What R&D Advisers Have In Store for Our Partners

We want to help strengthen your relationship with your clients and ultimately add better value through R&D Tax Credits. Our highly-skilled chartered tax advisers and sector specialists all work together to provide exceptional service.

Why do we do it? Simple - we want to keep our clients happy. When they're happy, it makes them look good as well, and that's what keeps us motivated.

We guarantee that you and your clients will be provided with everything you need through our R&D Tax Credit Partner Programme. To keep you updated on our progress, our devoted relationship manager will get in touch with you and work to help you gain R&D Tax Credit Claims. You'll be surprised by how you, your clients, and their businesses will benefit from this great financial source.

R&D Tax Credits are all we do. Our clients have placed their full confidence and trust in us because we focus and stick to our boundaries. We are R&D Advisers, partner to work with you, we make sure it results in something great and highly beneficial to you and your clients/ contacts.

What R&D Advisers Have In Store for Our Partners

We want to help strengthen your relationship with your clients and ultimately add better value through R&D Tax Credits. Our highly-skilled chartered tax advisers and sector specialists all work together to provide exceptional service.

Why do we do it? Simple - we want to keep our clients happy. When they're happy, it makes them look good as well, and that's what keeps us motivated.

We guarantee that you and your clients will be provided with everything you need through our R&D Tax Credit Partner Programme. To keep you updated on our progress, our devoted relationship manager will get in touch with you and work to help you gain R&D Tax Credit Claims. You'll be surprised by how you, your clients, and their businesses will benefit from this great financial source.

R&D Tax Credits are all we do. Our clients have placed their full confidence and trust in us because we focus and stick to our boundaries. We are R&D Advisers, partner to work with you, we make sure it results in something great and highly beneficial to you and your clients/ contacts.

Our Partnership and How We Deliver

R&D Tax Credit Registration

Our Partnership and How We Deliver

R&D Tax Credit Registration

Learning About You

The key to a strong, long-term relationship is trust - which we do not wish to break. This is the reason that we strive to provide the highest-quality service throughout and help your network grow through our multi-awarded expertise.

It's important for us that we understand your specific needs so that we know how to meet them. We have a dedicated team that will educate you and your associates regarding the important aspects of R&D and how to qualify for it.

Learning About You

The key to a strong, long-term relationship is trust - which we do not wish to break. This is the reason that we strive to provide the highest-quality service throughout and help your network grow through our multi-awarded expertise.

It's important for us that we understand your specific needs so that we know how to meet them. We have a dedicated team that will educate you and your associates regarding the important aspects of R&D and how to qualify for it.

Our Method

We are a team of experts that will take time to comprehend your client's business and examine it thoroughly. Our method is 100% accurate and is guaranteed to have quality assurance.

Consequently, your R&D Tax Credit is assured to be fully-maximised and risk-free. In return, you will be asked to provide some financial information about their costs, assuming that you have your clients' approval.

Our Method

We are a team of experts that will take time to comprehend your client's business and examine it thoroughly. Our method is 100% accurate and is guaranteed to have quality assurance.

Consequently, your R&D Tax Credit is assured to be fully-maximised and risk-free. In return, you will be asked to provide some financial information about their costs, assuming that you have your clients' approval.

Your Partnership with R&D Advisors

Our partnership will open up multiple doors in which your clients can benefit greatly and you will always be updated about their progress.

You will be introduced to a point of contact who will present you with a well-structured reporting process so that you can keep track of our progress. To ensure that our partnership is going where it is intended to, we will check in on you on a regular basis.

Your Partnership with R&D Advisers

Our partnership will open up multiple doors in which your clients can benefit greatly and you will always be updated about their progress.

You will be introduced to a point of contact who will present you with a well-structured reporting process so that you can keep track of our progress. To ensure that our partnership is going where it is intended to, we will check in on you on a regular basis.

Providing You and Your Team With Accurate Information

We value your time greatly, so to make the best use of it, we will continually assist you in identifying whether your clients are qualified for R&D Tax Credits or not. Of course, guaranteed that with our proactive approach, we will help you see to it that no chance is wasted.

As part of educating you and your team, we have made our extensive resources available to you as well as our qualified chartered tax advisers and sector experts. You will also be provided with materials that you and your clients can utilize - this includes brochures, an accounts preparation checklist and website copy.

Providing You and Your Team With Accurate Information

We value your time greatly, so to make the best use of it, we will continually assist you in identifying whether your clients are qualified for R&D Tax Credits or not. Of course, guaranteed that with our proactive approach, we will help you see to it that no chance is wasted.

As part of educating you and your team, we have made our extensive resources available to you as well as our qualified chartered tax advisers and sector experts. You will also be provided with materials that you and your clients can utilise - this includes brochures, an accounts preparation checklist and website copy.

Rewards and Compensations

We don't just want to keep you, but we also value you and our relationship. This is what keeps us wanting to reward you for your time and for choosing to stick with us.

By partnering with us, your client's business will have more value created. This will also allow you to enjoy a lot of free time. Given that you are also proactive in helping them, you will witness how your clients are able to grow their businesses and flourish in their respective disciplines.

Rewards and Compensations

We don't just want to keep you, but we also value you and our relationship. This is what keeps us wanting to reward you for your time and for choosing to stick with us.

By partnering with us, your client's business will have more value created. This will also allow you to enjoy a lot of free time. Given that you are also proactive in helping them, you will witness how your clients are able to grow their businesses and flourish in their respective disciplines.

Does your business qualify for a R&D tax credit?

Take our free claim assessment quiz to find out if your business qualifies for a R&D claim today

Copyright © R&D Advisers. All Rights Reserved.


By completing any form on our website, you will be contacted by our in-house team of R&D tax rebate specialists. We use the information you have provided to contact you regarding a potential rebate you are enquiring. Any claims made on our website are based on existing clients or industry knowledge. Please understand that results vary and are not typical, nor are we implying your business will be entitled to any amounts referenced. Your claim (if eligible) will be based on your business circumstances.

© R&D Advisers. R&D Advisers is a trading name of RD Advisers Ltd. are registered in England, company registration number 13592699, Information Commissioner's Office registration number A9081829.

Does your business qualify for a R&D tax rebate?

Take our free claim assessment quiz to find out if your business qualifies for a R&D claim today

Copyright © R&D Advisers. All Rights Reserved.


By completing any form on our website, you will be contacted by our in-house team of R&D tax rebate specialists. We use the information you have provided to contact you regarding a potential rebate you are enquiring. Any claims made on our website are based on existing clients or industry knowledge. Please understand that results vary and are not typical, nor are we implying your business will be entitled to any amounts referenced. Your claim (if eligible) will be based on your business circumstances.

© R&D Advisers. R&D Advisers is a trading name of RD Consultancy Ltd. are registered in England, company registration number 14601229.