The 30 Day Cold Turkey Challenge


A revolutionary approach...

If you're ready to take control of chronic skin picking and finally start living the life you deserve...

...but the idea of trying is overwhelming and you have no idea where to start...

Then reading this could be the sign you're looking for to make this change

The truth is, whatever you've been doing hasn't been working...

  • You've been relying on willpower alone

  • You've been trying to accept it as it is

  • You've been using fidget toys, covering your mirrors, and buying skincare product after skincare product to no avail.

If you're ready to feel empowered...

If you're ready to take radical action, to work through your emotional blocks, and implement techniques and strategies into your day-to-day. If you're ready to become the best version of yourself (the version that is free from skin picking) then the 30 Day Cold Turkey Challenge is for you.

Explore the Program...

The 30 Day

Cold Turkey Challenge

If you're reading this then I know that you've got what it takes to dedicate yourself to this challenge so you can learn how to break free from dermatillomania...

The truth is, most other programs and therapy are lacking something crucial...

They don't know what it's like to actually struggle with chronic skin picking!

And so while they might help to some degree, they miss the mark when it comes to truly understanding what it takes to regain control and recover.

get the nuances of skin picking because I've been there.

That's why this works.

I struggled with skin picking for 14 years.

I found my way out, joined the International Coaching Insititute in Australia to study coaching, and dove down the rabbit hole into human psychology and behaviour so that I could take this knowledge and experience and create a program to help others heal as I did.

This challenge is designed to...

- shake you up

- increaseyour awareness and self-compassion

- and TURBO boost you into your personal power

so you can do what it takes to regain control and heal from skin picking.

Up until now, you've probably been thinking it's a lack of willpower that is preventing you from stopping...

That's a big fat lie your subconscious is feeding you.

You've got enough willpower for the both of us!

How do I know this?

Because you've been powering through life despite the dead weight of this behavioural addiction trying to drag you down...

And you're still looking for answers.

If you weren't you wouldn't be reading this.

That takes A LOT of will and A LOT of inner power.


Willpower is not the issue.

It's how you're using it.

In this challenge, I'm going to show you how to use you're incredible inner power in a way that works FOR you rather than against you.

That's how we break free.

Are you up for

The Challenge?

The 30 Day

Cold Turkey Challenge

When is it?

It's self paced.

Join whenever you like!

Here's what's involved...

  • Weekly LIVE group coaching calls (everyone Monday at 2pm CET/ 8am EST - recordings are available) ($800)

  • 4 Part Roadmap to Mastering Relapse (online program you'll work through in your own time) ($800)

  • 3 Gifts ($75)

  • 3 Workbooks ($99)

  • A private group where you have access to others on the same journey to help, inspire and support you (priceless)

  • 24/7 support (need help with something specific? Post it in the private group and I'll respond to it!)

  • Lifetime access (you can do the challenge as many times as you like and attend as many of the live calls as you like for the next 1000 years)

Total Value = $1774

Your price = FREE

BONUS for joining today

Mastermind: Master your Emotions to Master your BFRB (recording) ($180)

Guided Meditation: Unlock the secret to why you pick your skin ($50)

Secure your spot!

Here's a question that may be on your mind...

Why the hell is this free??​

Here's why...

a) Because there aren't enough resources or enough support out there for those who want to recover from skin picking.

​b)Not everyone can afford to pay for therapy, a psychologist, or a coach BUT everyone who struggles with this addiction deserves a chance to heal.​

Those who join my paid programs are funding the free resources and programs I create.​

I think it's a really beautiful way we can all support each other in this journey regardless of where each of us is at financially.

Roadmap to Mastering Relapse


Pillar #1


Break Free from Shame

Pillar #2


Conquer Fear

Pillar #3


Reactivity to Consciousness

Pillar #3


Planning for Success

Sound great but...

what's the point of this challenge?

(it might sound a little crazy at first)

When you join, I am going to challenge you to go "cold turkey" (that means you STOP picking entirely)...

...With the intention that you relapse.


Because we don't fail - we learn.

​If we can apply this to healing from skin picking we become unstoppable!​

IF you relapse
(because maybe you don't. Who knows!), I'll be there to hold your hand and guide you through this incredible process.​

I'll help you...

- release the shame

- love yourself

- learn the lesson that relapse has to gift you

- and figure out what your next step is.​

THIS is crucial
in healing.Without this, we remain stuck.

There's 2 types of people

1. Those who see relapse as an opportunity learn and grow

2. those who see relapse as a sign they suck

​One person will heal from skin picking

One person will remain stuck

​Part of this challenge includes becoming
person #1
(if you aren't there already)​

I'm going to show you how.

People Untapping their Potential

My powerful clients who are emotionally healing & stepping toward freedom

Zabrina Schuurman

This journey has been nothing short of life-changing, and I owe it all to the incredible support, guidance and tools I received from Raffaela.

Not only have I made significant progress in overcoming my skin-picking compulsion, but I have also gained valuable tools to address underlying issues that were holding me back in so many areas of my life.

Silvia Atzori

When I decided to sign up for the challenge, Raffaela gave me so much support and lots of tools to overcome the challenges that I was facing with skin picking.

Now, when I look at myself at the mirror and feel I need to pick my skin I reflect on my feelings and use the tools and strategies learnt during the cold turkey challenge.

I remind myself that I can be gentle and caring without been too hard on myself.

Cath Sarip

I was amazed at how much this was holding me back from playing big in life, whether it was a promotion at work or even putting myself out there when making friends as I was so scared of being rejected.

Raffa gave me tools and strategies to help me overcome these challenges by taking actions, making me accountable to myself and most importantly taking my power back.

Are you ready to join them?

Not sure? Need more info?

I'm ready to answer all your questions

Fill out this online form and I'll get back to you ASAP!

© 2023 by Personal Life Coach.