Google Adverting

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Stop Wasting Your Money

Invest in the most


online marketing platform

only Google can provide

  • RELEVANT ads

  • Delivered near instantly

  • To customers who are actively looking to purchase your service

  • The chances of people who see your ad engaging and becoming your customer become much higher

Okay Real Talk Time

Why do I hear ads for Home Instead care at the car dealership? When have you ever been in a point in your life when you have both the luxury of getting a new car and the despair and difficulties of deciding how to care for your aging parents? These ads are not relevant. Sure I Guess there's a small chance you may catch someone in for service who has a lot on their mind and isn't listening to something on ear buds plugged into their iPhone who may need your product, but that's just a possibility.

Google Ads are different because your potential customers are looking for your service in that moment. They are asking Google to help them, because they know Google is only going to show them ads that are relevant to their situation. Facebook can't do this. Instagram can't do this. Television Can't do this. Radio can't do this.

Just stop wasting your money on radio ads. Please. I'm serious.

Okay real talk is over.

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