Official County Alerts

Get emergency alerts, weather advisories, and important updates directly on your phone.

Sign up for Brantley County’s text notification service today to stay informed and safe. This service is reserved for emergency notifications only.

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Keep up-to-date with essential safety information.

Weather Updates

For reliable information on natural hazards and emergency preparedness, it's essential to consult authoritative sources.

Brantley County collaborates directly with the National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center to obtain the latest storm predictions and weather forecasts. For up-to-date and accurate information, we encourage you to follow the official pages of these organizations.

Follow us on Social Media for Non-Emergent Updates

© 2023 Brantley County

POWERED BY: Brantley County

33 Allen Road Nahunta, GA 31553

PHONE: 912.462.5256

© 2023 Brantley County

POWERED BY: Brantley County