Uncategorized May 12, 2021
Last week we ended with what to do when fear starts to settle in. We discussed the things we say to ourselves, the adverse effects that can result from how we see ourselves, and how it translates to what we have to offer to others.
One of the best things I've done for my business is to create avatars. Avatars are just a representation of my ideal clients. I've given them a name and they're all based on real people with whom I've worked; people I know need exactly what I provide. One of our avatars is Introvert Irene.
Introvert Irene is a person with a phenomenal product or service, but she doesn't always believe in herself. When she should be loudly proclaiming who she is and what she does, she sometimes shrinks back and misses opportunities to share her brilliance with the world.
Some things that might be holding Introvert Irene back are thoughts like "I don't think I'm ready" or "What if I am not good enough?". Fear may be making her not want to get on stage, not want to hit record, not want to go live, not want to do... fill in the blank.
Personally, when I am dealing with similar issues I realize that if I don't get up and show up, powerfully, Introvert Irene may not get her problems solved. She might continue to struggle in her business because I haven't overcome the fear in mine. That alone helps me to push through my own fears.
There is a generational impact at play here. Zig Ziglar once said, “Timid salespeople have skinny kids.”. That means they are too timid to sell their product or service, which results in having a difficult time feeding their family. I take this a step further and say that "Timid salespeople have skinny kids,", and because of the example that they've observed their whole lives, they sometimes become timid adults causing the generational cycle to continue.
I do not just think about Introvert Irene and who she is right now. I think about her children and her children's children. I consider how the impact I make on her life right now might not only impact her today but, for generations to come. That impact could increase her confidence so that she is more secure in herself, which means she sells more and creates more opportunities in her business, thus creating a better life for her family.
I invite you to think about what may be hindering your progress. Instead of thinking about yourself, (your own fears and insecurities) TAKE YOURSELF OUT OF THE EQUATION and think about the people who need you the most. You might think it's a small impact that you're making but, it's much bigger than you probably will ever know.
Believe in yourself. Trust that you have something amazing to offer. Realize that people need you and people are looking for you right now. They may not be able to find you because you're sitting still in fear, being quiet, and hiding out.
I invite you to step up, be bold, speak fearlessly and believe that you are exactly who God says you are. I am saying this boldly, however, I am sending you so much love. **hugs** Let me know how I can help you. I'll see you next time.
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