Welcome to



The Premier Mastermind Experience for Top-Performing
Brokerage Owners

As an elite property professional, you've built an empire. Your dedication, strategic mindset, and relentless drive for success have led you to become one of the top performers in your market. However, such achievements often come with an unspoken truth – it can be lonely at the top. Your friends are your competitors, and your peers often see you as a well of knowledge to tap into rather than an equal.

At Broker Clique, we understand your situation. That's why we've created an exclusive platform for high-performing real estate broker owners just like you. Our community is purposefully limited, allowing only one member per market. This exclusivity not only ensures your strategies stay within the walls of Broker Clique, but it also creates an environment of open conversation, innovative strategy sharing, and mutual growth with no risk of your unique approach falling into a competitor's hands.

Our carefully curated mastermind group will provide you with an unfiltered opportunity to share, learn, and collaborate with peers who understand the challenges and rewards of being at the top. These are the industry pioneers who share your ambition, your drive, and your relentless pursuit of excellence.

Broker Clique isn't just about conversations and discussions; we're about action. With four live events each year – the first in Nashville in February – you'll have the chance to connect with your peers in an environment that's built for success. On top of this, you'll have access to weekly Zoom calls and private online groups, designed to keep you connected, engaged, and always at the cutting edge of industry trends.

Our stringent vetting process guarantees that every member of Broker Clique ranks within the top in their respective markets. This is more than a network - it's a collective of the industry's brightest minds committed to helping each other reach that coveted number one spot.

At Broker Clique, you're not just joining another mastermind group. You're becoming part of an exclusive, high-performing community dedicated to collective success. Your journey to the top no longer needs to be a lonely one. Join us, and redefine what it means to be a leader in the real estate brokerage world. Broker Clique - exclusive, empowering, and exceptionally elite.

Who Can Join:

  • 01
    You must be the Owner, Broker / Operator or a C level executive in your brokerage.
  • 02
    Your Brokerage must be verifiable ranked as one of the top brokerages in your market
  • 03
    There may not be another current member from your market. This exclusivity is a cornerstone of Broker Clique.
  • 04
    You have a NEED to excel
  • 05
    You have a WANT to be part of something bigger

where success thrives, and competition is left behind. Your throne
at the top needn't be a solitary one. Secure your spot today. You've
earned it.

Why Join
Broker Clique?


We value exclusivity –we want a seat at the table to mean something. You must be near the top of your market in production to be considered. You don't have to be number one, but you should desire getting there. That's what this group is for!

Accelerated Learning

Leveraging the collective knowledge of our members, you'll be able to shorten your learning curve and implement innovative business methods swiftly and effectively. Save precious time by learning from the experiences of top-performing broker owners.

Shared Understanding

Forge meaningful friendships with peers who truly understand your journey, because they're on the same path. Our members are more than just fellow professionals - they are comrades navigating the same challenges and triumphs in the real estate brokerage business.

Stay Ahead of Trends

Be constantly in the loop of emerging trends in the real estate brokerage industry. Our members are often the pioneers of these trends, meaning you'll always be at the forefront of innovation, prepared for what's coming next.

Agent Clique

At one event per year, our members will have the opportunity to bring their top agents with them. Their agents will participate in the same experience with other top performing agents across the country. This benefit will supercharge their sales while creating an amazing recruiting and retention tool.

In essence, Broker Clique is more than just a mastermind group. It's a network of exclusivity, a catalyst for accelerated learning, a breeding ground for innovation, and a community that understands the unique challenges of being at the top. Become a member today and experience the power of collective success.



Meet Our Founder –
John Gafford

At the helm of Broker Clique is our Founder, John Gafford, a luminary in the real estate brokerage space. John's portfolio is led by his role as the broker owner of Simply Vegas Real Estate, the largest independent brokerage by volume in Las Vegas. With 580 agents, over 4,500 transactions a year, and annual $2 billion in sales, Simply Vegas stands as a testament to John's vision, strategy, and commitment to excellence.

Simply Vegas is a fully vertically integrated firm, boasting ownership of Clear Title Company , Streamline Home Loans , as well as an array of other auxiliary businesses.

Throughout his journey, John has been part of various high-level mastermind groups, with the majority focused on real estate investing. However, in these settings, John often found himself as the lone representative from the large brokerage space.

John has experienced firsthand the isolation that comes with being a top performer in this field. Where most of his acquaintances in the industry are competitors.

John's own journey as an owner with a major franchise was no different. At national events, he found himself surrounded by franchisees who, in many ways, reflected the 80/20 rule prevalent among salespeople.

John Gafford's experience and vision form the backbone of Broker Clique. Here, we're not just another mastermind group. We're a brotherhood and sisterhood of high-achieving broker owners who understand the unique journey at the top – because our founder has lived it.


Is this all about business?

At Broker Clique, our bond extends beyond business. Yes, we're industry leaders who are determined to dominate our markets, but we're also individuals who value the deep, meaningful connections that are formed when extraordinary minds come together. This is about doing life together, about forming bonds that transcend the confines of boardrooms and contracts.

Our events aren't just business meetings – they're immersive experiences at some of the most lavish resorts in the most vibrant cities across the country. They're opportunities to unwind, connect, and create lifelong memories while also fueling your entrepreneurial spirit. We're creating an environment where you can grow not only your business, but also friendships that last a lifetime.

When you join Broker Clique, you're not just joining a mastermind group; you're joining a brotherhood and sisterhood of high-achievers. You're stepping into a world where business acumen and personal connection go hand-in-hand. This is about collective growth, shared success, and relationships that make the journey to the top that much more enriching. Welcome to Broker Clique, where we do life together at the top.

Where are the events?

Our Broker Clique events are thoughtfully planned and executed in various upscale resorts spread across the length and breadth of the United States. From the majestic mountains of Colorado to the sun-kissed beaches of California, from the bustling streets of New York City to the vibrant heart of Las Vegas, our venues are selected with an eye for luxury, relaxation, and inspiration.

But these events aren't just about lavish accommodations or breathtaking landscapes. They provide an exceptional setting to unwind, disconnect from your daily grind, and connect with like-minded peers. Imagine sharing innovative ideas over a gourmet dinner, brainstorming strategies while strolling along a pristine beach, or exploring the latest industry trends in a relaxed poolside chat. That's the kind of experience we strive to offer at each Broker Clique event.

In addition, these events also offer a unique opportunity to explore some of the most remarkable cities and brokerages across the nation. Not only will you get to experience the local culture and attractions, but you'll also get a chance to gain a first-hand understanding of different markets and successful brokerage operations, further enriching your industry knowledge and business strategies.

At Broker Clique, we believe that the environment plays a crucial role in fostering creativity and camaraderie, and we make sure our events reflect that belief. So, come join us, unwind in some of the country's most luxurious resorts, forge meaningful relationships, and experience a truly unique mastermind journey. (See our upcoming events below)

Who are the members?

The members of Broker Clique are the crème de la crème of the real estate brokerage industry in the United States. These are the top broker owners whose firms are producing the highest volume of transactions and generating the most significant revenues in their respective markets.

This is not a random collection of successful individuals. Instead, it's a meticulously curated group, with each member personally selected and invited based on their track record and the quality of their work. We've scrutinized their production metrics, carefully evaluated their business models, and assessed their potential for even greater success.

To maintain the exclusivity and high caliber of our group, we set a stringent criterion for membership - your brokerage must rank in the upper echelon in terms of production in your individual market. This high standard ensures that you are sharing the room with peers who understand the complexities of operating at such a high level, and can genuinely contribute to the rich pool of knowledge, experience, and strategies that defines Broker Clique.

In Broker Clique, you won't find yourself in a sea of unfamiliar faces. Instead, you'll be in a room filled with like-minded achievers who've been personally vetted and invited for their outstanding contributions to the real estate industry. This is a group where mutual respect, collaboration, and shared ambition drive us forward. This is Broker Clique.

Is this just another seminar?

Absolutely not! Broker Clique's events go beyond the typical structure of seminars where you passively absorb information from a series of speakers. Instead, we've designed our events as active, engaging mastermind sessions.

Here's how it works: You will be grouped into smaller, intimate teams and given the opportunity to present your business over a 30-minute slot. This is your chance to delve into your key performance indicators (KPIs), discuss the strategies that are propelling your success, and, more crucially, open up about the challenges you're facing and the areas where you're seeking improvement or solutions.

Once your presentation concludes, your group – a set of top-performing peers who understand your challenges – will then engage in an insightful discussion, providing feedback and working with you to formulate a robust plan to tackle your issues.

The true power of our mastermind lies in this collective thought process, the pooling of insights, experiences, and expertise from a group of your equals in the industry. The goal isn't merely to listen and learn, but to actively engage, strategize, and support one another. Broker Clique mastermind sessions are all about collaborative problem-solving and mutual growth, making them far more than just another seminar.

Will there be any recruiting or attempts to convince you to rebrand?

Absolutely not. One of the fundamental pillars upon which Broker Clique is built is the profound respect we hold for each member's unique company and brand. We are an organization that values the diversity, individuality, and independent success of each member. As such, there will be no attempts to recruit you or pitch sales ideas that encourage you to rebrand.

Our primary objective is to provide an environment that fosters the free exchange of ideas, encourages mutual growth, and creates an unparalleled platform for collaboration among top performers in the real estate brokerage industry. We believe in respecting the identity and autonomy of each member's business, allowing the focus to remain solely on how we can learn from each other and propel our collective success.

How do I apply?

Applying for membership to Broker Clique is a straightforward process. Simply fill out the form provided on this page, ensuring to provide comprehensive information about your company, your role, and your accomplishments. Don't leave any fields blank; the more information we have about you and your business, the better we can assess your eligibility.

Once your application has been received, a member of our team will reach out to you directly. This will be a quick, yet informative conversation where we'll delve into your business accomplishments and understand your aspirations better. This is also your chance to ask any questions you may have about Broker Clique.

Our primary aim is to ensure that Broker Clique is a great fit for you and vice versa. This conversation is an essential step in building a mutually beneficial relationship where you can gain the most value from our exclusive mastermind group.

So, if you're ready to elevate your success, foster unique relationships, and enjoy the benefits of a truly exclusive group of top-performing broker owners, fill out the form and start your application process today. We're looking forward to discussing how Broker Clique can propel your journey to the top.

Our Upcoming

February 2024

Nashville our Inaugural Event!

Join us for our Nashville event and immerse yourself in a captivating mix of rich business insights and the city's legendary rhythm. Known as 'Music City', Nashville is a vibrant metropolis steeply entrenched in the melodies of country music and the warmth of Southern hospitality. As you participate in our mastermind sessions, the pulsating heartbeat of this city – from its historic country music venues to its dynamic cultural life – will serve as your inspiring backdrop. Imagine discussing breakthrough strategies while basking in the echoes of world-renowned music legends, or creating lifelong connections over the city's famous hot chicken. Nashville’s magnetic charm extends beyond its music scene, with a flourishing culinary landscape, stunning architecture, and lush parks to explore. Our Nashville event promises to be an unforgettable experience, coupling intellectual growth with the infectious spirit of one of America's most melodious cities.

May 2024

Tampa, FL

Our event in Tampa, Florida promises an experience that perfectly blends business acumen with leisure in the Sunshine State's welcoming embrace. Tampa, a bustling city renowned for its picturesque waterfront, stunning architecture, and rich cultural history, provides an inspiring backdrop for our gathering. As you engage in insightful discussions and collaborative sessions, you'll have the opportunity to soak in the scenic beauty of Tampa Bay, enjoy its famous beaches, or unwind in its lush parks. After the day's events, delight in the city's diverse culinary scene or explore its dynamic arts and entertainment offerings. Tampa's unique mix of laid-back beach-town vibe and vibrant city energy creates an ideal setting for stimulating thought and fostering deep connections. With its sunny climate, friendly locals, and plethora of attractions, attending our event in Tampa is as much a rewarding professional endeavor as it is a chance to experience one of Florida's most dynamic cities.