your daily practice with the Grace School of Yoga's curated collection of free resources.

Begin with the Morning Prayer Meditation, an interactive adaptation of the Saint Germain prayer, inviting deep engagement with each resonating word.

Complement this with the transformative Pavamana Mantra, a powerful chant that leads us from ignorance to knowledge, from darkness to light, from death to immortality.

Conclude with our Mindfulness of the Body Scan, a grounding exercise that connects you to the present moment and taps into the silent wisdom of your body.

Morning Prayer Meditation

Centered Audio Player

Pavamana Mantra

Centered Audio Player

Mindfulness of the Body (Scan)

Centered Audio Player

Om Shanti! Welcome to the Grace School of Yoga, a sanctuary for yoga teachers and sincere spiritual seekers looking to deepen their understanding and practices of yoga, and expand their consciousness for the sake of the world.

Om Shanti! Welcome to the Grace School of Yoga, a sanctuary for yoga teachers and sincere spiritual seekers looking to deepen their understanding and practices of yoga, and expand their consciousness for the sake of the world.

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