Board With Us!

Only quality alfalfa and orchard grass is fed here and is ordered and delivered fresh monthly. All boarded horses are required to eat from slow feed nets, which are provided and prepared by the owners daily. In the afternoon, a mix of flax, rice bran, and a vitamin mineral supplement is provided. All owners must clean their stalls daily and make sure their horse has water. All Star Training provides turn out and setting up of regular appointments with the equine dentist and farrier. The arena is sprinklered during the dry months every morning Monday through Friday and is disced regularly to provide safe footing. The stalls are 12 ' x 12 ' galvanized pipe panels with shelters and rubber matted floors. One bag of bedding is provided every Saturday for owners to put in their stall. All borders are given a space in a enclosed tack room with a cement floor that is kept clean and organized.

What We Offer


Open Arena

Arena Gate

Tack Room

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Contact | 209-456-3376