If you’re thinking of getting porcelain veneers, you have likely come across lots of different misconceptions about the procedure and why you shouldn’t get them. One of the common misconceptions or worries of patients is that their porcelain veneers will fall off. While this is a possibility, it’s not too common. Learn why veneers might fall off and how to prevent it from happening.
When you get porcelain veneers, your dentist removes a thin layer of your enamel to make room for the veneers. Once your dentist removes the layer, they bond the veneers to your teeth. The bonding material is very strong and is expected to keep your veneers in place for the next ten years or so. There is a very minimal chance your veneers will fall off; however, certain actions can make it more likely to occur including the following.
If you suffer from bruxism, porcelain veneers likely aren’t the best cosmetic dentistry treatment for you unless you’re committed to wearing a nightguard every night. Otherwise, your clenching and grinding habit will damage your porcelain veneers or loosen them and potentially cause them to fall off.
If you fall or get hit hard enough in the face, it can not only knock your porcelain veneers off but potentially your tooth. It may also just damage your porcelain veneers enough to make them fall off. Any amount of damage that causes them to become loose is enough to make them fall off.
Tooth decay can cause the bonding material to weaken which can cause the veneers to become loose and fall off.
You should never chew ice, especially when you have porcelain veneers or any other type of cosmetic or restorative dentistry. Chewing on ice can damage your veneers and cause them to become loose or fall off.
Sticky foods like candy can stick to your veneers and become difficult to come off. When you try to pull off the sticky candy, it might pull on your veneer too which can loosen the bond on your tooth.
The best way to prevent your porcelain veneers from falling off is by seeing a highly qualified cosmetic dentist. If for any reason, your cosmetic dentist thinks your veneers might fall off or fail in the future, they won’t encourage you to go through with the procedure. If you have habits like clenching or grinding your teeth, they will provide you with a nightguard to protect your veneers from damage. Also, visiting your dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups can help your dentist fix your veneers if they become loose so they don’t fall off.
If you’re searching for a qualified cosmetic dentist and would like to get porcelain veneers at a discount price, find a lovebites dentist near you today!
This post was written by Dr. Shahin Safarian: DMD, MBA. Dr. Safarian is a dentist in San Diego, CA. He is the inventor of lovebites Smile.
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