If you are looking to dramatically transform your smile, veneers are probably the best way to do it. With one procedure you can brighten, straighten, lengthen, and reshape your teeth. It’s like getting an entirely new smile. Yet dental veneers can also be custom-crafted to correct just one tooth, blending perfectly with its neighbors so that no one will notice that you’ve had work done.

Getting quality veneers depends on finding the proper combination of a skilled team of a cosmetic dentist and dental lab. lovebites helps you find this team, by bringing together elite dentists and an outstanding dental lab. Plus, the lovebites network lets them offer you a discount on veneers. Contact a lovebites dentist today to get your veneers process started.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are thin facades of advanced ceramic that bond to the visible parts of your tooth. Normally, they attach to the front of your teeth, but they can extend over the top and around the sides. This helps them reshape and lengthen teeth.

Veneers are sometimes called dental veneers or porcelain veneers. They are called porcelain veneers because they were originally made of porcelain, and they still look like porcelain to some extent. However, today they are more likely to be made of advanced ceramic materials.

What Can Veneers Do?

Veneers are among the most versatile cosmetic dentistry treatments. They can be used to:

  • Brighten discolored teeth
  • Repair chipped or cracked teeth
  • Lengthen worn teeth
  • Close gaps between teeth
  • Straighten crooked teeth
  • Extend small teeth
  • Reshape unattractive teeth

Veneers are a great way to whiten teeth because they are not limited by the natural color or remaining thickness of your tooth enamel. This means that they can brighten even deeply discolored teeth.

Veneers achieve the remaining effects by reshaping teeth. They repair chips by replacing the lost tooth enamel, similar to the way they address worn teeth.

Veneers can also achieve results similar to orthodontics. They can close gaps between your teeth by widening the teeth on either side of the gap. Veneers give us flexibility to widen multiple teeth proportionally so your central teeth don’t look too wide. Veneers straighten your natural teeth by reshaping them, which means they can achieve the same results faster–plus, you don’t have to wear a retainer.

Common uses for veneers include addressing congenital tooth problems, like retained baby teeth and peg laterals, teeth that are too small and are poorly shaped. Veneers can build these up and reshape them.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

No matter what you may think when you hear about “porcelain” veneers, they are very durable. Modern ceramics are stronger than your tooth enamel, and most veneers last over ten years, with some lasting 20 years or more!

Of course, the durability of your veneers depends on how well they are fitted and how well they are made.

Why Your Dentist Matters

Nothing makes more of a difference in your cosmetic dentistry than your choice of dentist. A good dentist will listen to your cosmetic concerns and goals. If a dentist won’t listen to you, they won’t know what you want, and if they don’t know what you want, they can’t give it to you.

Some dentists also have more and better training than others, as well as more experience performing certain procedures. And then there’s the talent of a dentist–their artistic eye and skilled hands–that can make all the difference in your results.

lovebites recruits some of the best dentists from across the country, including your area. Contact a lovebites dentist today to see the difference.

Why Your Dental Lab Matters

Dental labs also make a big difference in the quality of your results. Communication between dentists and the lab help ensure you get the results you are looking for. Skilled manufacturing techniques ensure consistent quality, which means more precise color matching, greater strength, accurate fit, and fewer flaws–all of which contribute to both the appearance and durability of your veneers.

lovebites has partnered with one of the leading labs in the US, Las Vegas Esthetics (LVE) to provide high-quality dental veneers at a discount to all our dentists so they can offer you a discount, too.

Contact a lovebites Dentist

Are you looking for high quality veneers offered by a skilled local dentist? lovebites can hook you up with a dentist who not only offers veneers, but offers them at a discount. Contact a local lovebites dentist to learn what he can do for your smile–and how much you can save!

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