Make a Donation

We appreciate our donors more than we can express! Every bit helps.

Cloud Covered Streets is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

EIN#: 81-1468686

Your contributions give those experiencing homelessness the opportunity to have a hot shower, laundry service, a haircut, new clothes, a supply bag, and other items they may be needing.

Please consult your personal accountant with any other questions related to tax credits.

Mail Your Donation

Ft. Worth Mailing Address

6301 Whitley Rd.

Watauga, TX 76148

Thank you all for learning about Cloud Covered Streets. We hope to hear from you, have you volunteer at a trailer, or become a donor.

Without your time and donations, none of this would be possible.

Copyright 2024. All Right are Reserved. Cloud Covered Streets