Connecting little ones to life lessons through musical expression.

Brandy, the Confidence Creator, uses her passion, her own musical journey, her results focused leadership and tailored teaching approach to connect her students to opportunities for new confidence and relationships that support personal growth.

Personal Growth

Music is not just about notes and scales; it impacts our well-being.

I believe in using music to nurture personal growth, resilience, creativity, confidence, and joy in every moment.


Using a tailored teaching approach ensures each student feels valued and understood, which boosts their confidence.


Learning to play an instrument provides a powerful avenue for my students to authentically unleash their innate desire for self-expression through music.


“Brandy is a gifted music educator. My children are different types of learners, and I could see how Brandy can understand how to best reach each individual child. It is especially delightful to see how my younger child, who tends to get frustrated easily seems so at ease and relaxed when she works through difficult pieces with Brandy. My kids are always excited and eager to have their lessons; it’s such a joy to overhear how they engage with her. We are grateful to be connected with such a positive and supportive teacher.”


“4 months ago we decided to give Kosey the gift of music and start him on piano lessons. Having never played before, at 5 years old Kosey learned to read notes and play songs on the keyboard without my assistance. I honestly couldn’t be more happy with Brandy’s Piano Studio.”

-Hafeezah A.