Positively smash your coaching income goals this year! 🎉

It's easier than you think!

I’ll teach you how.

Ready to be amazing at sales?

Imagine hosting sales calls both you and your client remember for the rest of their lives.

I’ll teach you how.

You don’t have to be “salesy” to BE AMAZING at sales.

It’s not a game to be won.

It’s eye-opening and amazing when you just learn how.

You’ll change people’s lives (and yours) forever.

It’s as simple as DECIDING that you’re going to learn & then be prepared to onboard client after amazing client.

Are you ready to BE AMAZING at sales?

Imagine hosting sales calls both you and your client remember for the rest of their lives.

I’ll teach you how.

You don’t have to be “salesy” to BE AMAZING at sales.

It’s not a game to be won.

It’s eye-opening and amazing when you just learn how.

You’ll change people’s lives (and yours) forever.

It’s as simple as DECIDING that you’re going to learn & then be prepared to onboard client after amazing client.

I’ll teach you step-by-step how to lovingly sell your coaching for $2k, $10k, or $20K+ inside the Unscripted Sales program.

I’ll help you understand what’s been holding you back...

& help you see your brilliance and the gifts you already have within.

This will quickly feel natural, fun & in-service.

Unscripted isn’t about chasing clients, following up, or convincing them to buy.

Unscripted isn’t about tactics, poking the pain, or making false promises.

The way sales has been taught won't work for mission-driven coaches like you.

It’s not your fault; there’s a better way.

Your sales calls will start to become the most celebrated part of your day!

I’ve helped hundreds of coaches sell millions in coaching.

This is a better way to YES, that puts integrity, connection, and the clients’ best interest front and center.

In Unscripted Sales, we set you up for success even before your first


This will quickly feel natural, fun & in-service.


Your prospects will feel safe, heard, and seen.

You’ll learn how to eliminate no-shows forever.


Your prospects will arrive prepared.

You’ll understand the energetic exchange of money.


Your clients will take action upon enrollment.

Quickly learn the Unscripted Sales method & shift your focus where it should be - your new clients!

A process that grows with you and feels amazing….



Inside the Unscripted Sales Program, you’ll be greeted with eight-core modules that introduce you to a sales process as unique as you. Each core module will break down the flow of the sales call in a way that is empowering, eye-opening, and of true service to the client (and you).

You’ll learn how to BE AMAZING at sales.

You’ll have a proven sales method that costs just $2k and will grow with you (and your team) to $100k or past the $1 million mark and beyond.

When you sell Unscripted, you’ll stop wondering:

If your coaching offer is confusing prospects

  • If the price (too high or too low) is the problem
  • Why clients aren't buying!

When you sell Unscripted, you’ll start feeling:

Confident and empowered to enroll clients on the first call

  • Grounded in your ability to say yes to aligned clients and no to others
  • Empowered and in command of your sales process
  • In-service and excited to take your next sales call

You get to DECIDE to be AMAZING at sales.

Don’t let your past sales experience stop you from having the business & impact you desire.

Inside of the Unscripted Sales program, you’ll learn how to sell your coaching for thousands (no more single sessions!)

  • You'll learn how to enroll nearly every client you speak with.
  • Calling a client up vs. calling them out
  • Tapping into your feminine sales energy and your ability to receive
  • Embodying your pricing, session, and offer structure
  • Embracing the energetic exchange of money & its power for good

AND….bonus training galore!

Eliminating serious buying objections forever!

  • The inner work of sales - workshop & journal
  • Email marketing for mission-driven coaches
  • Setting up a simple Facebook ad to share your freebie
  • Using the Kolbe-A test in sales & with clients
  • Using meet & greets to attract clients and network
  • How to monetize your Facebook group

Make your investment back in just one sale!

You’ll LOVE selling Unscripted and we’ll teach you how to make back your $2k investment-- Guaranteed!

I met with a client on Tuesday, and on Thursday, she made 2x her investment with me! She now has the rest of her career to take what she learned and enroll client after client. Another client made her investment back just two hours after our first call.

This happens every single week inside the program.

DECIDE to learn to sell Unscripted and choose to always be able to make money.

Celebrating a win! I just signed a new 6- month coaching client!

Celebrating a win! I just signed a new 6-month coaching client and she paid in full on the connection call. These calls are becoming so fun and I really look forward to them! Knowing that my goal is to bring clients to choice is a game-changer.

-Jennifer Taylor

Palm Coast, Florida

Here is why this is perfect for heart-centered coaches:

You’re not selling widgets.

Coaching is a unique experience, and the sales process must match its intimacy and integrity. You’re going to be spending 3, 6, or even 9 months + with your clients, and the relationship starts from the moment they say “hello.”

You’re a “non-salesy” mission-driven coach, and your way of feeling, looking at the world, and experiencing life is unique.

After taking over 400 sales calls, managing multi - 6 figure launches, a million-dollar sales team, and coaching hundreds of coaches - I know what stops you from starting and where you’ll get stuck. My superpower is quickly identifying your mindset blocks to see exactly where you’re missing the mark.

I know how mission-driven coaches think, feel and operate - because I am one. I once raised a million dollars for charity over lunch and I care deeply. You’ll find me tearing up on a sales call in deep connection with a client, and dancing in celebration with a coach trainee who just sold her very first program!

We want you to make back your investment on your first sale, and then you’ll be off to the races - set up for life with the confidence to sell any offer you dream up.

In just six live coaching sessions, you’ll be confident and ready to go, But we bonus you an extra + 6 to make sure you feel 100% settled and ready to rock.

When you join Unscripted Sales, you’re DECIDING to:

Take fewer calls and make more sales

  • Follow a proven framework with measurable results
  • Work smarter, not harder
  • Trust your intuition
  • BE AMAZING at sales and sell your coaching for thousands!

Sales is about


it’s about helping clients decide their next best steps.

Celebrating a client saying YES!

Getting feedback on my sales conversations with Michelle helped me feel so much more clear about how to walk my potential clients through the decision to work together. Celebrating a client saying YES, I’m pretty sure the money objection no longer freaks me out!

-Nicole Syverson

Los Angeles, California

Take a look

What’s inside…

When you join us inside the Unscripted Sales program, you’ll receive immediate access to everything. All the modules unlock, and you can dive right in!

You’ll meet monthly for live coaching + bonus calls to support you in choosing your marketing path! Calls are recorded and uploaded into your online portal. You’ll be ready to go in just a few weeks, but we know you're going to have questions and you want support while you implement this work., so we offer ongoing support for one full year. You’ll have lifetime access to all modules and recorded live calls.

We tend to get attached to clients and LOVE celebrating your success. So every month, you’re invited to a Q&A and industry update. We’ll dive into what’s working now (i.e., Free & Paid 2-5 day challenges, Facebook group events, DM strategies, and more!)

We give you just what you need and don’t distract you with any fluff!

You’ve done the hard work; now it’s time to have some fun and start making the sales.

Here's what's included:

Module One

Setting the stage for a successful sale!

  • Eliminate no-shows

  • Prepare the client for the call

  • Set up your calendar and specific intake questions (I’m going to share with you what million-dollar teams do here - it’s so cool)

Module Two

How to take the money!

  • When a client says yes, don’t hesitate. You’ll feel confident, and your clients will feel secure in their decision to work with you!

  • Activate the YES on the first call (this is a game-changer)

  • Support clients in paying-in-full without distracting from the YES

Module Three

5 Steps to Choice, a sales process overview

  • Grap a quick overview of the framework and understand how it came to be and why certain steps come before others in full support of the client.

  • Understand how to use the printable framework on your calls - step-by-step.

Module Four

Let’s have some fun

  • The secret to not being salesy (so simple, so profound)

  • Learn how to go beyond pleasantries and build trust quickly.

Module Five

Dive deeper

  • Understand why the real choice a client is making has nothing to do with you.

  • Learn to be confident as you talk about money, investment, and struggle.

Module Six

Dream BIG

  • Help clients to dream BIG and far beyond the humdrum of day-to-day.

  • Learn how the framework helps to eliminate the money objection forever!

Module Seven

Opportunity knocks

  • Why “pitch” is a 4 letter word and the real secret to simple and powerful offers.

  • Understand that how you feel matters more than what you say (this is so transformational).

Module Eight


  • Support clients in coming to a choice and making a decision with love & support.

  • Fall in love with objections (AKA buying questions) and lovingly support as clients take the first step to transform their lives


Bonus modules galore!



LIVE coach training

2x Monthly coaching calls are lead by ME personally and you’ll laugh, cry and walk away so inspired you just might sell your coaching to the UPS guy! Selling is a blast and step by step I’m going to show you how to sell Unscripted and change your clients' lives (and yours) forever. You’ll learn how to structure a $1500 offer and have the skills to turn that into a $5, $10, $20k plus offer!



Vox me & my team

You’ll have the ability to text or voice memo a question to me and my team! Get a fast response, get your questions answered and sell sell sell! This way of communicating is so personal, responsive, and effective. Stuck on an objection? Not sure how to price your program? Just ask!

You have a million-dollar sales coach right in your pocket!

All of my clients go through [Michelle’s] sales training!

Michelle’s energy and expertise as a soulful sales coach has not only impacted my life and business for the better, but for all of my clients as well. All of my coaching clients go through her sales training because I’m 100% confident they are in the caring hands of an expert. I’m grateful to know her.

-Hannah Mongiat

Chicago, Illinois

limited time only

Join Us Now!

Your Investment


Cheat Sheets & Bonuses

Create the perfect offer!

You’re going to fall in love with your offer. There is no need to make this complicated. I’ll give you the framework to help you structure your offer. We’ll fill in the blanks together. In just one coaching session you’ll have an offer you love and then we’ll start teaching you to sell it! Typically new coaches start out selling their coaching for a minimum of $1500, but the choice is yours! Experienced coaches will wish they found this method sooner!

“Sales is essentially a transfer of feelings”

-Zig Ziglar

Learn to take the money and onboard new clients!

Onboard clients with ease and learn to enroll on the first call. You’ve come too far not to know how to help ensure a client does not change their mind, feels grounded in their decision, and starts taking action immediately. I’ll share with you what works and what to avoid. This will save you tens of thousands, not just in missed clients but in lost time and energy. I’ll give you a cheat sheet here too, that you can use on every call.

Lets get started...

Main Headline Goes Here

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto

Are you ready to take the next step?

Attention Grabbing Headline Goes Here Of What The Book Promises

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.

limited time only

Join Us Now!

Immediate access to the 5 step process!

2x Monthly live coaching!

Unlimited support through the Voxer app!

Lifetimes access to the online course and bonus trainings galore

Your Investment


Now [my client] is stepping into a 3 month $2,450 program!

Michelle!!! I just finished a 6-week program with a client who asked for more! Now she’s stepping into a 3 month $2,450 program.

-Laurel Goulden-James

Manitoba, Canada

Guarantee Goes Here

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Headline Goes Here And Headline Goes Here...

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Clients name

Title, Company or Location Goes Here

Headline Goes Here And Headline Goes Here...

Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id. Massa enim nec dui nunc. Convallis posuere morbi leo urna. Amet tellus cras

Clients name

Title, Company or Location Goes Here

Headline Goes Here And Headline Goes Here...

Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id. Massa enim nec dui nunc. Convallis posuere morbi leo urna. Amet tellus cras

Clients name

Title, Company or Location Goes Here



Sales Coach

I’ve led a million dollars sales team, managed several multi-six figure launches and taught hundreds of coaches how to sell millions in coaching.

My front row seat coach to coaches in-training enabled me to see just where coaches get stuck, miss out on sales, or enroll unaligned clients.

Up until now “non-salesy” mission-driven coaches didn’t even know they needed to follow a process. They thought being a good coach was enough…and finding a sales coach that understood them was impossible.

Around here we teach coaches how to BE AMAZING at sales and how to do so in full integrity - always.

Buy Now!

Perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium!

But I have questions...

Frequently asked questions

How often are coaching calls?

We get together live 2x a month. First, for Q&A + coaching and then a second time for our Unique Ways to Find Coaching Clients coaching series. And for the Unique Ways to Find Coaching Clients coaching series, a guest expert comes in to give us a down and dirty behind-the-scenes into a specific way of finding clients, (think 3-5 day challenges, virtual dinner parties, webinars, podcasts, etc). This is great because it allows you to figure out which method is suited to you!

Why do you offer 12 months of live coaching?

Because you need time! Friend, you're busy and it feels great to take one sales step forward each month! That's what we help you do; it's light and breezy! You'll receive access to the 8-core modules immediately (we hold nothing back). But, you're going to bump into roadblocks, especially in your first year in coaching training. That's why we meet monthly to help keep you moving forward with ease. And in between our calls, I'm in your pocket via the Voxer app. Before you know it, you'll be hearing YES after glorious YES. Oh, and don't forget about our Unique Way to Find Clients coaching series. You're welcome to attend these monthly too, or grab the recording! You'll learn 10 fun ways coaches find new clients and figure out which one suits you best.

Are calls recorded?

Heck, yes! And you have lifetime access to recording and all course updates.

What is Voxer support and how does it work?

Voxer is a simple app that allows you to send text and voice memos. As soon as you join, we invite you to download the app (for free) and join our group chat. Here you’ll hear others ask their questions (i.e. what’s an activation fee? What calendar app is best? Why are recurring payments vital?) in real-time, and you’ll hear (or see) our responses. This feature allows us to customize your coaching while cutting through the noise of social media.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

Heck Yes! We’ve taught hundreds of coaches how to sell millions, and we can’t wait to teach you too. Be sure to read our terms and conditions for details regarding the money-back guarantee, I mean you're going to have to talk to real people and make offers (let's be real). But know that if you don’t make your investment back, we will pay you back - guaranteed!

limited time only

Join Us Now

Immediate access to the 5 step process!

2x Monthly live coaching!

Unlimited support through Voxer message

Lifetime access to the online program

...and much more

Your Investment


I enrolled 2 new students today. First 2-in-1 day ever!

I enrolled 2 new students today. First 2-in-1 day ever! That’s a new symbolic milestone for me. Thanks for all the training Michelle Rockwood.

-Sara Ceo

Salt Lake City, Utah

I signed my 3rd coaching client - PILOT PROGRAM FULL!

Posting a win, Michelle Rockwood! Yesterday I signed my 3rd coaching client and she is the 3rd in my program - PILOT PROGRAM FULL!

After meeting with her and getting her started I felt the REALNESS of the Pilot Program. The price felt high ($1,200 for 3 months of coaching which includes massage) when I first started offering it. Now it feels much too low, though just right for my learning process. While I gain experience with these four ladies my confidence grows and my direction feels real. My next three will be at double the price and the price and my program is worth that and more.

-Shelly West

Milford, Ohio

Michelle’s method of selling is so refreshing!

It was great to have someone (besides me) to reinforce the teaching and truths about how light and fun and effective sales can be while SERVING as selling... We can’t wait to have her back to speak in my business accelerator for coaches!

-Jeanne Omlor

Cincinnati, Ohio

Recap what you get here

Get this amazing offer before it goes

Extra text goes here Extra text goes here Extra text goes here here Extra text goes here Extra text goes here Extra text goes here Extra text goes here Extra text goes here Extra text

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- Clients Name

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean in urna tristique, dictum mauris eget, elementum massa. Suspendisse imperdiet finibus diam, at molestie est venenatis sit amet.

- Clients Name

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean in urna tristique, dictum mauris eget, elementum massa. Suspendisse imperdiet finibus diam, at molestie est venenatis sit amet.

- Clients Name

Title, Company or Location Goes Here

Here's what's included:

Immediate access to the 5 step process!

  • Monthly live coaching (for a year)!

  • Plus monthly trainings on Unique ways to find clients.

  • Unlimited support through Voxer

  • Lifetime access to the online program!

  • And more!

Order Now & Get INSTANT ACCESS Today!

Step 1Enroll in Program
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