Your Partner in Becoming an Expert in Pain Care

Psychologically-Informed Care

Modern Manual Therapy

Expert Exercise Prescription

Expert Communication Skills

What are people saying?

"Since I went through the Modern Pain Care program, I have found massive success by recognizing the context of care, modifying my communication and altering my clinical environment and edifying my staff better. I am now seeking to optimize care for my clients as a solo practitioner​"

Harold Pan

Physical Therapist

"My experience with Modern Pain Care have all exceeded my expectations. I would highly recommend this online course as a great opportunity to learn and discuss many concepts in pain science with Mark Kargela and Jarod Hall. It was a great experience all knowledge shared by these pain educators and made a huge difference in my clinical reasoning and clinical practices. Thank you, guys."

Karina Lagoa

Physiotherapist and Osteopath

"I got asked to speak at the annual CA physical medicine and rehabilitation conference in Long Beach, CA thanks to all the increased knowledge I got from being part of your program 😄 The pain physician I work with at the chronic pain program I’m a part of invited me to speak after hearing the last presentation I gave about pain and he loved it!"

Michael Aquino

Physical Therapist

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"Other Courses I’ve taken have been beneficial, but never as easy to apply directly to clinical practice as this. This is a must take course for all physical therapists and for any other medical professionals ​"

Trevor Hirsch

Trevor Hirsch

Physical Therapist

"This program is amazing and should be strongly considered for anyone that wants to enhance their skill set. It’s a great introduction for people new to the pain science realm and builds significantly on that for those that already have experience. The mentors in the process truly care about you and your learning. The format of the course allows you to learn in a number of different ways. I highly recommend it!!"

Alex Contner

Physical Therapist

Copyright Modern Pain Care 2022