Your Roadmap to Healing from Chronic Skin Picking

Enough is enough.

It's time to work on the root cause and get real results.

Feel understood, empowered, and held accountable as you navigate your holistic path forward to healing from chronic skin picking

Special deals available until September 30th



Average Lesson Length

5 minutes

Tangible Resources


Your Roadmap to Healing

Find freedom through addressing the root cause...

Pillar #1

Gain intense clarity on what it looks like for YOU to be free from skin picking - your authentic self will become your compass

Pillar #2

Regain control and bring harmony to your daily life with science-backed tools that foster purpose, consistency, organization, flexibility, and resilience - helping you thrive amidst life's chaos

Pillar #3

Build emotional resilience by releasing suppressed emotions, healing inner wounds, and learning to navigate your feelings with confidence, clarity, and control

Pillar #4

Learn how to overcome the common pitfalls that sabotage progress - become a master of your mind

Pillar #5

Uncover the practise and perspective shift that will enable you to break free

Designed to get you Results

The Ultimate Resource for Healing from Chronic Skin Picking


As long as you commit to the work, growth and change are assured.


Establish consistency with 24/7 support, multiple monthly check-ins, and a private support group full of inspiring, dedicated individuals.


Receive rewards like FREE private sessions with Raffaela through completing certain parts of the program and accomplishing certain tasks.


With all STRENGTH has to offer with lifetime access, this is the most valuable and affordable program currently available.

Holistic approach

While all other programs only focus on skin picking, STRENGTH treats it as a symptom. We dive into the root cause so that you can achieve long term results.


Created and run by Raffaela Marie who has overcome 15 years of chronic skin picking herself. This program isn’t built by a textbook but by lived experience and research backed methods.


No longer struggling with skin picking.

The program has not only addressed my chronic skin picking to the point where I no longer struggle with it...

I have much more self-confidence and am more prone to face things that make me anxious instead of avoiding them.

- Athena N.

More control. Less picking.

I don’t feel stuck anymore. I feel like I have a choice if I want to pick or not.

- Yasmin Löffler

Growth, self- awareness, empowerment.

I have experienced so much growth and self-awareness around my skin-picking disorder.

If you are ready to empower yourself and walk the talk of making a change, I highly recommend having Raffa be your guide as you come back to yourself in healing and love!

- Samy Johnson

Master your emotions

Empower your mind

Triumph over your challenges

How STRENGTH ensures you stay consistent...

Your Roadmap to Healing

Online Program

A tailored online program with 6 pillars, exclusive recordings, workbooks, exercises, and practices based on researched-backed methods. Average video length is 5 minutes long and each step is broken down for you so that it's easy to stay consistent and make progress.

Private Accountability Group

A positive space to connect, share insights, and reach out for support. We also do monthly goal setting as a group and multiple check-ins throughout the month to see how you're doing.


LIVE group sessions to learn specific techniques, tools, strategies, and practices. Dive into brain science, behavioral science, and coaching modalities behind what it takes to heal.

Group Coaching Calls

LIVE group calls to tackle any roadblocks you're facing whether it be emotional, mindset, lifestyle, or skin picking.

Accountability Calls

Kick off each month with LIVE group calls to set goals and connect with others on the same path. When we have accountability appointments we are 95% more likely to follow through on our goals!

Your BONUSES when you join today

20+ Tangible Resources Tailored to Healing from Chronic Skin Picking

This is just a handful of the exclusive resources you'll gain access to!

Each resource has it's own step-by-step process in the online portal.

Included are lessons, practices, and tools all tailored to skin picking.

Pricing & Packages

Special deals available until September 30th


The Roadmap to Healing Experience



  • Lifetime access to - Your Roadmap to Healing online portal

  • Lifetime access to a high class private Accountability and Support Group

  • Access to all program updates

90 day money back gaurantee

GOLD Package

The Group Mastery Experience



  • Everything included in the CLASSIC Package

  • Lifetime access to weekly Accountability Calls, Group Coaching Calls, and Masterclasses, including all recordings

90 day money back gaurantee

VIP Package

The 1:1 Mastery Experience



  • Everything included in the GOLD Package

  • 12 x private coaching sessions with Raffaela

  • 24/7 support from Raffaela for 6 months

90 day money back gaurantee


Enough is enough. It's time to work on the root cause and get real results.

Why is it important to take a holistic approach to healing from skin picking?

Chronic skin picking is a symptom of a deeper issue. Many people who try CBT, HRT, or talk therapy don't achieve the results they seek because the focus is primarily on the skin picking itself. It’s like having a light bulb that doesn’t work; you can change the switch or the bulb, but if the problem is in the wiring, you won’t get the result you want. By focusing on all of you, not just the skin picking, we can access the root cause and begin to unravel your mind and nervous system from the debilitating and demanding urge to pick.

Is it possible to heal?

Yes, it is possible to heal. Chronic skin picking is a tool for self-soothing. It helps us manage emotions we don't know how to handle, such as stress, anxiety, overwhelm, boredom, or excitement. Healing comes from learning to nurture ourselves and creating a nurturing environment that fosters feelings of calm, security, stability, peace, and safety. With this nurturing, we can soothe ourselves and respond to our needs in healthier ways, ultimately releasing the need for "survival" tools like chronic skin picking. This is why "quick fixes" don’t exist—it takes time, but it is possible. What’s crucial is having the right support and community to guide you on your journey.

What is payment like?

The Classic and Gold Package is paid upfront. The VIP Package is through application only. If you are approved VIP access, payment plan options will be available.

Can I cancel?

Yes. Because Raffaela is confident it will work for you, if you don’t experience any benefits within the first 90 days, you’ll get your money back.

Will this program free me from skin picking?

It’s absolutely possible yet not guaranteed. Everyone is at different points in their journey. Some need more time than others but if you put the work in you will get results.

I’ve been in support groups before and they weren't helpful...

This group is different. Venting and triggering photos are not allowed. The focus is on growth, actionable support, inspiration, and forward thinking.

I’m worried I won’t follow through and I’ll waste my investment...

This is a common fear, which is why STRENGTH offers 24/7 support, life time access, and incentives like free private coaching sessions with Raffaela when you complete certain Pillars of the program and conquer certain tasks.

Will I lose my progress when I finish the program?

No. This program is based on personal growth. The tools, strategies, and skills you gain will create lasting transformation.

What is the time commitment?

This is a self-paced program designed to fit into your routine and lifestyle, no matter how chaotic. Less than 1 hour a week can make a difference!

Will it work for me?

Yes, if you are willing to put in the work and utilize the abundant support provided.

I have other questions...

Send me a message at [email protected] and I'll get back to you ASAP!

Recovering from skin picking isn't just about having "nice skin".

It's about living a life that fully reflects the...



and power...

that you know you possess.

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© 2023 by Personal Life Coach.