There is light; at the end of the tunnel.

Allow me to share with you a tried and true way...

Work w/ Theresa!

6 program choices. Profound results!

You can also visit the details of programs via the drop down menu at the top of this page (depending on your device).


​360TAP is my most popular program and is also my Signature Program. It allows real "conundrums in life" to be transformed into "Lessons Worthy of Loving & Laminating" in just 6 short weeks. One hour per week. Designed for guys and gals and brought to you with 24 years experience working within and around trauma and infusion of my Soul - plus my Life Coaching Certification.

​{Tap/click LOGO picture for full details}


​​Most every participant in 360TAP wanted their loved ones to participate as well. With that said, the partners admittedly wanted and needed help along life's path too. It was a natural fit around #relationships. 360TAP 4-RELATIONSHIPS is a natural choice for

1) understanding Self and how

you really feel, then...

2) desiring your partner to understand Self

and how they really feel. And of course...

3) Bringing the two together and supporting communication skills, understanding, listening, and kindness in the second half of the program.

It's mesmerizing! Couples LOVE it! This program is appropriate for anyone who would like to improve relationships - personal, professional, or both.

​{Tap/click LOGO picture for full details}


​A transformational experience for

business-minded people! I bring forward

my 15 years experience as an entrepreneur, community leader, as well as my Business Coach Certification. Concepts, experiences, and shares are designed to be in conversation around YOU and your desires. Let's have a conversation, or six! SIDE-NOTE: I love being a business rule breaker - so buckle up! No one has ever died from thinking, considering, or talking about breaking the rules. Smile!

​{Tap/click LOGO picture for full details}



​I've always been a volunteer - well for the last 24 years... The Experiential Coaching Session is a natural fit for me as I volunteer to coach anyone interested for 2 hours - complimentary!

It is my way of giving back (volunteering) and your way of "test driving" what

"ah-ha" moments can really feel like.
And, that's just fun! So let's do it! Make a list of 3-5 things that "piss-you-off" going back to age 2. Or there's a couple more ideas when you click on the full details page! When we get on the phone we'll visit a bit and then you'll prioritize what you'd like help with. We will begin there! 2 full hours of amazingly helpful conversation is priceless! I LOVE LOVE LOVE providing and volunteering in this special way...

​{Tap/click LOGO picture for full details}


​This is ONE of my favorites as it sits us together

and I love that! I fly to your city, rent a fabulous hotel, and we sit together 3 hours per day (usually, 9am to 12pm - my favorite time of the day!) This program is offered by intentional request only.
Some people just enjoy face2face better, too! Our time is spent organized, conversational, and very focused. You'll have quite a bit of homework so you'll want to block ALL 3 days completely. This coaching and the teachings are around "your hearts desire" and designed
just for you.

​{Tap/click LOGO picture for full details}


​A transformational experience for

business-minded people! I bring forward

my 15 years experience as an entrepreneur, community leader, as well as my Business Coach Certification. Concepts, experiences, and shares are designed to be in conversation around YOU and your desires. Let's have a conversation, or six! SIDE-NOTE: I love being a business rule breaker - so buckle up! No one has ever died from thinking, considering, or talking about breaking the rules. Smile!

​{Tap/click LOGO picture for full details}

I'm really BIG on online connections...working within my community, around the nation and across the ocean. Meet me there via the icons below!

And, then pm / dm me and we'll jump on the phone...

Big Love, Theresa

Oh, and here's my personal profile on Facebook (friend me)