How to Set Up a Testimonial-

Generation System in Your Business

NOVEMBER 30, 2021

Why gathering t5estimonials is powerful and how you can set up a system

that will automate the entire process.

As an experienced real estate agent, you likely have hundreds of past clients

who would say wonderful things about working with you. However, if you never

reach out to them and ask them if they would be willing to share their

experiences, you lose out on a powerful form of marketing. Asking for, receiving,

and marketing testimonials is not an easy process. It can be time-consuming—

especially if you’re not sure the right way to go about it. Here’s more information

on why testimonials are important, why many agents don’t effectively use them,

and why a testimonial-generation system is your best friend.

As an experienced real estate agent, you likely have hundreds of past clients

who would say wonderful things about working with you. However, if you never

reach out to them and ask them if they would be willing to share their

experiences, you lose out on a powerful form of marketing. Asking for, receiving,

and marketing testimonials is not an easy process. It can be time-consuming—

especially if you’re not sure the right way to go about it. Here’s more information

on why testimonials are important, why many agents don’t effectively use them,

and why a testimonial-generation system is your best friend.

Why Are Testimonials Important?

Why Are Testimonials Important?

Testimonials, like online reviews, are a powerful form of social proof. Social

proof is the phenomenon where people want to buy from or work with those who

they know have already done business with others they respect, look up to, or

are friends with. When they see proof that you have exceeded the expectations

of their peers, they will feel more comfortable giving you their business. Social

proof is so powerful that 85% of those in a recent survey stated they trust

reviews and testimonials as much as they trust recommendations from their


When you effectively use social proof such as testimonials, you no longer have

to work so hard to get new clients. You have others (those featured in your

testimonials) selling for you. Soon, you’ll find that you have to go out looking for

new clients less and less and that they are finding you. This word-of-mouth

marketing is not only inexpensive, but it’s also highly effective.

Testimonials, like online reviews, are a powerful form of social proof. Social

proof is the phenomenon where people want to buy from or work with those who

they know have already done business with others they respect, look up to, or

are friends with. When they see proof that you have exceeded the expectations

of their peers, they will feel more comfortable giving you their business. Social

proof is so powerful that 85% of those in a recent survey stated they trust

reviews and testimonials as much as they trust recommendations from their


When you effectively use social proof such as testimonials, you no longer have

to work so hard to get new clients. You have others (those featured in your

testimonials) selling for you. Soon, you’ll find that you have to go out looking for

new clients less and less and that they are finding you. This word-of-mouth

marketing is not only inexpensive, but it’s also highly effective.

Components of a Great Testimonial

Components of a Great Testimonial

The goal of a good testimonial is to build trust, brand your agency, and generate

new leads—all at the same time. Though written testimonials are good, video

testimonials are even better. With a video testimonial, your prospects get to see

facial expressions, hear voice inflections, and better experience the emotions of

your past or current client. Here are some of the components of a perfect video


Credible source. The more information you give about the person doing the

testimonial, the better. Full names, places of employment, and the exact service

you performed for the individual gives the testimonial validity.

Original content. If you provide the same script for everyone who agrees to do

a testimonial for you, the content will be unoriginal and unconvincing. Ask the

person giving the testimonial to speak from the heart. It doesn’t matter if what

they say isn’t perfect. In fact, testimonials with a few flubs may even appear

more authentic.

Good quality. It’s quite possible to film video testimonials on your smartphone.

However, if you really want to take it to the next level, it’s a good idea to have a

professional videographer shoot, produce, and edit your testimonials.

Short and sweet. Though details are important in a testimonial, no one wants

to watch a ten-minute video. Try to keep video testimonials in the 2-3 minute

mark to get the most views.

Good editing. Though a few minor mistakes amp up the authenticity, too many

will make the viewing experience jarring. A good video editor can clean up

errors, eliminate dead air, and create a dynamic video that is enjoyable for the

viewer and includes all the necessary components of a great testimonial.

Branding. One of the purposes of testimonials is to increase awareness of your

branding. Each video should feature your team’s colors and logos. At the end of

the testimonial, contact information should be shared so that those interested

in working with you can easily reach out.

The goal of a good testimonial is to build trust, brand your agency, and generate

new leads—all at the same time. Though written testimonials are good, video

testimonials are even better. With a video testimonial, your prospects get to see

facial expressions, hear voice inflections, and better experience the emotions of

your past or current client. Here are some of the components of a perfect video


Credible source. The more information you give about the person doing the

testimonial, the better. Full names, places of employment, and the exact service

you performed for the individual gives the testimonial validity.

Original content. If you provide the same script for everyone who agrees to do

a testimonial for you, the content will be unoriginal and unconvincing. Ask the

person giving the testimonial to speak from the heart. It doesn’t matter if what

they say isn’t perfect. In fact, testimonials with a few flubs may even appear

more authentic.

Good quality. It’s quite possible to film video testimonials on your smartphone.

However, if you really want to take it to the next level, it’s a good idea to have a

professional videographer shoot, produce, and edit your testimonials.

Short and sweet. Though details are important in a testimonial, no one wants

to watch a ten-minute video. Try to keep video testimonials in the 2-3 minute

mark to get the most views.

Good editing. Though a few minor mistakes amp up the authenticity, too many

will make the viewing experience jarring. A good video editor can clean up

errors, eliminate dead air, and create a dynamic video that is enjoyable for the

viewer and includes all the necessary components of a great testimonial.

Branding. One of the purposes of testimonials is to increase awareness of your

branding. Each video should feature your team’s colors and logos. At the end of

the testimonial, contact information should be shared so that those interested

in working with you can easily reach out.

Using Testimonials in Your Marketing

Using Testimonials in Your Marketing

Once you’ve gathered your video and /or written testimonials, you need to make

them a part of your marketing strategies to ensure they reach your target

audience. Here are some ways to accomplish that goal:

1. Add them to your website.

2. Post them on your social media.

3. Use them to create Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns.

4. Use them in presentations to other clients.

5. Play them when you speak at networking groups or industry events.

Once you’ve gathered your video and /or written testimonials, you need to make

them a part of your marketing strategies to ensure they reach your target

audience. Here are some ways to accomplish that goal:

1. Add them to your website.

2. Post them on your social media.

3. Use them to create Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns.

4. Use them in presentations to other clients.

5. Play them when you speak at networking groups or industry events.

Why Don’t Most Agents Properly

Utilize Testimonials?

Why Don’t Most Agents Properly

Utilize Testimonials?

If social proof in the form of video testimonials are so effective, why don’t most

agents properly use them? The biggest reasons are they don’t have the time to

gather them or they don’t know how to ask their past clients for them. Some

agents get on a roll and gather two or three testimonials, then they get busy and

forget to keep up the momentum. Others simply think that their clients won’t

want to take the time to talk about their experience. This is why it’s crucial for

agents to develop a testimonial-generation system that does all the work for


If social proof in the form of video testimonials are so effective, why don’t most

agents properly use them? The biggest reasons are they don’t have the time to

gather them or they don’t know how to ask their past clients for them. Some

agents get on a roll and gather two or three testimonials, then they get busy and

forget to keep up the momentum. Others simply think that their clients won’t

want to take the time to talk about their experience. This is why it’s crucial for

agents to develop a testimonial-generation system that does all the work for


What is a Testimonial-Generation


What is a Testimonial-Generation System?

Online review and testimonial-generation systems help you automate customer

feedback so you no longer have to worry about asking your clients for

testimonials. These systems assist you in reaching out to your clients (or do the

reaching out for you), asking them about their experiences and if they would be

willing to write a review or film a testimonial, and assist you in learning from

their responses so you can continually make the system (and your business)

better. Not only will you be able to easily generate new, powerful testimonials,

but you’ll also be able to better market them to grow your business.

Online review and testimonial-generation systems help you automate customer

feedback so you no longer have to worry about asking your clients for

testimonials. These systems assist you in reaching out to your clients (or do the

reaching out for you), asking them about their experiences and if they would be

willing to write a review or film a testimonial, and assist you in learning from

their responses so you can continually make the system (and your business)

better. Not only will you be able to easily generate new, powerful testimonials,

but you’ll also be able to better market them to grow your business.

How Can You Set Up a Testimonial-

Generation System?

How Can You Set Up a Testimonial-

Generation System?

The best way to set up a testimonial-generation system is to work with an

experienced marketing agency that specializes on working with real estate

agents to grow your business. A dedicated agency like Luxury Presence will help

you set up a system and learn it so you can best use it to get the powerful

testimonials needed for social proof-based marketing. If you’re ready to tap into

the power of past clients and use testimonials and online reviews to take your

agency to the next level, please reach out. Luxury Presence would love to be

your partner!

The best way to set up a testimonial-generation system is to work with an

experienced marketing agency that specializes on working with real estate

agents to grow your business. A dedicated agency like Luxury Presence will help

you set up a system and learn it so you can best use it to get the powerful

testimonials needed for social proof-based marketing. If you’re ready to tap into

the power of past clients and use testimonials and online reviews to take your

agency to the next level, please reach out. Luxury Presence would love to be

your partner!


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NOVEMBER 30, 2021


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