How to Pick the Best Domain Name

for your Website

SEPTEMBER 28, 2021

Your real estate brand is essential. Choosing the right domain name will serve to enhance it in an increasingly digital world.

You build your real estate business on name recognition and branding. Your name and the experience and expertise that support it are critical factors in expanding your reach and growing your luxury real estate business.

Nowhere is your branding more critical than the domain name used for your website. Effectively, it’s the key that unlocks your digital storefront. And the more dynamic and effective the domain, the faster current and potential clients will find you, your listings, and your services online.

Below we cover a few basics on why the right domain name matters and how to choose yours.

What is a domain name?

For many reading this, this may prove a bit elementary, akin to internet 101. As you set out to select the best domain for your business, several of the following distinctions will prove critical in ensuring you choose the right one.

In its simplest terms, the domain name is the name of a website. Examples of a domain name include:




The domain is not the website itself, but the name you provide someone to locate the website online.

Another term you’ll often hear used interchangeably with the domain name is URL. Short for Universal Resource Locator, the URL is the full address for a website. While it includes the domain name, it contains additional elements to help users navigate to a specific page within a website.

Examples of a URL include:



As we mentioned, the terms domain and URL are used interchangeably, and it’s not hard to see why.

Ultimately, the domain makes it easier to identify and search a website. A URL will direct you to specific pages within the website, including the main page. As we said, elementary, but it’ll be an important distinction later on.

With that quick refresher out of the way, let’s explore seven points to consider in picking the best domain name for your website.

Your real estate brand is essential.

Choosing the right domain name will serve

to enhance it in an increasingly digital


Database Marketing Strategies

The Importance of Your Website as a Realtor

You build your real estate business on name recognition and branding. Your name

and the experience and expertise that support it are critical factors in expanding your

reach and growing your luxury real estate business.

Nowhere is your branding more critical than the domain name used for your website.

Effectively, it’s the key that unlocks your digital storefront. And the more dynamic and

effective the domain, the faster current and potential clients will find you, your listings,

and your services online.

Below we cover a few basics on why the right domain name matters and how to choose yours.

What is a domain name?

For many reading this, this may prove a bit elementary, akin to internet 101. As you set out

to select the best domain for your business, several of the following distinctions will

prove critical in ensuring you choose the right one.

In its simplest terms, the domain name is the name of a website. Examples of a domain

name include:




The domain is not the website itself, but the name you provide someone to locate the

website online.

Another term you’ll often hear used interchangeably with the domain name is URL.

Short for Universal Resource Locator, the URL is the full address for a website.

While it includes the domain name, it contains additional elements to help users

navigate to a specific page within a website.

Examples of a URL include:




As we mentioned, the terms domain and URL are used interchangeably, and it’s not

hard to see why.

Ultimately, the domain makes it easier to identify and search a website. A URL will direct

you to specific pages within the website, including the main page. As we said, elementary,

but it’ll be an important distinction later on.

With that quick refresher out of the way, let’s explore seven points to consider in

picking the best domain name for your website.

More than a name

You might be thinking, why not just use my name and be done with it?

In most cases, that will prove the best, most direct path to establishing your online presence. However, as wonderful and unique as your name may be, it’s not always the most advantageous way to distinguish you or your real estate business online. In some circumstances, the name as a domain may not even be available.

That said, if your name is available, you should purchase it. If you don’t end up using it initially, it’s good to have it exclusively available to you should the time come to employ it.

If you want to use your name for your real estate brand but find it unavailable, consider pairing it with your primary territory or services. For example:




What are some reasons why your name might not work as the domain for your real estate business?

Foremost, millions of websites use an individual’s proper name for the domain – including an array of agent and broker sites. Unless your real estate business is built solely around your name as the brand and it’s easily recognizable throughout your territory, a more unique and memorable identifier is a better option.

Also, take into account if your name – or your business name for that matter – is difficult to spell or unusually tough to pronounce. While our names are unique to us, consider if it will hinder the ability of potential clients to search for and find you online.

The Wrong Messaging

Build and Market to Your Database

As a realtor, your database is your best friend. This is your list of past, current, and prospective clients as well as referral sources who can help grow your business. A basic rule of thumb is that an effective database consists of around 1000 names and contact information. Once you’ve built a solid database, you can market to your contacts through regular email newsletters, texts, or personal invitations to events or open houses. The marketing you do to your database should follow the same guidelines as your social media marketing: keep content informational and helpful rather than salesy. This keeps your contacts engaged with your brand and ensures they will continue to pay attention to what you have to say even when they are not actively looking to buy or sell real estate.

Harness the Power of Social Proof

The theory of social proof states that people are likely to conform and copy the actions of those in their peer group or those they view as experts or who are trustworthy. When it comes to real estate marketing, you can take advantage of social proof by featuring testimonials on your site and social media, soliciting online reviews from those you’ve done business with, and by establishing yourself as an authority on the local real estate market with helpful, informative content. When you harness the power of social proof, you essentially have others selling for you and no longer have to hustle or chase leads.

Database Marketing Strategies

The Right Messaging

More than a name

You might be thinking, why not just use my name and be done with it?

In most cases, that will prove the best, most direct path to establishing your

online presence. However, as wonderful and unique as your name may be, it’s

not always the most advantageous way to distinguish you or your real estate

business online. In some circumstances, the name as a domain may not even

be available.

That said, if your name is available, you should purchase it. If you don’t end up

using it initially, it’s good to have it exclusively available to you should the time

come to employ it.

If you want to use your name for your real estate brand but find it unavailable,

consider pairing it with your primary territory or services. For example:




What are some reasons why your name might not work as the domain for

your real estate business?

Foremost, millions of websites use an individual’s proper name for the domain –

including an array of agent and broker sites. Unless your real estate business is

built solely around your name as the brand and it’s easily recognizable

throughout your territory, a more unique and memorable identifier is a

better option.

Also, take into account if your name – or your business name for that matter –

is difficult to spell or unusually tough to pronounce. While our names are

unique to us, consider if it will hinder the ability of potential clients to

search for and find you online.

Now that you understand that talking yourself and your accomplishments up on your site is the wrong messaging, let’s take a look at the content that works. Here are some tips on creating messaging that resonates with your target audience:

Content that is helpful. What are the issues your ideal client is dealing with? Are they attempting to buy and sell homes at the same time and need assistance with financing a down payment? Are they struggling to find a home they are interested in due to low inventory? Are they trying to decide if they should relocate or buy a second home now that they are empty-nesters? Identify the pain points in your target market, then address those points through blog posts that you then share on social media and in newsletters that go out to your database.

Content that establishes you as an expert. Those looking for help buying or selling property want to work with the best. To show that you are an expert in your local community and industry, develop content that revolves around neighborhood events, local real estate news, and other industry issues.

Content from experts and past clients. When you use the power of social proof to develop your website content, you let others do the selling for you. Social proof is the phenomenon where others copy the actions of people they see as peers or as trusted individuals. If they see your past clients talking about your high level of customer service in a video testimonial or read reviews from experts in the industry who have worked with you, they will be more likely to choose you as their realtor.

Content that stays ahead of the game. Your ideal client wants to know what’s going on in the industry as soon as possible. They also don’t want to read the same old content on your site that they’ve read on all your competitors’ sites. To address these needs, stay on the cutting edge of the industry and share information your visitors can’t get anywhere else.

Components of an Effective Lead

Generation System

How the Right Messaging Increases Conversions

Dotcom extensions are ideal

When selecting a domain, regardless of the name you use, ensure you purchase it with the .com domain name extension.


Despite what others might say on the expanding list of available extensions, only four matter at this point:

■ .com – commercial websites

■ .org – non-profit websites

■ .gov – government websites

■ .edu – college or university websites

Considering one of those makes little sense for your real estate business, and the other two are unavailable for you to use, it leaves only one possibility.

With .com as your domain extension, it lends your web presence instant credibility. The .com extension is the primary indicator that yours is a safe and legitimate website worth navigating to. Avoid extensions such as .biz, .live, or .xyz.

You can make an argument for .net – which stands for networking – as it falls a tier below .com in recognizability. It does carry a certain cachet within tech circles. It might prove particularly helpful if your real estate firm possesses a distinctive technology edge. It’s also a good option if your preferred domain name is unavailable with the .com extension.

Should both .com and .net be available in your preferred domain name, it’s never a bad idea to purchase both.

Dotcom extensions are ideal

When selecting a domain, regardless of the name you use, ensure you

purchase it with the .com domain name extension.


Despite what others might say on the expanding list of available extensions,

only four matter at this point:

■ .com – commercial websites

■ .org – non-profit websites

■ .gov – government websites

■ .edu – college or university websites

Considering one of those makes little sense for your real estate business, and

the other two are unavailable for you to use, it leaves only one possibility.

With .com as your domain extension, it lends your web presence instant credibility.

The .com extension is the primary indicator that yours is a safe and legitimate

website worth navigating to. Avoid extensions such as .biz, .live, or .xyz.

You can make an argument for .net – which stands for networking – as it falls a

tier below .com in recognizability. It does carry a certain cachet within tech

circles. It might prove particularly helpful if your real estate firm possesses a

distinctive technology edge. It’s also a good option if your preferred domain

name is unavailable with the .com extension.

Should both .com and .net be available in your preferred domain name, it’s

never a bad idea to purchase both.

The shorter, the better

Another reason your name may not work as a preferred domain name is if it’s

considerably longer than most. The same can be said for using a business name

that measures more than 20 characters.

Especially with luxury real estate, where networking is a key aspect to building your

client list, you’ll want a brand and domain that is short, to the point, conveys a lot of information, and easy to remember. Consider:




The difference is clear. Long domains will also create extraordinarily long URLs.

For instance:


is much more palpable than


Admittedly, even the “correct” examples shown above could be considered too

long by some. It does, however, show just how much thought needs to go into

crafting the best domain name for your real estate business. Keep your domain

(minus the .com) from between seven and 15 characters.

The shorter, the better

Another reason your name may not work as a preferred domain name is if it’s considerably longer than most. The same can be said for using a business name that measures more than 20 characters.

Especially with luxury real estate, where networking is a key aspect to building your client list, you’ll want a brand and domain that is short, to the point, conveys a lot of information, and easy to remember. Consider:




The difference is clear. Long domains will also create extraordinarily long URLs. For instance:


is much more palpable than


Admittedly, even the “correct” examples shown above could be considered too long by some. It does, however, show just how much thought needs to go into crafting the best domain name for your real estate business. Keep your domain (minus the .com) from between seven and 15 characters.

Remember, real estate is a hyperlocal business

Much like the adage about all politics being local, so too is real estate.

Perhaps even more so in today’s uber-specific search-friendly society.

Not only a good strategy for identifying your primary market for would-be clients,

including a city or region name within your domain boosts SEO and enhances the

ability for others to find you through local search.

We’ve already shown a few examples that highlight this approach:



The advantage is twofold.

First, you focus your domain on what someone might be searching for. Sticking

a keyword into your domain doesn’t directly help your SEO, but it improves

your domain’s click rate.

Second, the keyword may boost your presence when someone uses your domain

keyword in tandem with other search terms. For instance:

■ Dallas luxury homes

■ Dallas golf course homes

■ DFW high rise condos

Beyond pushing local buyers to your website, national buyers will use the same

search terms, thus ensuring your capture of both markets.

Avoid numbers and hyphens

This is relatively simple, but steer clear of hyphens and numbers in your domain.

With hyphens, it makes your domain confusing and clunky. They complicate

what should be an otherwise simple collection of characters. Which would

you prefer:




As for numbers, unless it’s an integral part of your brand, ditch them from your

domain for the same reasons as hyphens. They can confuse what should be a

simple name.

Make it memorable

Yes, name recognition is important. If you’re determined to use yours to build

your real estate brand, check it against our guidelines and make tweaks as

necessary to maximize its viability.

But if you want a domain that will make an immediate impact, consider one that

is bold, short, and above all else, memorable. Let’s revisit a few examples for

Dallas-Fort Worth, TX.

Instead of our effective but rather static earlier examples, consider:






Or any variations thereof. All of those are available domains that convey

what you sell and where you sell it in fewer than 13 characters.

The point being, the more your domain stands out, while at the same time

maintaining both simplicity and purpose, the more apt your current and

future clients are to remember it.

Look for inspiration

Finally, when picking the best domain name for your website, don’t rush it.

Your domain is a critical marketing piece for your real estate business and

arguably the most essential part of your online presence. If people cannot

spell it, say it, or recall your domain with ease, they’ll never find you online.

Since nine out of ten home searches involve researching property online, you

must get your domain name right.

Make a list of preferred names and check domain search sites for their availability

(or have your Implementation Manager do it for you). Check out other realtor

sites for inspiration on how they use their domains as a tie-in to their overall brand.

Look to your market or your own real estate efforts. What do you bring to the

table that distinguishes your skills from other agents or brokers? How can

you reflect that within your domain name?

Yes, a domain name is just a simple identifier. But it possesses the ability to

carry your real estate business well beyond your primary market.

Remember, real estate is a hyperlocal business

Much like the adage about all politics being local, so too is real estate.

Perhaps even more so in today’s uber-specific search-friendly society.

Not only a good strategy for identifying your primary market for would-be clients,

including a city or region name within your domain boosts SEO and enhances the

ability for others to find you through local search.

We’ve already shown a few examples that highlight this approach:



The advantage is twofold.

First, you focus your domain on what someone might be searching for. Sticking

a keyword into your domain doesn’t directly help your SEO, but it improves

your domain’s click rate.

Second, the keyword may boost your presence when someone uses your domain

keyword in tandem with other search terms. For instance:

■ Dallas luxury homes

■ Dallas golf course homes

■ DFW high rise condos

Beyond pushing local buyers to your website, national buyers will use the same

search terms, thus ensuring your capture of both markets.

Avoid numbers and hyphens

This is relatively simple, but steer clear of hyphens and numbers in your domain.

With hyphens, it makes your domain confusing and clunky. They complicate

what should be an otherwise simple collection of characters. Which would

you prefer:




As for numbers, unless it’s an integral part of your brand, ditch them from your

domain for the same reasons as hyphens. They can confuse what should be a

simple name.

Make it memorable

Yes, name recognition is important. If you’re determined to use yours to build

your real estate brand, check it against our guidelines and make tweaks as

necessary to maximize its viability.

But if you want a domain that will make an immediate impact, consider one that

is bold, short, and above all else, memorable. Let’s revisit a few examples for

Dallas-Fort Worth, TX.

Instead of our effective but rather static earlier examples, consider:






Or any variations thereof. All of those are available domains that convey

what you sell and where you sell it in fewer than 13 characters.

The point being, the more your domain stands out, while at the same time

maintaining both simplicity and purpose, the more apt your current and

future clients are to remember it.

Look for inspiration

Finally, when picking the best domain name for your website, don’t rush it.

Your domain is a critical marketing piece for your real estate business and

arguably the most essential part of your online presence. If people cannot

spell it, say it, or recall your domain with ease, they’ll never find you online.

Since nine out of ten home searches involve researching property online, you

must get your domain name right.

Make a list of preferred names and check domain search sites for their availability

(or have your Implementation Manager do it for you). Check out other realtor

sites for inspiration on how they use their domains as a tie-in to their overall brand.

Look to your market or your own real estate efforts. What do you bring to the

table that distinguishes your skills from other agents or brokers? How can

you reflect that within your domain name?

Yes, a domain name is just a simple identifier. But it possesses the ability to

carry your real estate business well beyond your primary market.


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