Hi! I'm Heather

And I Love Fur Babies!

Hi! I'm Heather

And I Love Fur Babies!

I went from looking to support my family's mental health issues

to navigating a business aimed at supporting people across the


It's been quite the journey with many twists and unexpected

turns, but it’s all led me to you, right here. I'm ready to share all

that I have learned.

Heather wearing a black shirt on a grey background with 4 balinese cats

Here's What I Learned

After breeding for over a decade and parenting for over two, the mistakes I made did not define me, they made me more prepared to serve you now.

I’m here to support you, wherever you may need it, and all the fur babies I come in contact with. Healthier pets are happier pets!

Here's How We Can Work Together

Breeders Have You Asked Yourself...

Are you barely breaking even and not able to spend more time with your animals or even your family?

Are you treating breeding as a business where you have a plan, budget, and even tax write-offs?

Are you gambling the health of your breeding program by not doing health and genetic testing?

Are you breeding for a look over health and personality?

Are you picky about the animals you are breeding to set a solid foundation?

Are you working closely with a good vet?

Are you using written contracts with clients and other breeders?

Are you choosing top-quality food for your breed and recommending it to your clients?

Breakthrough the major and minor pitfalls of being a breeder

with the help of an experienced mentor - me!

Breakthrough the major and minor pitfalls of being a breeder with the help of an experienced mentor - me!

Why You Need A Mentor

If I could do it all over again - I would! The roadblocks I have experienced with breeding over the years have entirely been my fault and they could have all been avoided with one simple thing…

A mentor!

All of those questions above are things that prevented me from being able to support more people, enjoy my animals, but also my life!

Are you ready to be able to enjoy breeding again?

Heather with Australian Shephard dog
Heather with Australian Shephard dog

Why You Need A Mentor

If I could do it all over again - I would! The roadblocks I have experienced with breeding over the years have entirely been my fault and they could have all been avoided with one simple thing…

A mentor!

All of those questions above are things that prevented me from being able to support more people, enjoy my animals, but also my life!

Are you ready to be able to enjoy breeding again?

Things You Might Not Know About Me...

Cat Doodle

Breeding For 10+


Chocolate doodle

Can’t Get Enough Of Chocolate Covered Toffee

Location symbol with a paw

Placed Hundreds Of Pets...And Counting!

sweater doodle

Warm Sweaters Are

My Happy Place


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