Goal Seeking Radar

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Goal Seeking Radar

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Goal Seeking Radar

Every day is a learning day.

Do you remember years ago when you had a TV, and your aerial would be hanging out at the back of the TV?

Sometimes, our TV had a coat hanger hanging instead of an aerial because I had broken the aerial.

I am now probably showing my age if you are reading this and cannot relate to what I am saying.

The goal of that TV aerial is to connect with a signal in the sky and bring you your favourite TV shows.

Did you know that we also have something very similar inside of us?

It is called RAS – Reticular Activating System.

When I am describing this to our clients, I explain it is like an aerial and we use this system to train our brains to notice and focus our attention on what we want to see.

So if I played a game with you and said you have to notice only yellow cars, I bet you millions that you will start seeing loads of yellow cars all of a sudden compared to when you didn’t play this game.

The RAS controls the subconscious part of our brain. The main job of the RAS is to keep us safe and will bring to your attention what is threatening and non-threatening.

It also protects our brains. Did you know that our brains, which have also been called “random thought generators” produce 48.6 thoughts per mind on average? Which adds up to 70,000 thoughts per day!

If we had to process that amount of information every day, what would happen to our brains. That’s why one of the other functions of the RAS is to protect our brains.

It’s pretty cool really.

So how are you using our RAS to our advantage

when setting goals?

When you are incredibly clear on what we want to achieve and focus your attention on it our RAS will automatically up its game to help you achieve your goals.

You will start noticing things that you have never noticed before (just like those yellow cars) in order to help you achieve the goals.

For example, I knew I wanted to make £1m BUT I just did not have clarity on what I was going to sell or how much I was going to charge until one day someone said something random to me and my brain clicked into gear. Before you know it I had a plan to be able to achieve the £1m.

Nature doesn’t care about the size of your goals.

That’s why I always promote The Power of The 1% – small actions often. If you are recovering from a broken leg, you start off walking a very short distance, building up slowly each day until one day you’ve forgotten what it was like to be injured. You never tell yourself you won’t walk again. You tell yourself you need to keep taking small steps every day.

In business, if you improve your performance by 1% every day for a full year and it gives you 3678.02% in return.

What goals are you going to set yourself and how are you going to use your RAS to help you achieve them?



Influential Minds are experts in Business transformation who have a history of results in helping you work less and earn more profit.



WEBSITE BY Digital Leads Agency

Every day is a learning day.

Do you remember years ago when you had a TV, and your aerial would be hanging out at the back of the TV?

Sometimes, our TV had a coat hanger hanging instead of an aerial because I had broken the aerial.

I am now probably showing my age if you are reading this and cannot relate to what I am saying.

The goal of that TV aerial is to connect with a signal in the sky and bring you your favourite TV shows.

Did you know that we also have something very similar inside of us?

It is called RAS – Reticular Activating System.

When I am describing this to our clients, I explain it is like an aerial and we use this system to train our brains to notice and focus our attention on what we want to see.

So if I played a game with you and said you have to notice only yellow cars, I bet you millions that you will start seeing loads of yellow cars all of a sudden compared to when you didn’t play this game.

The RAS controls the subconscious part of our brain. The main job of the RAS is to keep us safe and will bring to your attention what is threatening and non-threatening.

It also protects our brains. Did you know that our brains, which have also been called “random thought generators” produce 48.6 thoughts per mind on average? Which adds up to 70,000 thoughts per day!

If we had to process that amount of information every day, what would happen to our brains. That’s why one of the other functions of the RAS is to protect our brains.

It’s pretty cool really.

So how are you using our RAS to our advantage

when setting goals?

When you are incredibly clear on what we want to achieve and focus your attention on it our RAS will automatically up its game to help you achieve your goals.

You will start noticing things that you have never noticed before (just like those yellow cars) in order to help you achieve the goals.

For example, I knew I wanted to make £1m BUT I just did not have clarity on what I was going to sell or how much I was going to charge until one day someone said something random to me and my brain clicked into gear. Before you know it I had a plan to be able to achieve the £1m.

Nature doesn’t care about the size of your goals.

That’s why I always promote The Power of The 1% – small actions often. If you are recovering from a broken leg, you start off walking a very short distance, building up slowly each day until one day you’ve forgotten what it was like to be injured. You never tell yourself you won’t walk again. You tell yourself you need to keep taking small steps every day.

In business, if you improve your performance by 1% every day for a full year and it gives you 3678.02% in return.

What goals are you going to set yourself and how are you going to use your RAS to help you achieve them?



Influential Minds are experts in Business transformation who have a history of results in helping you work less and earn more profit.



WEBSITE BY Digital Leads Agency