For those who appreciate transparency…

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about our services and how we work by reading the frequently asked questions below.

As Seen On

What is Kedrec?

Kedrec is an independent registered financial advisor (financial planning and money management practice) that offers comprehensive wealth planning and management solutions. For some, we are the one-stop shop for all financial planning and management needs (e.g., financial planning services, wealth management services, tax services, insurance services, etc.). For others, we are a resource for specific needs and nothing more.

Our goal is to provide you with the services you want, and nothing more.

What makes Kedrec different than other firms?

There are several services that make us different than your typical financial practice. For example, we offer comprehensive wealth planning services for a flat one-time fee. If you want comprehensive wealth management, we can offer it at a flat annual rate or as a percentage of your assets under management. When it comes to tax advice, we don't just offer it... We can also file your taxes, assuming that is what you want.

We built our own planning software, which allows us to dive deeper into the details. We implement proprietary strategies, such as the Kedrec Reservoir, the Kedrec Models, and so on. Schedule an introduction call to learn more about who we are so you can determine if what we offer is right for you.

Are you fiduciaries?

Yes. We are legally required to do what is in your best interest.

We are also insurance agents and tax preparers. The fiduciary responsibility supersedes any potential conflict of interest. We focus on what is right for you.

How do you make money?

Kedrec makes money in four ways. First, we make money when we create a plan (flat one-time planning fee). Second, we make money when we actively manage assets in the market (percentage is fully disclosed). In some situations, we may charge a flat-annual fee for comprehensive wealth management when assets are being passively managed. It just depends on what you want and what is right for you.

Third, we make money when we sell any insurance product. It's not a fee to you, but we do want to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. If you want an annuity, life insurance, long-term care, or something else within the world of insurance, we would rather be the professionals that conduct the detailed due diligence than to outsource it.

Forth, we make money when we file your taxes. Admittedly, we recommend most of our clients who have simpler tax situations to use online services like Turbo Tax when possible. We typically only file taxes for clients who has complicated tax situations that need additional care and attention.

How much do financial plans cost?

Our planning services, which are offered based on a one-time flat-fee, can cost up to $5,000. Most plans we create cost around $500 to $750. When there is a sale of a business or real estate involved, or highly technical tax planning is needed, the cost can go up.

What is the Kedrec Reservoir

The Kedrec Reservoir is a proprietary strategy that suggests a portion of your assets should be held in accounts that offer principal protection. When the markets go down, when implemented correctly, you should be able to draw income from these sources without accentuating losses.

Examples of the investments or products that would qualify for the Kedrec Reservoir include, but are not limited to: High-Yield Savings, Money Market Funds, Bonds (including Treasuries), CDs, Fixed Annuities, Fixed-Indexed Annuities, Index Universal Life Insurance, and so on.

Remember, there is no such thing as a perfect investment or investment strategy. Be mindful as you find the right balance for you and your situation. Create your plan before you create your portfolio.

What is typically in your portfolios?

There's no such thing as a perfect investment or investment strategy. We believe you should create your plan before you create your portfolio. Once we have context from the plan, we can start talking about what investments and products are appropriate for you.

Typically, we see a blend of our models, treasuries intended to be held to maturity, CDs, Fixed-Indexed Annuities for growth (not income), and so on. For Landlords trying to sell their real estate portfolio, we may see a few Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs) as well.

We are product and investment agnostic. We focus on doing what is right for you. If there is a product that is right for you that you can manage on your own, like a CD, then we make the recommendation and invite you to get it yourself so you can pay less in fees. We believe that there are certain investments and products that do not require much management. So, why pay us for something you could easily do on your own...

We do not believe in the extremes that we often see (e.g., 80%+ of assets in a stock/bond fund portfolio that is at risk when you are in or near retirement or 60%+ of assets in annuities waiting to be annuitized into an income stream).

How do I become a client?

Before you decide if you want to become a client or not, we invite you to first request an analysis. Let's bring context into the situation so we can determine if it makes sense to proceed with one or several of our services or not. Sometimes, all you need are a few adjustments and you are set. Other times, there's a lot of work to be done. It just depends, which is why we ask everything to start by requesting an analysis.

Once the analysis has been completed, you can decide if you want to proceed with our planning process or if you want something more.

What is your minimum?

It depends on the service you want. We are dedicated to helping you live a wealthy life. For that reason, we typically will plan with anyone, regardless of asset size. The flat fee just has to make sense. The same goes with our wealth management services. As long as there seems to be enough of a benefit for you to rationalize the cost, how much you have would not hold you back from becoming a client.

When it comes to active management, we have different models with different minimums. To make things simple, consider the following... If you have money and want to have it professionally managed, let's have a conversation. We are here to help you live a wealthy life, including helping you invest your money. The scope of service just has to make sense for all parties involved.

What services do you offer?

We offer a long list of services, including financial planning, investment management (active and passive), on-going comprehensive wealth management, tax planning, tax filing, insurance services, estate document creation with updates, and more. You get to pick what services you want.

Do I need to create a plan in order to work with you?

If you want us to manage your wealth, yes, you will need to create a plan first. We believe you must create your plan before you create your portfolio.

If you only want access to our actively traded models and not create a plan, then you would only need to have a brief suitability conversation to help ensure the models appropriate for you. This typically happens when people are younger than 55 years old are are focused on one goal, growth.

Who owns Kedrec?

Kedrec is owned by its founder, Michael Decker, who intends to maintain the ownership of the firm for the rest of his life. This is to help maintain the integrity of the firm while protecting clients from third-party sales interests. We are completely independent. No one can tell us what we can and can't sell, which allows us to continue to stay product and investment agnostic. We believe this independence is essential to our ability to act as fiduciaries is everything we do.

I didn’t see my question here…

Our Frequently Asked Questions page is updated frequently. If you have a question that was not answered above, chances are, someone else has that same question.

Please submit your question to [email protected].

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Our comprehensive services are designed to help you fully experience life (financially, at least).



In this book, you'll discover:

  • How to run the numbers and see when you can afford to retire (It’s easier than you think).

  • Learn why many common retirement income strategies may be riskier than you realize.

  • ​Discover proprietary retirement income strategies that may be able to help you have more control over your income while potentially lowering your risk.

  • How to proactively anticipate and manage your retirement during the market's ups and downs.

  • Why it’s typically not too late to course-correct. If you have already retired, there’s still time to get on the right path.

  • And much more!

This book is a marketing publication for Kedrec, LLC

This content on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as the basis for financial decisions. It should not be construed as investment advice or a recommendation.

Investment advisory services are offered through Kedrec, LLC, a Kansas state Registered Investment Advisor. Insurance products and services are offered through its affiliate, Kedrec Legacy, LLC. We are not affiliated with the US government or any governmental agency.

Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. No investment strategy can guarantee success, ensure a profit or guarantee against losses. Insurance product guarantees are backed solely by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing company.

Insurance and annuity products involve fees and charges, including potential surrender penalties. Annuity withdrawals are subject to ordinary income taxes and potentially a 10% federal penalty before age 59-1/2. Life insurance generally requires medical and potentially financial underwriting to qualify for coverage. Optional features and riders may entail additional annual cost. Product and feature availability may vary by state.

Tax, legal and estate planning services are available only to members who purchase the Fresh Wealth Plan Membership level. Tax, legal and estate services provided by our network of tax and legal professionals. Always consult with qualified tax/legal advisors regarding your unique circumstances.

Explore Your Lifestyle and Legacy Potential

This content on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as the basis for financial decisions. It should not be construed as investment advice or a recommendation.

Investment advisory services are offered through Kedrec, LLC, a Kansas state Registered Investment Advisor. Insurance products and services are offered through its affiliate, Kedrec Legacy, LLC. We are not affiliated with the US government or any governmental agency.

Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. No investment strategy can guarantee success, ensure a profit or guarantee against losses. Insurance product guarantees are backed solely by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing company.

Insurance and annuity products involve fees and charges, including potential surrender penalties. Annuity withdrawals are subject to ordinary income taxes and potentially a 10% federal penalty before age 59-1/2. Life insurance generally requires medical and potentially financial underwriting to qualify for coverage. Optional features and riders may entail additional annual cost. Product and feature availability may vary by state.

Tax, legal and estate planning services are available only to members who purchase the Fresh Wealth Plan Membership level. Tax, legal and estate services provided by our network of tax and legal professionals. Always consult with qualified tax/legal advisors regarding your unique circumstances.