Gym Rules


All FTC Gym members (“Members”) and visitors visiting the premises of FTC Gym Ipswich are required to comply with these Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”). These Terms are also incorporated into a Member’s contract and App.

Failure to comply with these Terms may result in Members being denied access to or ejected from the premises of FTC Gym Ipswich. In some circumstances, non-compliance may result in the termination of membership.

FTC Gym reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions as necessary and will give reasonable notice of the same. Members should ensure that they regularly check back to [On the webpage /displayed in the gymnasium and on request] to familiarise themselves with any amendments made.

If a Member does not consent to these Terms, they must stop using the FTC Gym facilities immediately. All correspondence with FTC Gym Ipswich is to be solely via email at [email protected]

Your Membership and Access App

1. Membership entitles Members to use the facilities in accordance with these Terms.

2. To be a Member

You must be aged 16 years of age or over. Proof of age may be requested. You must be resident in the UK You must have a current, valid email account.

3. We apply a limit of one membership per person. Membership is personal and non-transferable.

4. It is your responsibility to keep your email and contact details up to date. Failure to do so may lead to cancellation of your membership.

5. You will be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the type of membership chosen.

6. The joining fee/ initial payment / Pre-paid or Annual payments are due and payable immediately upon execution of the agreement and are non-refundable.

7. All members’ profiles must have a clear photograph of the registered members face. You will be unable to book a class or enter the club until we have a valid photo.

8. Members must not lend their phone App to anyone else as the membership is personal and covers only the member’s use of FTC Gym Ipswich. Failure to abide by this condition will result in termination of your account.

9. You may not bring into, use the club under the influence of alcohol or any drugs or substance, which may affect your ability to exercise safely.

10. On joining FTC Gym the member will be sent the welcome email. Members are required to activate their account upon receipt. Once activated the member can then down load the FTC membership App to their smart phone – this is required to access the club.

11. All members are required to have a working smart phone to facilitate the use of the membership App.

12. Members may freeze their membership at any time for a maximum period of [6 Months) for the price of £10 per month, this safe guards their current membership price. During the period that membership is frozen, Members will not be permitted to access the premises of FTC Gym Ipswich.


1. FTC Gym will be open 24hrs per day, 7 days per week. Any closures for maintenance will be displayed in good time at the club and on social media.

2. In the event of a reduction in the operating times and/ or temporary closure of the business which are necessary for operational reasons (such as, for example deep cleaning, audits and inspections) or which occur for reasons for which FTC Gym is not responsible for (Fire, epidemics, pandemics, strikes or official instruction etc) the member is not entitled to a refund, extensions of the contract, or any other form of compensation. Extensions of contract terms due to force majeure may be granted as a gesture of goodwill.

3. Animals are not permitted on the premises, with the exception of guide or assistance dogs.

4. Members are not permitted to take photographs or videos on the premises of other members without their consent.

5. FTC Gym reserves the right to use photographs or videos taken by staff of FTC Ltd for promotional purposes, and we will endeavour to obtain the consent of any Members featured.

6. You consent to and waiver any claim in respect of, your image being recorded by CCTV for security purpose and reviewed at our discretion by our employees and contractors.

7. If we take no action following a breach of this agreement this will not preclude enforcement of the terms of this agreement at a future date.

8. Members are deemed to have read and understood these club rules, terms and conditions.

9. We will do our best to resolve any disputes over this agreement. If you wish to take court proceedings against FTC Ltd you must do so within the United Kingdom. Relevant UK Law will apply.

10. If any part of this agreement is disallowed or found to be ineffective by any court or regulator, the other provisions shall continue to apply.

11. We may terminate your membership with immediate effect if you are in breach of FTC Gym rules, Terms and Conditions.

12. You are to comply with the rules of membership, which are displayed prominently in the club and relate to the hours of use, use of facilities and your conduct. We may make reasonable changes to these rules at any time.

13. You are not to open any external doors to the gym at any time, the only door permitted to be used by the member is the main entrance. Forcing any locked door will result in the immediate cancellation of your membership, and you will be liable for the costs for any damage caused or theft as a result.

14. Members must not open any fire door under any circumstance to allow entry to FTC Gym.

15. All members must use the Member App to gain entry to the club at the entry gate in reception during manned hours.

16. Members must use their member App to gain entry to the changing rooms – DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PHONE IN THE CHANGING ROOMS

Behaviour & Dress

1. You should not disturb or impair the use of the club and any other members within it.

2. Inappropriate behaviour is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.

3. Smoking is not prohibited is any area of the club or car park including the use of e-cigarettes or similar devices.

4. No work boots or work-clothing to be worn in the gym while training.

5. Clean and suitable footwear must be worn at all times. 6. No training in bare feet or socks.

7. No training in Flip-flops or sliders.

8. Members must always wear a suitable top and bottoms at all times when training in FTC Gym (NO TOPLESS TRAINING).

9. The staff of FTC Gym may refuse access or eject Members if their attire is not deemed appropriate.

10. You must not discriminate, harass or behave in an aggressive, abusive, intimidating, anti social or threatening manner that may cause distress to staff or other members.

11. Members and guests are not permitted to bring animals onto the premises (Other than guide dogs).

12. We reserve the right to show potential members and other individuals the facilities of FTC Gym on a trial basis.

13. You are not to engage in any type of criminal behaviour whilst at the gym.

14. You must not sleep at the Gym.

15. Any damages caused by the member to the facilities and equipment, to the extent of law, you are liable for the repair or replacement and shall indemnify FTC Gym if due to negligence and / or not adhering the gyms rules.

Lost Property

1. Members are solely responsible for their own belongings whilst visiting the club. FTC Gym accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to personal property.

2. We advise members not to bring valuable items into the club.

3. FTC Gym endeavours to return items handed into lost property, however, we can not be held responsible for the loss or damage; items will be kept for no longer than 1 week.


1. For the purposes of these Terms, children are deemed to be aged 15 and under. Children are not allowed into FTC Gym.

The only exception to this directive is those children that are members of the Regashi Karate Club attending the privately booked sessions

2. Children must be under direct supervision of their Adult Guardian at all times on the premises of FTC Gym, and must not be left unattended for any reason.


1. Non-members are permitted to use the facilities at FTC Gym provided they have purchased the appropriate pay as you go option and completed a PAR-Q. Use of the Facilities 1. The member uses the facility and the services at their own risk and shall be fully liable.

2. Before using any exercise equipment or facilities, Members will be required to complete a PAR-Q. 22. Members should consult their doctor before starting any exercise programme if unsure of their health and fitness status.

3. On joining, all members are offered, and are recommended to take a complimentary FTC Gym induction session (30 mins) from a qualified fitness professional.

4. Members, at their discretion, may decide not to partake in a complimentary FTC Gym support session. However, FTC Gym will not accept any liability if the member has not participated in this session and uses the facility’s.

5. If a new medical condition arises or an existing one alters, Members will be required to advise FTC Gym accordingly and complete a new pre-exercise questionnaire. It is the responsibility of Members to advise FTC Gym of any changes to your health status. 5. You will be liable for any damage caused to the equipment by your negligence use.

6. It is essential that appropriate exercise clothing and shoes are worn whilst exercising. If you choose to wear garments for religious beliefs, which we deem to be unsafe for exercise then FTC Gym cannot be held responsible for any resulting accident or injury.

7. Each piece of gym equipment must not be used for longer than 30 minutes during busy periods.

8. You must use a towel at all times and you are required to wipe down gym equipment after use.

9. All weights must be stripped of machines after use and placed back onto the appropriate rack.

10. All dumbbells are to be placed back into their correct position on the rack after use.

11. If you move a piece of equipment from one section of the gym to another, it must be returned to its original place after use.

12. Do not block or interfere with fire, emergency or disabled access doors or alarms (except in a genuine emergency).

13. Do not tamper with fire extinguishers.

14. You must keep your face as visible as possible when using the speed gate for security and identification.

15. Members are not to bring their own food for consumption of FTC property. Do not eat within the fitness / gym area.

16. Members are to use the lockers on the FTC Gym for storage of personal possessions while on the premises, members are to bring their own personal padlocks for use. These padlocks must be removed when you leave the premises. Failure to do so will result in their removal.

17. Members are not permitted to leave personal possessions while not on FTC premises. If personal possessions are left in a locker, FTC Gym Gym reserves the right to open the locker and remove items therein.

18. Any possessions removed will be held by FTC Gym [At reception] for a period of 30 days. If they are not collected in this time, FTC Gym will dispose of them as deemed appropriate.

19. Members are to report breakages immediately to a member of FTC Gym staff.

Use of Equipment

1. If you a new member with no previous gym experience or are unfamiliar with how to use our equipment you will require an induction – do not attempt to use equipment that you have had any training on.

2. When using any weights the safety devices must be used and set to the correct level, such as Safety catchers in the frames.

3. Weights are not to be dropped on the floor, weights that you cannot correctly control are not to be used.

4. The mezzanine floor is for cardio training, functional training, and eGym, weights are not permitted.

5. Collars must be used at all times with any Olympic bar regardless of experience.

6. In the dead lift area, bumper plates must be used.

7. When using the astro-track, all equipment must be returned to its correct storage area after use.

8. No deadlifting on the astro-track.

9. Do not use a piece of equipment for anything other than it was designed for, regardless of whether you have seen this at another gym or on social media.

10. Do not spray the weight stacks on the pin select machines.

11. Do not grease the machines.

12. Use the appropriate attachments for the machines.

13. If a cable is damaged do not use the machine and report immediately to a member of the FTC Staff.

14. Do not stand on equipment upholstery for any reason. 15. Do not pick at seams or stitching on upholstery.

16. Do not detach the dead man switches from the cardio machines.

Health and Safety

1. The main entrance to the premises must be used when entering or leaving FTC Gym.

2. Members must familiarise themselves and comply with the FTC Gym health and safety policies in addition to any requests made by staff in relation to health and safety.

3. Glass containers are not to be used on the premises at all times.

4. Do not tamper with the Defibrillator, only use in an emergency.

5. Do not tamper with the eye wash station, only use in an emergency.

6. Do not tamper or steal from the first aid kit.

7. Fire exits, which are clearly marked, are there in the interests of safety, and you must not interfere with fire doors or alarms for any reason. All fire doors are under 24hr surveillance and alarmed.

Payments, Fees, Termination and Refunds

1. Cancellations cannot be processed until all debt on a membership has been settled. If you join FTC Gym on a pre-opening reduced monthly fee, you will receive this price whilst you remain a member of FTC Gym. If you cancel your membership and rejoin at a later date you will pay the current standard membership fee.

2. Membership fees are payable monthly in advance by direct debit.

3. We will advise you by email, giving not less than 30 day’s notice of any rate changes to our standard rates. It is your responsibility to ensure that we have a current email address for you, as all communication will be via email.

4. Please note a £15 administration fee will be added to your account monthly for any missed payments or if you do not have a valid direct debit set up.

5. If a Member does not attend and/or use the facilities of FTC Gym after having purchased a membership (or taken advantage of any special offer or special promotion, including annual membership, and student memberships) they will not be entitled to a refund of any fees paid for any reason.

6. A refund maybe given in extraordinary circumstances such as long term illness or accident, in case of pregnancy, change of residency, the contract can be extraordinarily terminated with a notice period of 1 full calendar month this is subject to a submission of a medical certificate or a confirmation of registration at a new residence more than 10 miles away, this will be at the sole discretion of the manager.

7. If you fail to pay any amount due under the agreement for a period of more than 30 days, the FTC Gym may pass the debt to a third party debt collection company for collection. A further £15 will also be added when your account is referred.

8. Verbal cancellations shall be deemed void, the receipt of the email shall be decisive, the member shall have the burden of proof regarding the receipt of the email to FTC Gym.

9. If the Member has used the facilities within the initial 14 day period, any fees paid will be subject to deductions for this use, these individual visits will be charged at the full day rate as shown on the webpage and in the gym. It is the responsibility of Members to cancel any direct debit at the Bank.

10. After the initial period stated in the contract, Members may terminate this agreement by giving one calendar months’ notice by email to [email protected] at any time.

11. If a Member fails to pay the membership fees due, FTC Ltd reserves the right to refuse entry to the facilities until payment in full of fees due has been received. 12. In the event of a repeated failure to pay membership fees due, FTC Ltd reserves the right to terminate the Member’s contract and to take enforcement action for recovery of any outstanding fees.

13. FTC Gym may increase the membership fees after the end of the initial period by letter addressed to Members or by prominent display on the premises.

14. On the flexible membership options, you may terminate your membership by following the above procedure.

15. Cancellation of your Direct Debit does not terminate your membership, and FTC retain the right to charge your Debit/Credit card for any outstanding monthly fees.

16. Request account deletion on the App is not terminating your membership. This is a GDPR clause required for the management of Apps, not a membership termination. Members must follow the termination procedure laid down in these Terms and Conditions.

Day Passes

1. Day passes are only available during manned hours.

2. Visitors using day passes agree for fore go their induction and train at their own risk.

3. Day pass visitors agree to comply with all other Terms and Conditions at FTC Gym Ipswich.

Guest Passes

1. Members that redeem a guest pass with the appropriate membership, can only bring a guest in during manned hours.

2. Only 1 guest pass can be redeem in any 6 month period.

3. Members must escort their guest at all times.

4. Guests are the sole responsibility of the member redeeming the guest pass. FTC Gym has no liability to the guest whilst using FTC Gym Ipswich.

5. A guest may only redeem one guest pass.

Personal Training

1.Only Personal Trainers under agreement from FTC Gym Ipswich may conduct business in FTC Gym.

2. Any member or visitor on a day pass that is deemed to be delivering personal training without the consent of the Director of FTC Ltd will be asked to desist immediately, if they continue they will be asked to leave the club immediately and banned from reentry for a period of not less than 12 months. Members will have their membership terminated with immediate affect.

3. All PT sessions are contracted between the member and the PT. FTC Ltd has no obligations regarding refunds or bookings of PT sessions. All liability is with the PT with which the session was booked.

Car Parking

1. The car park is for use by Members and visitors only when on FTC Gym premises. Cars are not to be left in the car park at any other time and parking overnight is strictly prohibited.


1. The liability of FTC Ltd to compensate you in the case of loss, damage or theft for any personal possessions such as items of clothing or other possessions which you bring to the premises of FTC Gym is strictly limited to situations where the loss, damage or theft was due to a negligent act or omission by FTC Gym, and the liability shall be limited to 100% of the value, proof of value for that item in its current condition must be provided by the owner..

2. FTC Gym will not be liable to Members or visitors where we have failed to carry out our duties due to:

a. The fault of a Member;

b. The fault of someone else who is not directly connected with providing our services under these Terms; or

c. Events which FTC Gym could not have reasonably have known about beforehand, even if all reasonable care had been taken.

3. Nothing in these Terms shall seek to limit or exclude liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence, or for any damage or liability incurred by Members as a result of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by FTC Ltd.

Unstaffed Hours

1. You are to ensure the main door is closed behind you and only one member is permitted to use the speed gate at any time.

2. Those members exiting the gym have priority at the speed gate.

2. By attending the gym outside of staffed hours, you are agreeing to our 24-hour terms and conditions outlined on this page.

3. The minimum age to use the facility during unstaffed hours is 16.

4. You agree to attend a gym induction before you use any gym equipment if you are in any doubt of your ability to use the equipment safely. Using Gym equipment can be hazardous and result in injury in misuse – if you are unfamiliar or uncertain for your own safety you MUST have an induction before using any FTC Gym Fitness equipment.

5. When attending the gym during unstaffed hours you must return all equipment/dumbbells and weight plates to their appropriate position once you have finished using them. You must tidy up after yourself during your visit for the benefit of other gym users.

6. Gym users that attend out of hours do so entirely at their own risk.

7. Outside of staffed hours we highly recommend using the gym with a gym buddy.

8. In the event of an emergency, there are 6 panic buttons located in the gym. Upon pressing this button the surveillance company will follow the out of hours procedure. The on-call member of staff is notified. The on-call member of staff will access the CCTV remotely and organise appropriate assistance. We request that you only press this button in the event of an emergency, misuse of this will result in termination of membership with immediate effect.

9. If any fire door is opened the alarms will sound and the surveillance company will take appropriate action.

10. During unstaffed hours you confirm you are able to locate and use the panic buttons in the event of an emergency.

Panic button 1 – By the Defibrillator in the main corridor by the Speed gate

Panic button 2 – Bottom of the main stairs by the fire exit in the Pin select area

Panic button 3 – On the wall of the dumbbell area at the PT counter end

Panic button 4 – By the fire door at the end of the Squat racks

Panic button 5 – At the top of the main stairs in the Cardio area

Panic button 6 – on the right of the main shutter in the Cardio area

11. In the event of hearing the fire alarm during unstaffed hours you agree to make your way to the nearest fire exit and assemble in the car park. 12. Gym users must visit FTC Gym during staffed hours prior to accessing the gym during unstaffed hours. We will check that your credentials will allow you access during unstaffed hours, explain how FTC Gym operates during unstaffed hours and answer any questions you may have.

13. The changing rooms can only be accessed during unstaffed hours using the QR scanner at the entrance of each changing room.

14. We reserve the right to charge for unstaffed gym usage, you will be informed of any charge or change in cost and the membership changed to full use.

15. No day passes available during unmanned hours.


If a Member has a complaint, they should communicate the nature of the complaint verbally to the Assistant Manager and followed up in writing by email to [email protected]

Data Protection

1. CCTV is in operation at all times within the premises and car park, this is monitored by staff and a private security company. This can be accessed at any time by the manager, CCTV is used outside of staffed hours to monitor the gym the recordings will be subject to review and saved if need, there is signage displayed within the Gym to inform you of this and details the data manager.

2. FTC Ltd agrees that any personal data you provide will only be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.


©FTC Gym 2022. All Right Reserved. Design by Carpe Diem

©FTC Gym 2022. All Right Reserved. Design by Carpe Diem