At Valley Wide Pest Control, we understand that it’s impossible to eradicate anything. Bugs, spiders and rodents

are part of the natural world and are vital to the area’s ecosystem. We focus on removing and “controlling” pests

from your home and yard using effective state-of-the-art pest control and exclusion technologies. Select a pest

below to learn about our process of pest control.

At Valley Wide Pest Control, we understand that it’s impossible to eradicate anything. Bugs, spiders and rodents are part of the natural world and are vital to the area’s ecosystem. We focus on removing and “controlling” pests from your home and yard using effective state-of-the-art pest control and exclusion technologies. Select a pest below to learn about our process of pest control.




Bed bugs are every property owner's nightmare. They are insecticide-resistant, multiply quickly and almost impossible to

get rid of. They can hide in a wide variety of places such as: luggage, clothing, beds or couches. Mainly active at night,

they feed of human or animal blood producing itchy bites in a linear arrangement. Due to their small size, you could

have a bedbug problem and not be made aware until it's too late.



Bed bugs are every property owner's nightmare. They are insecticide-resistant, multiply quickly and almost impossible to get rid of. They can hide in a wide variety of places such as: luggage, clothing, beds or couches. Mainly active at night, they feed of human or animal blood producing itchy bites in a linear arrangement. Due to their small size, you could have a bedbug problem and not be made aware until it's too late.


The moment you suspect you have a bed bug problem you should call a professional right away. Valley Wide Pest Control offers property owners in and around Central Valley, CA thermal remediation solutions to eradicate their bed bug issues. As a locally-owned company with over 40 years of experience in pest control, you can count on us to use the latest techniques to address your bed bug problem quickly and effectively.

Thermal remediation incorporates state of the art equipment and an effective process that has proven itself to be a far more effective alternative to insecticide in removing bed bugs.


The moment you suspect you have a bed bug problem you should call a professional right away. Valley Wide Pest Control offers property owners in and around Central Valley, CA thermal remediation solutions to eradicate their bed bug issues. As a locally-owned company with over 40 years of experience in pest control, you can count on us to use the latest techniques to address your bed bug problem quickly and effectively.

Thermal remediation incorporates state of the art equipment and an effective process that has proven itself to be a far more effective alternative to insecticide in removing bed bugs.



Spiders are arachnids, a class of arthropods that also includes scorpions, mites, and ticks. There are more than 45,000

known species of spiders, found in habitats all over the world. In general spiders can be found in dark, secluded areas,

both in your home and garden. When trying to get rid of spiders in your home or business, ensure that you wear

appropriate protective clothing - like gloves - to prevent falling victim to a spider bite.


Spiders are arachnids, a class of arthropods that also includes scorpions, mites, and ticks. There are more than 45,000 known species of spiders, found in habitats all over the world. In general spiders can be found in dark, secluded areas, both in your home and garden. When trying to get rid of spiders in your home or business, ensure that you wear appropriate protective clothing - like gloves - to prevent falling victim to a spider bite.


Although most species of spider do not pose a health risk, there are some in California that Valley Wide Pest Control serves that might bite if threatened and some of those can pose health risks.

Look for spider webs - The size and shape of spider webs vary by species. Some are orb-shaped while others are funnel-shaped. Some species of spider, such as the black widow, do not create geometric webs, but create messy dens that trap insects, in hidden-away areas.

Some spider species live in burrows rather than webs, while others are free-ranging and take refuge in crevices. Some species of spiders are attracted to moist environments. Check your basements, walls, sheds and other damp locations. Other species can be found in places such as attics, the junction of a wall and ceiling, closets and storage boxes. Spiders feed on other insects and prey on ants, flies, woodlice and other spiders, so where there is a plentiful supply of other insects, spiders will wait to find their next meal.


Although most species of spider do not pose a health risk, there are some in California that Valley Wide Pest Control serves that might bite if threatened and some of those can pose health risks.

Look for spider webs - The size and shape of spider webs vary by species. Some are orb-shaped while others are funnel-shaped. Some species of spider, such as the black widow, do not create geometric webs, but create messy dens that trap insects, in hidden-away areas.

Some spider species live in burrows rather than webs, while others are free-ranging and take refuge in crevices. Some species of spiders are attracted to moist environments. Check your basements, walls, sheds and other damp locations. Other species can be found in places such as attics, the junction of a wall and ceiling, closets and storage boxes. Spiders feed on other insects and prey on ants, flies, woodlice and other spiders, so where there is a plentiful supply of other insects, spiders will wait to find their next meal.



A few mosquitos here and there are expected in the spring and summer months, but excessive clouds and bites can

make it a challenge to even step outdoors. Are you having a tough time getting rid of mosquitos with conventional

tactics? Let the professionals at Valley Wide Pest Control provide you with mosquito prevention & mosquito control in the

Central Valley, CA area. Say goodbye to itchy mosquito bites for good. Call 559-285-8181 today to schedule mosquito

prevention or mosquito control in Central Valley, CA.


A few mosquitos here and there are expected in the spring and summer months, but excessive clouds and bites can make it a challenge to even step outdoors. Are you having a tough time getting rid of mosquitos with conventional tactics? Let the professionals at Valley Wide Pest Control provide you with mosquito prevention & mosquito control in the Central Valley, CA area. Say goodbye to itchy mosquito bites for good. Call 559-285-8181 today to schedule mosquito prevention or mosquito control in Central Valley, CA.


There are plenty of products on the market claiming to get rid of mosquitos, but only a pest control expert can handle them properly. Hire Valley Wide Pest Control for:

  • Targeted mosquito control

  • Fewer headaches (no candles, swatters or zappers)

  • Safer service (no off the shelf insecticides)


There are plenty of products on the market claiming to get rid of mosquitos, but only a pest control expert can handle them properly. Hire Valley Wide Pest Control for:

  • Targeted mosquito control

  • Fewer headaches (no candles, swatters or zappers)

  • Safer service (no off the shelf insecticides)



Long despised by homeowners, the cockroach is more than just a creepy nuisance pest that can survive freezing

temperatures and a week without it’s head. This creature can pose a serious health risk to humans if it finds a way

indoors. In fact, all types of cockroaches pick up germs on the spines of their legs as they crawl through decaying matter,

which may be transferred to humans through food contamination. Cockroaches are known to spread at least 33 kinds of

bacteria, including E. coli and Salmonella, as well as six kinds of parasitic worms and at least seven other kinds of human



Long despised by homeowners, the cockroach is more than just a creepy nuisance pest that can survive freezing temperatures and a week without its head. This creature can pose a serious health risk to humans if it finds a way indoors. In fact, all types of cockroaches pick up germs on the spines of their legs as they crawl through decaying matter, which may be transferred to humans through food contamination. Cockroaches are known to spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, including E. coli and Salmonella, as well as six kinds of parasitic worms and at least seven other kinds of human pathogens.


In addition, cockroaches can trigger asthma and allergy attacks as their droppings, saliva and shed skin contain potent allergens and can exacerbate asthma symptoms, especially in children.

To keep your family and home safe from a cockroach infestation, pest control and prevention is key. However, with approximately 4,000 living species of cockroaches in the world, and about 70 species found in the United States, it's inevitable that some cockroaches will find a way inside homes. As a result, it's important to pay close attention for signs of an infestation and take action if this pest is found. You should contact Valley Wide Pest Control to properly identify an intruder and recommend a course of treatment.


In addition, cockroaches can trigger asthma and allergy attacks as their droppings, saliva and shed skin contain potent allergens and can exacerbate asthma symptoms, especially in children.

To keep your family and home safe from a cockroach infestation, pest control and prevention is key. However, with approximately 4,000 living species of cockroaches in the world, and about 70 species found in the United States, it's inevitable that some cockroaches will find a way inside homes. As a result, it's important to pay close attention for signs of an infestation and take action if this pest is found. You should contact Valley Wide Pest Control to properly identify an intruder and recommend a course of treatment.


While there are more than 700 ant species found in the U.S., Below is the following information about the following four species that frequently invade homes. Carpenter ants are named for their nest building abilities, excavating wood to form tunnels inside. Small openings on the surface of wood could be signs of an infestation.


Odorous house ants get their name from the strong, rotten, coconut-like smell they give off when crushed. They nest near moisture sources, so be sure to repair leaky faucets.

Pavement ants make their nests in or under cracks in pavement. These black ants will eat almost anything, including insects, seeds, honeydew, honey, bread, meats, nuts and cheese, so be sure to clean up any crumbs or spills. Red imported fire ants typically nest in soil near structural foundations or in landscaping and can inflict painful stings when their nests are disturbed, so be sure to eliminate potential nesting sites by removing old landscape materials, excess vegetation and debris from the yard.



While there are more than 700 ant species found in the U.S., Below is the following information about the following four

species that frequently invade homes. Carpenter ants are named for their nest building abilities, excavating wood to

form tunnels inside. Small openings on the surface of wood could be signs of an infestation.


Odorous house ants get their name from the strong, rotten, coconut-like smell they give off when crushed. They nest near moisture sources, so be sure to repair leaky faucets.

Pavement ants make their nests in or under cracks in pavement. These black ants will eat almost anything, including insects, seeds, honeydew, honey, bread, meats, nuts and cheese, so be sure to clean up any crumbs or spills. Red imported fire ants typically nest in soil near structural foundations or in landscaping and can inflict painful stings when their nests are disturbed, so be sure to eliminate potential nesting sites by removing old landscape materials, excess vegetation and debris from the yard.



Termites damage approximately 600,000 homes in the U.S. each year. U.S. residents spend an estimated $5 billion

annually to control termites and repair termite damage


Termites damage approximately 600,000 homes in the U.S. each year. U.S. residents spend an estimated $5 billion annually to control termites and repair termite damage.


  • Homeowners will spend on average, $3,000 to repair the damage termites wreck upon their homes.

  • States with the heaviest termite activity include: Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, the eastern part of Texas and most of California. Homes in these areas have the greatest risk for termite damage.

  • Damage caused by termites in the U.S. is greater than that of fires, storms, and floods combined.

  • Your Homeowner’s Insurance does NOT cover termite damage.

  • While a very real threat to wooden structures, termites are also beneficial. Their ability to digest cellulose helps them recycle the nutrient base of the planet.


  • Homeowners will spend on average, $3,000 to repair the damage termites wreck upon their homes.

  • States with the heaviest termite activity include Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, the eastern part of Texas and most of California. Homes in these areas have the greatest risk for termite damage.

  • Damage caused by termites in the U.S. is greater than that of fires, storms, and floods combined.

  • Your Homeowner’s Insurance does NOT cover termite damage.

  • While a very real threat to wooden structures, termites are also, beneficial. Their ability to digest cellulose helps them recycle the nutrient base of the planet.



Rats are famous for being able to chew through things—soft concrete, wood, plastic, aluminum, and cinder blocks are no

match for these rodents. Their love of chewing is due, in part, to the fact that their teeth never stop growing. In order to

keep them from becoming too long, making eating impossible, rats must constantly gnaw to wear down their teeth.


Rats are famous for being able to chew through things—soft concrete, wood, plastic, aluminum, and cinder blocks are no match for these rodents. Their love of chewing is due, in part, to the fact that their teeth never stop growing. In order to keep them from becoming too long, making eating impossible, rats must constantly gnaw to wear down their teeth.


Rats are well-known carriers of diseases. They have been implicated in the spread of some 40 diseases, including the bubonic plague , typhus, and leptospirosis.

For years it was believed that rats with plague-infested fleas caused the Black Death (1347–51), which killed an estimated 25 million people in Europe.


Rats are well-known carriers of diseases. They have been implicated in the spread of some 40 diseases, including the bubonic plague , typhus, and leptospirosis.

For years it was believed that rats with plague-infested fleas caused the Black Death (1347–51), which killed an estimated 25 million people in Europe.


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