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What are bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are an exact replica of the hormones that are naturally produced by the body. The difference between bioidentical hormones and synthetic hormones is that, although both are created in labs, synthetic hormones are not identical to the hormones naturally created in your body and bioidentical hormones match your body’s hormones molecule by molecule.

Depending on what your symptoms are and which hormone(s) your body needs, your Better LivingRx affiliated physician may choose to prescribe bioidentical hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid hormones, DHEA, melatonin or others as needed.

How do I know if my symptoms are related to a hormone imbalance?

Hormone imbalances may begin as tiny inconveniences that may not prompt seeking medical evaluation until the symptoms have impaired your quality of life and overall wellbeing. In addition hormone imbalance may be misdiagnosed as other conditions such as depression, anxiety, metabolic disorders, heart conditions, fatigue, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, amongst others. Determining if your symptoms are related to hormone imbalance begins with a simple lab test.

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What are the ingredients in bio-identical hormones?

The base cream includes: Purified Water, Plant (Kosher) Glycerin, Aloe vera leaf gel, caprylic triglyceride, stearic acid, olive oil, coconut oil, shea butte, sunflower, lecithin, stearyl alcohol, Isopropyl palmitate, allantoin, sodium bicarbonate, herbal active oil blend. Organic: Additionally,  based on need the creams will include: Bioidentical micronized DHEA (USP), Bioidentical micronized, Estradiol (USP) Bio-identical micronized Estriol (USP) Bio-identical micronized Progesterone (USP) Oil based sublingual formulas have only 3 ingredients – MCT oil, Vitamin E and the USP hormone.

Bio-identical Bi-est, Bio-identical Progesterone, Bio-identical DHEA, Vitamin D3 , K2, MSM, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Aloe Vera, and Lecithin. Our creams are optimized for maximum bioavailability. Made in the USA in a Kosher and FDA inspected facility. Contains NO harmful preservatives

What are the common conditions and risks associated with unbalanced hormones?

Unbalanced hormones can pose a threat to your health and if not corrected may lead to conditions such as Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Alzheimers, chronic pain, inflammation, osteoporosis and cancer.

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Who needs bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)?

The only way to know if you need bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is through specific laboratory testing. There are specific lab panels available to determine if your hormones are imbalanced.

Signs and symptoms of imbalance may include, but are not limited to fatigue, depression, hair loss, weight gain, muscle atrophy, low energy levels, insomnia, mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, and anxiety. In many cases, hormone imbalances can occur with expected changes in the lifespan, such as menopause and andropause.

Following lab testing, a trained physician will review your results to determine if BHRT is necessary for you. In some cases, BHRT may not be necessary; however lifestyle and environmental factors may change this need over time, so routine testing, along with a preventive health lifestyle is recommended to keep hormones balanced and maintain optimal health.

When should I consider bioidentical hormone therapy?

In general, your body’s natural hormones begin to decline after your mid-20s and hormone imbalance symptoms are frequently present by your mid-30s. Men and women often start replacing hormones between the age of 35 and 40. If you are experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance, it is best not to wait.

What is the difference between bioidentical and synthetic hormones?

The difference between bio-identical hormones and synthetic hormones is dual fold. Unlike bio-identical hormones, synthetic hormones may be patented by pharmaceutical companies; therefore dosage varies only by milligrams dictated by your doctor, while the molecular structure of the prescribed hormone is the same for every single person on that drug. Additionally, synthetic hormones are not created structurally the same as human endogenous hormones, which often leads uncomfortable side effects. While synthetic hormones can mimic the effects of endogenous hormones on certain biological pathways, they rarely offer the same effectiveness at a deeper, molecular level.

Bioidentical hormones mimic the affinity of human endogenous hormones; therefore they are effective on more biological pathways, at all levels. Because bioidentical hormones are an exact structural replica of endogenous hormones side effects are rarely observed, and in the event you do experience side effects, talk with your doctor – the dosage may simply need to be adjusted. The added benefit of bioidentical hormones is that each dose is tailored specifically for your needs, not simply what dose the pharmaceutical company offers (as is the case with synthetic hormones.)

What are the ingredients of bioidentical hormones?

Bio-identical hormones are hormones derived from plants, such as soy or wild yams, and are designed to be structurally identical to the hormones produced naturally inside the human body.

Why do women need hormones before, during and after menopause?

Hormones affect a multitude of pathways in the body. Women may experience fluctuations in their hormone levels throughout the lifespan. Imbalances can occur due lifestyle and environmental factors, as well as expected changes, such as pregnancy, perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause. Imbalances of hormones, including estrogen, progesterone and testosterone can lead to many uncomfortable experiences, like night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, depression and anxiety. The most common decline seen in menopausal and postmenopausal women is estrogen. When estrogen levels become unbalanced, women may experience symptoms such as low libido and bone loss. The bone loss that women experience due to declining estrogen levels can lead to osteoporosis and increase the likelihood of bone fractures. Adjustments to a woman's hormone levels through BHRT and lifestyle changes can reduce or eliminate these discomforts and improve overall health and well-being.

How long until I see results using bioidentical hormones?

Most patients begin feeling better within a few weeks of beginning the program, but some results may take a bit longer to achieve. You may begin to feel a difference within a matter of days, especially when it comes to sleep patterns and energy levels. Every patient has a different experience, but the end result is the same – a healthier, balanced life.

Changes like these take time to evolve. Remember, it took some time for you to lose balance of your hormones, so it will take your body some time to recover. Consistency and compliance every step of the way will improve your results. Most women see results in as little as two weeks, or less!

Are bioidentical hormones approved and regulated by the FDA?

Many people are under the misconception that bioidentical hormones are not FDA-approved. This is simply not the case. The hormones derived from plant sources, such as soy and yams, which are approved by the FDA, however the methods of delivery and custom doses are not. Bio-identical hormones may be delivered in the form of creams, patches, pills, gels, pellets or vaginal rings. Bio-identical hormones are designed in a lab and shipped to a compounding pharmacy where they are custom designed to fit the needs of each patient. Synthetic hormones are created in specific, patented doses and delivery methods (not customized), therefore regulation is possible.

Why don't traditional/commercial doctors prescribe bio-identical hormones?

Traditional doctors do not usually have the time or the resources to seek expertise in bioidentical hormones. Our experts undergo extensive training in bio-identical hormone therapy and have specialized knowledge of anti-aging medicine. Commercial doctors often don't know about or prioritize bio-identical hormones for several reasons, and it boils down to the structure of our healthcare system:

Pharmaceutical Influence: Medical training and continuing education are often driven by pharmaceutical companies, which focus on patented, synthetic hormones rather than natural, bio-identical options. Since bio-identical hormones can't be patented, there's less profit for big pharma, so they don’t promote them as heavily.

Medical Education: In traditional medical schools, hormone therapy is taught from a conventional perspective, focusing on synthetic hormones like Premarin or Provera. Bio-identical hormones are seen as "alternative," and doctors aren't typically exposed to them in their standard training

.Insurance-Driven Care: Many commercial doctors work in an insurance-based model where quick, protocol-driven treatments are the norm. Bio-identical hormone therapy (BHRT) often requires personalized care, functional testing, and time to get dosing right, which doesn't fit well into the insurance system's "quick fix" mentality.

Lack of Research in Mainstream Journals: While there is solid research supporting BHRT, it’s not as widely published in the mainstream medical journals that most doctors rely on. This creates a knowledge gap.Misconceptions: There’s a lingering misconception that all hormones, including bio-identical ones, are dangerous due to older studies on synthetic hormones. Commercial doctors may not be aware of the differences between synthetic and bio-identical hormones, leading to hesitation in using them.

That’s why it’s crucial to empower yourself with knowledge and seek out practitioners, like me, who understand the science behind bio-identical hormones and their benefits for overall wellness.

My sex drive is low. Could it be my hormones?

Yes, estrogen and testosterone work in a perfect balance to fuel your sex drive. Too much or too little of either these hormones can cause a decrease in sex drive or cause performance issues. In some cases, increased levels of cortisol, classically secreted due to chronic stress, can negatively impact the sex hormones and impair your libido.

Will my weight change from bio-identical hormone therapy?

Hormones are like stop-lights. When they are balanced the light is green and you will get the optimum results from your nutrition and fitness programs. When they are imbalanced the light is red making it, in many cases, difficult to lose and easy to gain weight.

Hormones are chemical messengers that cause the body to make changes affecting weight gain or weight loss. Changes in hormone levels are also dependent on the lifestyle we lead and can affect our mood, metabolism, and energy levels.

For example, when males become less active there is often a gradual decline in testosterone. This hormone is known to boost metabolism and has the benefit of helping lower fat levels. Thus, when testosterone is balanced a man’s ideal weight is easier to achieve.

What is a compounding pharmacy?

A compounding pharmacy is a specialized pharmacy that creates tailor-made bio-identical hormones prescriptions. The quality of the ingredients, the expertise of the pharmacist and the quality of customer service are all critical decisions when determining the best pharmacy. Poor quality prescriptions are not effective and may impact results; therefore the choice of pharmacy matters greatly. You may use a pharmacy of your choice, however our Better Living Rx affiliate pharmacy meets or exceeds all State requirements, have a specific expertise in bio-identical hormones, and can guarantee the best possible pricing for our program participants.

Will you prescribe me vitamins and supplements?

Yes, our line of privately formulated supplements are based on Dr. Tammy’s intimate knowledge of how vitamins and supplements best help the body to heal, metabolize, and regulate hormones. The best way to achieve the nutrients you need are through plant based nutraceuticals. Even if you ate from the Garden of Eden, 10-15 vegetables a day, it would be hard to get all the nutrients you need for optimal health. Our team will collaborate and recommend the best supplement regimen for you. Better Living Rx affiliates recommend only physician grade vitamins and supplements.

Will this treatment interfere with my currently prescribed medications?

Typically, the answer is no. The only time when medications will interfere with bio-identical hormones (and vice-versa) is when the medications you’re taking contain hormones, like birth control and certain acne medications. In many cases, certain medications are no longer needed, once hormone levels are restored to a healthy balance. This generally happens because balancing hormones improves your overall health. One of the most important examples of this is with diabetes. As your health improves your need for sugar lowering medications will drastically change. It’s important to talk with your doctor about what medications and supplements you’re currently taking to know for sure if the interaction will have any adverse effects.

Do I need to take these hormones forever?

The length of necessity of hormone therapy varies from person to person. Hormone levels are affected by genetics, lifestyle habits and environmental factors. Some patient may be able to wean themselves off of hormones with consistent dedication to their treatment plan, which includes not only hormone therapy, but nutrition and fitness recommendations as well.

Unfortunately, there is no one answer that will apply to all individuals. Treatment plans are specifically tailored to each individual and their needs.

What are the side effects associated with bio-identical hormones?

Bio-identical hormone therapy has a few potential side effects which are classically linked to dosage – as your hormone levels improve, your dosage may need to be changed. If you notice side effects, contact your physician.

Men and women have reported increased aggressiveness, acne or irritability during the initial phases of testosterone hormone therapy, but these issues are generally resolved as levels become balanced.

Some women have reported breast tenderness, spotting, cramping and bloating. These symptoms may be experienced initially with estrogen hormone treatment, but resolve as hormone levels become balanced.

Occasionally, hormone therapy patients will complain of itching or redness at the injection or insertion site, these symptoms diminish as the body adjusts to treatment.

It is always recommended that you communicate side effects to your physician to be promptly addressed.

My doctor has prescribed birth control pills for me, are they considered hormone therapy?

Yes, birth control pills are a type of hormone therapy but are different from bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Birth control pill hormones are synthetic. Synthetic hormones have differences in their chemical structure that are not a replica of the body’s natural hormones.

Do bioidentical hormones cause breast cancer?

No, imbalance of hormones are what cause cancer. Specifically too much of the wrong kind of estrogen (which is found in synthetic birth control pills and traditional HRT). This false impression began in 1991, when the very controversial Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) was halted due to increased incidence of chronic disease among subjects. This study used the synthetic hormone, Preemptor, and subjects of the study were an average age of 63 years. Meta-analyses following this study, including some as recent as November 2011, have shown that most of the subjects had pre-existing conditions that lead to the development of disease during the study and that hormones actually reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases in women.

In fact, more than 15 major medical organizations now endorse hormone therapy as a safe and effective treatment plan for many adverse health conditions.

What is the best age to consider bioidentical hormone therapy?

The optimal age for treatment varies per person. Some people may be affected at a younger age than others by adverse health conditions that may impact hormone balance. However, on average, men and women may begin to experience age-related hormone imbalances around the age of 40. Symptoms of andropause, premenopause and menopause, which classically occur around middle-age often prompt many individuals to seek treatment through hormone balance.

Many individuals may find it beneficial to have their hormones tested in their 20s or 30s to establish an optimal baseline. Once you have determined your baseline, you can take steps to ensure your hormones stay balanced and continue routine testing to monitor hormone levels. In the event of an imbalance at any point in your lifespan, your physician may refer to your baseline and develop a treatment plant to restore levels to that optimal baseline easily.

If I have a family history of cancer, should I avoid bio-identical hormones?

No. In fact, there is extensive research that shows that if started early, bio-identical hormones can actually prevent cancer. Our affiliated physicians can analyze and interpret your hormone levels to better determine cancer risk and strategically devise a plan to assist in disease prevention through bio-identical hormone therapy, nutrition and fitness.

Is estrogen therapy linked to increased risk of heart attack and breast cancer?

No, correct balanced estrogen therapy does not increase risk of disease, including heart attack and breast cancer. Having balanced hormones actually reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases in women and men.

Our Mission:

We're dedicated to making bio-identical hormone balance accessible, affordable, and safe, transforming women’s lives in the process. We empower women to understand the critical role of hormone balance in maintaining their vitality and achieving their best selves. Through convenient access to BHRT, comprehensive health programs, and doctor-formulated supplements and nutraceuticals, we’re here to support your journey.

Why It Matters:

Women deserve better. We’ve been undervalued, dismissed, and gaslighted by a healthcare system that relies on outdated clinical practices. It’s time to take control of our health with accurate, modern solutions.

Our Vision:

We envision a world where women are fully informed about their health and hormone therapy options. We’re on a mission to revolutionize women’s healthcare by providing accurate information and ensuring true informed consent for all hormone management choices. Hormone balance isn’t just about treating symptoms; it’s about reclaiming your bliss and addressing the root cause from the start.

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