Membership Criteria

Do you want to become an Angel Investor and help entrepreneurs reach their goals?

Read below about what it takes to start your Angel Investor journey!

Inspire & Engage

We only accept Angel Investors who are dedicated and passionate about helping entrepreneurs succeed.

In order to have a creative, supportive, and engaging community of Angels and entrepreneurs we look for the following criteria below when accepting Angels.

1. Accreditation

Owing to the nature of our investments, the first hurdle is that you must be an accredited investor according to SEC rules.

Given the risky nature of Angel investing, not only is this a legal requirement but something that any prospective member must fully appreciate.

2. Track Record

As we support our companies to do amazing things, it is appropriate that our members should also be able to demonstrate a skill set or experience that can be leveraged.

Generally, this would mean a solid track record of managing and building successful companies, either as an entrepreneur or operating executive.

However, as the spectrum of our membership demonstrates, your unique skills may have been developed from sectors as diverse as medicine, law or fine arts.

3. Experience

For some of our members, Flynn Financial is their introduction to angel investing, many others were already seasoned, early-stage investors.

If you fall into the first category, it is important to demonstrate some appreciation for early-stage companies. This could be as a successful entrepreneur or through experience evaluating companies, or maybe by mentoring start-ups.

4. Connections

One of the areas in which we can best support our portfolio companies is through introductions, either for business advice, hiring, or sales opportunities.

We expect our members to have extensive peer networks and we encourage their use for the benefit of the group.

5. Dedication

The vibrancy of Flynn Financial lies in the energy of its members. Consequently, we expect new members to get involved and dedicate time to Flynn Financial activities.

This would include: attending screening sessions, taking an active role in due diligence, and identifying investment opportunities.

There are also several Committees and Special Interest Groups where members with specific skills or interests collaborate.


We require our members to invest at least $50,000 and to participate in at least one Flynn Financial investment per year.

7. Commitment

Investing in early-stage companies is very different from managing investments as part of a corporate portfolio (although those skill sets are certainly transferable).

Consequently, it would be very helpful if you can demonstrate some level of investment or support for at least one early-stage venture over the course of the past 12 months.

8. Understanding Risk

Not only must applicants be Accredited Investors, we want them to understand the inherent risks involved in angel investing. Research by the Angel Capital Association found that 52% of angel funded businesses fail meaning that investors probably lost all of their investment. It is also recognized that even successful investments will not pay the investor back for 8-10 years.

9. Diversity

Both our membership and our portfolio company founder composition are well-diversified on the gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic and other relevant fronts. We welcome applications from all suitably qualified candidates.

We all have different paths to success, some have achieved it and some have just taken the first step.

Whether you have achieved success or are just starting out on your journey, we are here to help you do more!

Apply for funding or ask to become a member of our active, engaged Angel Investor community!

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