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Why You Should Test Your VO2Max, Even If You're Not An Athlete

Why You Should Test Your VO2Max, Even If You're Not An Athlete

June 27, 20243 min read

Cardiorespiratory fitness is a crucial aspect of overall health, and one of the most effective ways to measure it is by testing your VO2max. VO2max, or maximal oxygen uptake, is the maximum rate at which your body can consume oxygen during intense exercise. It is widely recognized not only as a metric of athletic performance but also as a significant predictor of longevity and quality of life. Here's why everyone, not just athletes, should consider testing their VO2max.

Click here to watch Peter Attia explain why it’s important.

  1. Comprehensive Health Assessment

VO2max testing provides a detailed look at your cardiorespiratory fitness. This isn't just about how fast you can run or how long you can cycle; it's about how efficiently your body processes oxygen. A higher VO2max indicates a more efficient heart, lungs, and circulatory system. This is crucial for everyone, as it impacts how well you perform daily activities and manage physical challenges.

  1. Predictor of Longevity

Studies have consistently shown a direct correlation between higher VO2max levels and reduced risk of premature death from all causes. A high VO2max is associated with a healthier heart and a lower likelihood of heart disease. It's not just about living longer but living better and healthier. Even incremental improvements in VO2max can significantly extend life expectancy.

  1. Early Detection of Potential Health Issues

Regular VO2max testing can help detect declines in fitness levels before they become problematic. A decreasing VO2max can be an early sign of cardiovascular and respiratory conditions. Early detection means earlier intervention, which can lead to better management of potential health issues.

  1. Motivation and Goal Setting

Knowing your VO2max can serve as a powerful motivational tool. It provides a baseline from which you can set realistic fitness goals. Improving your VO2max is a concrete target that can inspire you to engage in regular physical activity, which has myriad health benefits beyond oxygen processing efficiency.

  1. Tailored Exercise Programs

Understanding your VO2max can help you or your coach tailor an exercise program that is just right for your fitness level. It ensures that you are training within your optimal heart rate zone, maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and reducing the risk of injury.

  1. Benchmarking and Monitoring Progress

For non-athletes, having a personal benchmark of your fitness can be incredibly satisfying and insightful. Regular VO2max testing allows you to monitor your progress over time, giving you tangible evidence of how your fitness journey is improving your health. Seeing and tracking the changeable metrics like biological age, aerobic capacity, cardiovascular fitness, high intensity performance, recovery capacity, fat burning efficiency, movement economy, metabolic rate, breathing and cognition, breathing and stability are helpful ways to improve quality of life in all areas.


Testing your VO2max offers valuable insights into your overall health and fitness. Whether you're a seasoned athlete, a weekend warrior, or someone just starting to embrace a more active lifestyle, VO2max testing can provide a clear picture of where you stand and how you can improve. Investing in a VO2max test could be one of the most important steps you take toward a healthier, longer life.

This understanding of VO2max can play a vital role in encouraging everyone to maintain an active lifestyle, thereby enhancing their quality of life and extending their years of active, healthy living.

Dylan Glass PT, DPT, SMTC
Return 2 Sport PT & Performance

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Dylan Glass, PT, DPT, SMTC

Return 2 Sport PT Doctor of Physical Therapy

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