Vital 110

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Savings for you. Benefits for Employees

Discover the Impact

Your Money

Your Benefits

NO-Cost Investment
in Vital110 will empower your employees with the tools and resources they need to be healthy, happy, and conquer the future.

Better Care. Quicker Access. Lowest Price

The current healthcare system is failing your employees. Lack of transparency, limited options, and reactive care keep them stuck in a cycle of frustration and rising costs.

Vital110 is here to disrupt.

We offer a revolutionary approach with:

Direct access to top-tier providers nationwide

Zero copays on key services

Proactive health management
for your workforce

ask us about Your Free Eligibility Report

Make health a priority to enhance your benefits program's affordability and sustainability, while ensuring your employees receive the crucial benefits they need in today's world.

Level Up Your Benefits

Boost Your Bottom Line:

This program is designed to save your company an estimated $500 per employee, annually. That translates to significant savings that can be reinvested in your business or passed on to employees through other initiatives.

Reduce Your Costs:

This program is designed to

reduce costs in areas like worker's compensation, health insurance, absenteeism, and disability claims.

Enhance Benefits:

This program allows you to offer a more attractive benefits package without additional expenses. This can improve employee satisfaction, loyalty, and overall well-being.

Win-Win Solution:

By implementing this program, you gain significant cost savings while offering your employees valuable benefits. It's a win-win for both your company and your workforce.

Benefits Of Vital110

A Continuous Care Monitoring and Management Program

That Provides A Tailored Healthcare Experience For You & Your Family!

MEC Benefits

Quest Labs

  1. $0 Copay

  2. Over 1,000 Lab Tests

  3. Easy to implement & Use

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Virtual Primary & Urgent Care

  1. $0 Copay

  2. Select &Keep a Doctor

  3. US BasedLicensed

  4. Physicians

  5. 24/7 Unlimited Use

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Advanced Care Management

  1. Advanced Digital Care Need

  2. Monitoring Advanced Digital Care Need

  3. Management Proactive Care Need

  4. Programs Clinically Valid Advice & Recommendations

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  1. $0 Copay

  2. 24/7/365 Counseling

  3. U.S. Based Masters Level Licensed Clinicians

  4. 24/7 Unlimited Use

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  1. 1,000+ Generic Drugs

  2. $0 Copay

  3. 68,000 Retail Pharmacies

  4. FREE Mail order

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In Person Urgent Care

  1. $0 Copay

  2. 6 Visits Annually

  3. 16,000 Locations Nationally

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Hospital Bill Erasure

  1. Hospital Bill Erasure

  2. Cost of Care Price

  3. Transparency Provider Care


  4. Unlimited Use

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Continuous Care Monitoring & Management Plan

  • Complement & enhance health related strategies already in place.

  • Manage and reduce the costs of future healthcare expenses.

  • Position benefits to attract and retain employees.

  • Fill coverage gaps and promote better health outcomes.

  • ALL without an increased expense to the employer or employee.

Our Plan absorbs the cost for

  • Preventive Care

  • Virtual Primary Care

  • TeleCounseling

  • Urgent Care

  • Labs

  • Care Navigation

  • Data Analytics

Concierge Care & Innovative Management

  • Employees download our app, complete their first clinical assessment and receive their personalized health score.

  • Through regular engagement in the app, employees receive concierge care through the Smart Device Vital Signs Technology.

  • Because your employee will be in a care management plan and engaged in the app, the plan pays a reimbursed claim directly to your employee.

Workplace Health Challenges

Cost to Employers

79% of organizations state that healthcare ranks #2 among overall expenses.

Rising Deductibles

47% of small & 25% of large employers ONLY OFFER high deductibles.

Out-of-Pocket Costs

70% of employers state that ANY increases over 4% go DIRECTLY to employees

Health Insurance

Using risk assessments, data analytics, and premium to remain profitable

The Result

Employers and employees face the complex dynamic of financing healthcare.

your solution to your benefits

We Work With

Businesses Of All Sizes!

"We enable businesses to offer invaluable benefits that have an immediate and long-lasting impact on the health and financial well-being of their employees and their families. Discover how taking action now can add immense value to your most crucial asset: your dedicated workforce."

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