Orange Impact Staffing

helps you fill your empty seats and facilitates connections to the people you need NOW.

Orange Impact Staffing

helps you fill your empty seats and facilitates connections to the people you need NOW.


Sales Staffing

The growth of your company depends on the quality of your sales talent. Sales staffing is our specialty. You'll get the team members to help increase your revenue fast.


Virtual Assistants

We have the pick of the most seasoned remote team members around. No matter where you are - we have your back..


Administrative Staffing

Administrative turnover can be expensive but you don't have to handle it alone.

Job Posting

Our seasoned recruiters are

experts at using today's most

advanced staffing technology

leading to unmatched service.


Employee turnover can be expensive. Time spent recruiting, interviewing, and training a new hire adds up and can cost an employer as much as 150% of the employee's annual salary.


Your team members can have access to our training database so they stay sharp as they grow with your company.


Sales Staffing

The growth of your company depends on the quality of your sales talent. Sales staffing is our specialty. You'll get the team members to help increase your revenue fast.


Virtual Assistants

We have the pick of the most seasoned remote team members around. No matter where you are - we have your back..


Administrative Staffing

Administrative turnover can be expensive but you don't have to handle it alone.

Job Posting

Our seasoned recruiters are

experts at using today's most

advanced staffing technology

leading to unmatched service.


Employee turnover can be expensive. Time spent recruiting, interviewing, and training a new hire adds up and can cost an employer as much as 150% of the employee's annual salary.


Your team members can have access to our training database so they stay sharp as they grow with your company.

Experts in staffing

We have great acumen in what a business is

looking for in its temps and permanent employees.

The company owners have over 55 years of combined business

staffing experience and employee relations.

Experts in staffing

We have great acumen in what a business is

looking for in its temps and permanent employees.

The company owners have over 55 years of combined business

staffing experience and employee relations.


are our business

The current job market may be tough, but, we're tougher. We specialize in helping you locate the perfect in-office or remote team members to assist you in reaching your business goals. The team at Orange Impact Staffing is dedicated to helping you fill the gaps that threaten to delay or halt your progress. We are in this together.


are our business

The current job market may be tough, but, we're tougher. We specialize in helping you locate the perfect in-office or remote team members to assist you in reaching your business goals. The team at Orange Impact Staffing is dedicated to helping you fill the gaps that threaten to delay or halt your progress. We are in this together.

Need to Hire Someone Now?

Need to Hire Someone Now?

Executive Team

Dr. Mikel Brown


Dr. Mikel Brown is a seasoned business owner, productivity expert, and professional trainer. He has helped hundreds of business entrepreneurs successfully navigate the turbulent waters of starting, growing, and expanding their businesses. Dr. Brown began his journey as an owner and a business mentor in the staffing world over 20 years ago.

Tish Times

Co-Owner & CEO

Tish Times is an expert in the connection business. Her passion is helping clients increase revenue and providing solutions to help companies succeed. Tish started her career in staffing 26 years ago. She has worked in the industry as a staffing coordinator, sales manager, and company owner.

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We will call you to address all questions and tell about our services.

Have a question?

We will call you to address all questions and tell about our services.

(602) 842-1772

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Copyright Orange Impact Staffing, LLC 2022 -- All Rights Reserved

Copyright Orange Impact Staffing, LLC 2022 -- All Rights Reserved