How to Build Your Own Lead

Generation System (and Stop Relying

on Zillow)

OCTOBER 7, 2021

The components of an effective lead generation system and why building your own is the best method to deliver results.

Do you rely on mass providers like Zillow and Redfin to provide you leads to follow up on and help you grow your luxury real estate business? Are you wondering if these are the best sources of leads or if there are more effective methods out there?

The most successful real estate agents know that expecting high-quality leads from systems that can be tapped by any other agent in the industry is not feasible. In addition to being ineffective, sites like Zillow now have agents working directly for them, making it a conflict of interest in many agents’ minds to pay them money for leads.

Here’s why you need to stop relying on sites like Zillow for leads and how to build a lead generation system that works.

Why Lead Generation Systems are Important for Real Estate Agents

In a perfect world, you would get all the business you needed through networking and referrals. However, your competition is also out there asking for business through these channels, so you need to take your search for new clients to the next level to grow your business.

An effective lead generation system helps you target your ideal client based on where they live, their interests, their income, and a number of other details that can help you market to them. Generating leads in this manner helps increase your organic clients and helps spread the word about your business.

The components of an effective lead

generation system and why building

your own is the best method to deliver results.

The Importance of Your Website as a Realtor

Do you rely on mass providers like Zillow and Redfin to provide you leads to follow up

on and help you grow your luxury real estate business? Are you wondering if these are

the best sources of leads or if there are more effective methods out there?

The most successful real estate agents know that expecting high-quality leads from

systems that can be tapped by any other agent in the industry is not feasible. In

addition to being ineffective, sites like Zillow now have agents working directly

for them, making it a conflict of interest in many agents’ minds to pay them money

for leads.

Here’s why you need to stop relying on sites like Zillow for leads and how to build a

lead generation system that works.

Why Lead Generation Systems are Important for Real Estate Agents

In a perfect world, you would get all the business you needed through networking

and referrals. However, your competition is also out there asking for business

through these channels, so you need to take your search for new clients to the

next level to grow your business.

An effective lead generation system helps you target your ideal client based on

where they live, their interests, their income, and a number of other details that

can help you market to them. Generating leads in this manner helps increase

your organic clients and helps spread the word about your business.

Why Mass Lead Gen Services Are Not the Best Option

While you may get some leads through mass lead generation sites like Zillow and Redfin, it’s likely these leads will not be of the highest quality. This is because the system is not tailored to your unique business. Instead, the leads are mass produced and given to you based mostly on geographic location instead of connecting you with buyers and sellers who are your ideal clients and who will appreciate your individualized way of doing business.

In addition to providing mediocre leads, large lead gen systems are not owned by you. This means you have no control over how they are run, cannot change strategies if they aren’t working well for you, and are not involved in any of the decisions concerning how your leads are generated. In most cases, you will be wasting your money when you put it toward these mass lead generating sites.

The Wrong Messaging

Build and Market to Your Database

As a realtor, your database is your best friend. This is your list of past, current, and prospective clients as well as referral sources who can help grow your business. A basic rule of thumb is that an effective database consists of around 1000 names and contact information. Once you’ve built a solid database, you can market to your contacts through regular email newsletters, texts, or personal invitations to events or open houses. The marketing you do to your database should follow the same guidelines as your social media marketing: keep content informational and helpful rather than salesy. This keeps your contacts engaged with your brand and ensures they will continue to pay attention to what you have to say even when they are not actively looking to buy or sell real estate.

Harness the Power of Social Proof

The theory of social proof states that people are likely to conform and copy the actions of those in their peer group or those they view as experts or who are trustworthy. When it comes to real estate marketing, you can take advantage of social proof by featuring testimonials on your site and social media, soliciting online reviews from those you’ve done business with, and by establishing yourself as an authority on the local real estate market with helpful, informative content. When you harness the power of social proof, you essentially have others selling for you and no longer have to hustle or chase leads.

The Right Messaging

Why Mass Lead Gen Services Are Not the Best Option

While you may get some leads through mass lead generation sites like

Zillow and Redfin, it’s likely these leads will not be of the highest quality.

This is because the system is not tailored to your unique business. Instead,

the leads are mass produced and given to you based mostly on geographic

location instead of connecting you with buyers and sellers who are your

ideal clients and who will appreciate your individualized way of doing


In addition to providing mediocre leads, large lead gen systems are not

owned by you. This means you have no control over how they are run,

cannot change strategies if they aren’t working well for you, and are not

involved in any of the decisions concerning how your leads are generated.

In most cases, you will be wasting your money when you put it toward

these mass lead generating sites.

Now that you understand that talking yourself and your accomplishments up on your site is the wrong messaging, let’s take a look at the content that works. Here are some tips on creating messaging that resonates with your target audience:

Content that is helpful. What are the issues your ideal client is dealing with? Are they attempting to buy and sell homes at the same time and need assistance with financing a down payment? Are they struggling to find a home they are interested in due to low inventory? Are they trying to decide if they should relocate or buy a second home now that they are empty-nesters? Identify the pain points in your target market, then address those points through blog posts that you then share on social media and in newsletters that go out to your database.

Content that establishes you as an expert. Those looking for help buying or selling property want to work with the best. To show that you are an expert in your local community and industry, develop content that revolves around neighborhood events, local real estate news, and other industry issues.

Content from experts and past clients. When you use the power of social proof to develop your website content, you let others do the selling for you. Social proof is the phenomenon where others copy the actions of people they see as peers or as trusted individuals. If they see your past clients talking about your high level of customer service in a video testimonial or read reviews from experts in the industry who have worked with you, they will be more likely to choose you as their realtor.

Content that stays ahead of the game. Your ideal client wants to know what’s going on in the industry as soon as possible. They also don’t want to read the same old content on your site that they’ve read on all your competitors’ sites. To address these needs, stay on the cutting edge of the industry and share information your visitors can’t get anywhere else.

Components of an Effective Lead

Generation System

Components of an Effective Lead

Generation System

How the Right Messaging Increases Conversions

Now that you understand why mass lead generation sites don’t provide the most bang for your buck, you need to learn more about what makes a lead gen system effective. Luxury Presence’s system has evolved over the years based on the needs of our real estate agent clients. It involves:

A dedicated success team.

Instead of paying money to a large, faceless corporation like Zillow, your marketing dollars get you a team of marketing professionals who are dedicated to your success. If you have questions about the system or want to change how something is done, you can tap one of our knowledgeable team members for assistance.

Facebook and Instagram ads.

Most prospective home-buyers first find houses they are interested in online. By targeting them with Facebook and Instagram ads, our system lets you reach your ideal clients where they are and provides compelling reasons for them to view the properties you represent or contact you when they are ready to sell their homes.

Monthly reports.

A key component of any good lead generation system is tracking. Our monthly reports show you how your campaign is doing and allows our team to tweak and repeat the most successful ads.

Landing pages.

Landing pages are mini websites that are dedicated to a single purpose, such as promoting a listing. We create pages that are easy to navigate and provide a strong call to action so you capture leads and are able to continue marketing to them.

Lead capture forms.

You can’t market to prospects unless you have their contact information. We create lead capture forms on your website to help you build a database of prospects that you can then reach through email newsletters, individual contact emails, text messages, or by phone.


Once a prospective client visits your landing page, your ad will follow them to other sites, reminding them about the house they looked at or prompting them to call you when they’re ready to sell.

Geo-targeting ads.

These ads use location data to reach your ideal clients and provide them with content relevant to where they live and their perceived behaviors. They are highly effective in prompting prospects to take the next step in the buying or selling process.

Google Adwords.

When your ideal client searches for a home or for a real estate agent in Google, our system ensures your name will come up as one of the top search results.

Lead nurture funnels.

Our system helps you develop and reinforce relationships with your ideal client during every stage of the sales funnel, from initial contact to completion of the transaction and beyond.

With a system like we offer at Luxury Presence, you are in control of your leads. You can test new messaging, control the cost of the lead, and make changes whenever necessary to increase the number and quality of leads that are delivered to you. Our system has been proven to produce high-quality leads who fit your ideal demographic instead of just giving you the names and contact information of those who may be interested in buying or selling real estate.

Are you ready to grow your real estate business with a high-quality lead generation system? Reach out to the experts at Luxury Presence so we can talk with you about how creating your own lead generation system is the perfect way to beat your competition and take your business to the next level.

Now that you understand why mass lead generation sites don’t provide the

most bang for your buck, you need to learn more about what makes a

lead gen system effective. Luxury Presence’s system has evolved over the

years based on the needs of our real estate agent clients. It involves:

A dedicated success team.

Instead of paying money to a large, faceless corporation like Zillow, your

marketing dollars get you a team of marketing professionals who are

dedicated to your success. If you have questions about the system or

want to change how something is done, you can tap one of our

knowledgeable team members for assistance.

Facebook and Instagram ads.

Most prospective home-buyers first find houses they are interested in

online. By targeting them with Facebook and Instagram ads, our system

lets you reach your ideal clients where they are and provides compelling

reasons for them to view the properties you represent or contact you

when they are ready to sell their homes.

Monthly reports.

A key component of any good lead generation system is tracking. Our

monthly reports show you how your campaign is doing and allows our

team to tweak and repeat the most successful ads.

Landing pages.

Landing pages are mini websites that are dedicated to a single purpose,

such as promoting a listing. We create pages that are easy to navigate

and provide a strong call to action so you capture leads and are able to

continue marketing to them.

Lead capture forms.

You can’t market to prospects unless you have their contact information.

We create lead capture forms on your website to help you build a database

of prospects that you can then reach through email newsletters, individual

contact emails, text messages, or by phone.


Once a prospective client visits your landing page, your ad will follow them

to other sites, reminding them about the house they looked at or prompting

them to call you when they’re ready to sell.

Geo-targeting ads.

These ads use location data to reach your ideal clients and provide them

with content relevant to where they live and their perceived behaviors.

They are highly effective in prompting prospects to take the next step in

the buying or selling process.

Google Adwords.

When your ideal client searches for a home or for a real estate agent in

Google, our system ensures your name will come up as one of the top

search results.

Lead nurture funnels.

Our system helps you develop and reinforce relationships with your ideal

client during every stage of the sales funnel, from initial contact to

completion of the transaction and beyond.

With a system like we offer at Luxury Presence, you are in control of your

leads. You can test new messaging, control the cost of the lead, and make

changes whenever necessary to increase the number and quality of leads

that are delivered to you. Our system has been proven to produce high-

quality leads who fit your ideal demographic instead of just giving you

the names and contact information of those who may be interested in

buying or selling real estate.

Are you ready to grow your real estate business with a high-quality lead

generation system? Reach out to the experts at Luxury Presence so we

can talk with you about how creating your own lead generation system

is the perfect way to beat your competition and take your business to

the next level.


Learn the latest marketing and tech trends from our

marketing gurus and contributing industry experts.

NOVEMBER 30, 2021


NOVEMBER 16, 2021



NOVEMBER 11, 2021


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