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If you've made it this far, I want to take a moment to tell you a bit about who we are at Nanny and Poppy's

This is a Mom and Pop operation, however, we are not the Nanny and Poppy from the name.

We started this business because of them.

My name is Amanda, I am the managing member of Nanny and Poppy's, and I was raised by my grandparents. I love them with all of my heart.

They met each other when they were only teenagers and they married soon after Nanny turned 18. They've been married now for 60 years, and in all that time, have never even spent one night apart from one another. Nanny however, has been quite sick for a long time. When she was in her 40s, she was diagnosed with MS. She was stricken blind and unable to work. My grandfather had since dedicated his life to caring for her. They moved away to a quiet town and settled into retirement. After more time, Nanny's condition worsened, and she can no longer hear or remember things. Amongst other medical complications, she requires around the clock care. My mother and sister now dedicate there time, along side my grandfather, into keeping her comfortable and happy- at home.

A decision that saved her life from the pandemic.

My family has sacrificed so much to keep both my Nanny and Poppy safe, healthy, and happy.

My husband and I created this agency in their honor, to help other families have this option for themselves. I am no nurse or medical professional. All I am is a business woman. And what I can do to help others is to help you and your business grow

We will only work with reputable clinics that share a passion for helping people

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