

3529 Lanawood Dr, Nashville, TN 37217


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Working Hours

Mon-Sat: 6am - 4pm

About Us

Our Family

James Jones started in the construction industry as a young man looking to supplement his income as a manager of the janitorial department at a metro public school in Tennessee.

What started as a true side hustle quickly evolved into a full-time passion as James worked on one project after another for a local property management company. That wasn’t a surprise, though. After all, James had construction in his blood. His father had run a contracting business for many years, and James could often be found working job sites with his old man in the heat of the summer and during breaks from school.

What fueled James's passion for construction was the transformation. The before and after of a job well done and that passion gave James the energy to work two full-time jobs for over twenty years.

Over the years, his focus on the multifamily sector continued to grow until, one day, James decided it was time to go all in. He left his government job to take on an expanded role as a Service Area Manager at the same property management firm he had started with all those years ago.

After another decade with the firm, James just wasn’t feeling challenged anymore. Now, in the third quarter of his working career, James knew he wasn’t ready to take his foot off of the accelerator. So, in 2019, James and his family made the leap. He founded 24 Karat Services, a residential maintenance and renovation firm with a focus on single and multifamily homes and a unique specialization in eight-hour bathroom renovations.

Partnering with his son Corin, James formed a five-person team of highly skilled construction professionals and took the Nashville market by storm. Now in his 35th year in construction, James hasn’t slowed a bit. He’ll still be the first person on-site and the last to leave, making sure you and your residents are completely satisfied with the gold standard work 24 Karat provides.

Our Team Mentality

Outside of construction, James had held a decades-long passion for coaching Pop Warner football. James brought much of that coaching experience and mentality with him as he started 24K.

Our Team Rules

We Don’t Hire Employees. We Seek Teammates.

When it comes to construction, the safety and success of a project is in the hands of every member of the crew. This is why it is so important that we hire team players and not just clock punchers.

There’s no such thing as “not my job.”

We are only as strong as our weakest link. When a team member needs an extra hand, or there’s a problem that needs to be solved, everyone pitches in to overcome the challenge and make sure the work is done.

No one leaves until the job is done right.

Loyalty to our clients and their projects come first. If it needs to be done today, we’ll put in the extra time to make sure it’s done today.

Everyone totes their own water.

While we are all here to support each other, it's critical that each member of our team pulls their own weight on the job site to make sure projects are completed as efficiently as possible and done right the first time.

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Contact Info


3529 Lanawood Dr, Nashville, TN 37217

Working Hours

Mon-Sat: 6am - 4pm

© 2023 24K. All Rights Reserved.