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I met Ed at the Early Bird Sport Show in Bloomsburg in February of 2020. As a machinist of 42 years I immediately recognized the quality of the product. For whatever reason I took his pamphlet but did not purchase one at the show. Two months later, thanks to Covid, I was on the lower Susquehanna battling big Blue Cats in my center console all by myself, in 48 degree water. I had probably the best day of fishing I’ve ever had on a river I’ve been fishing for 60+ years. I did not fall out of the boat but I did have several close calls. The fact that it was Easter Sunday and Covid had many of the ramps shut down there were very few boats on the river. I knew that if I went overboard it was probably going to be my last trip. As soon as I got home I went online and ordered my Rescue Step. I installed it in about 15 minutes the day it came. Later that year while fishing the same area I made the mistake of setting a rod on the deck for a few seconds. A big cat immediately ripped the rod out of the boat. Without even thinking I dove in behind it and was lucky enough to get ahold of it. I managed to open the bail, swim back to the boat and hand the rod to my buddy. He was pretty much in shock and before he could finish saying “how and the hell am I going to get you back in here!” I swam around to the transom, pulled down the Rescue Step and climbed back in! That day I learned a few things, I can still swim with my clothes on, and I can get my 300 plus pound butt back in the boat using my Rescue Step.

I‘m 65 and can remember being in boats since I was 3 or 4 years old and have never fallen out by accident. That doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. I have never used my flares or my fire extinguisher or even my life jackets but I would never go on the water without them. I now feel exactly the same way about The Rescue Step. I say with the utmost sincerity it is absolutely the most important piece of safety equipment on my boat!

Thank you Ed for a great product.

See you on the water,

Brooke W.


I recently had a situation where my newly installed Rescue Step helped rescue a fisherman. I was fishing with two brothers on my boat on the Lehigh River in Eastern Pennsylvania in May. I had a large trout on my line and I asked the one brother to net my fish. When he reached over the side of the boat to net the fish he lost his balance and fell in. After a short period of chaos, we were able to get the frightened angler to the side of the boat. I guided him to the rear transom where he was able to easily step back into the boat on the Rescue Step.

I want to thank you for producing a fine quality saftey tool that worked perfectly when we needed it. Tom Gyory

Thomas R Gyory


I was quite fortunate to “win” a Rescue Step that your company donated and was raffled off at our Knee Deep Fishing Club meeting this winter. Ed’s experience resulting in the creation of the Rescue Step re-entry ladder had a strong impact on many of us. We also enjoyed your interesting and informative presentation of the manufacture and use of the Rescue Step re-entry ladder.

I’m an enthusiastic fisherman and waterfowl hunter. I very often fish and hunt with my dog Otter as my only company. Two years ago I had the experience of falling out of my duck boat while setting decoys late in October. Fortunately the water, although frigid, was shallow enough for me to stand and walk to shore. The experience made me realize how dangerous it would be if the water had been too deep to stand and I was unable to get back into my boat.

Attached is a photograph of me and Otter-Dog, taking advantage of the summer weather to practice boarding my boat with the RESCUE STEP re-entry ladder.

Please thank Ed and the entire crew at Rescue Step for the very well made and potentially life saving Rescue Step™ re-entry ladder.

Don Gardner & Otter-Dog

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Ideal Design Solutions