We use the latest and most advanced available treatment options to not only minimize pain but more importantly to improve physical, mental and emotional function. From traditional acupuncture, therapeutic massage, active patient specific physical therapy, ergonomics, injury prevention, psychological screening, weight loss program to interventional pain management techniques to get to source of pain and advanced pain interventions such as spinal cord stimulator and neuromodulator program, kyphoplasty, percutaneous disc decompression techniques and others, we are dedicated to limit patient pain suffering and improve quality of life.
Combining active and targeted physical rehabilitation therapies with advanced pain management interventions is key for early recovery and favorable outcome. Inadequately treated pain can lead to the development of chronic pain syndromes with its debilitating multi-system & organ impairments.
At our clinic, therapists specialize in treating various muscle and bone issues, including back/neck pain, arthritis, sports injuries, balance difficulties, and recovery after surgery. Often, spine and muscle pain stems from small, repeated injuries. Research highlights that exercise and fitness are the most important elements for spine pain recovery.
Lumbar Procedures
Diagnostic Medial Branch
Epidural Steroid Injection
Facet Joint injections
Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy
Kyphoplasty (Balloon Vertebroplasty)
Lumbar Sympathetic Block
Nerve Root Blocks
Percutaneous Discectomy
RadioFrequency Neurotomy
Sacroiliac Joint Injection
Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection
Spinal Cord Stimulator Tests and Installations for Neck and Lower Back.
Implantation, Programming and Management.
A thorough understanding of the patient's history and a physical exam are essential for properly evaluating the patient and their pain. Knowing the patient is just as crucial as understanding their specific pain issue.
Laboratory tests and imaging services such as onsite X-ray, CT scan referrals, and MRI evaluations as required.
Electrodiagnostic Exams – Nerve Signal Tests (NCS) & Muscle Response Tests (EMG)
Office Based Procedures
Trigger Point Therapy.
Joint & Bursae Treatments.
Tendon Care.
Nerve Blocks & Therapeutic Injections.
Thoracic Procedures
Diagnostic Medial Branch.
Epidural Steroid Injection.
Lumbar Radiofrequency Neurotomy.
Intercostal Nerve Blocks
Abdominal & Pelvic Procedures
Celiac Plexus Block/Splanchnic Block.
Celiac Plexus Neurolysis.
Ganglion Impar Block.
Hypogastric Plexus Block.
Pudendal Nerve Block
Cervical Procedures
Cervical Facet Radiofrequency.
NeurotomyFacet/Medial Nerve Block.
Nerve Root Blocks.
Stellate Ganglion/Sympathetic Blocks.
Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection.
Nerve Conduction Study (NCS)
Explore More Procedures
Peripheral nerve blocks for pain relief: Including but not limited to nerves such as Suprascapular, Occipital, Ilio-inguinal, and more.
An epidural blood patch is a procedure for headaches due to spinal fluid leaks often post spinal tap or anesthesia. It involves taking blood from your arm and injecting it into your back's epidural space to clot and seal the leak. If you're experiencing symptoms or need more information, contact your healthcare provider.
Injections for all joints and bursae: Hip, Shoulder, Knee, and more.
Gasserian Ganglion Block: Quick, non-surgical relief for facial pain via an injection that interrupts nerve signals to the brain. Temporary but effective for multiple pain types, may require repeat sessions.
Occipital Nerve Blocks: Our treatment involves a simple procedure designed to provide relief for headache and migraine sufferers. It targets the nerves at the back of your head and is quick and minimally invasive.
Get swift relief from facial and jaw pain with a Trigeminal Nerve Block. Targeting key nerves, this minimally invasive method rapidly diminishes pain, enhancing your comfort safely.
About Anesthesia (Conscious Sedation).
Electromyography (EMG).
Hip, Leg and Knee Fluoroscopically- Guided Hip Injection
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