Manifestation Breakthrough Coach



Manifestation is less about the "how" and more about

"who you must become" to make it happen

  • Reborn: become that version of identity you truly want to be - powerful, magnetic, passionate, authentic & unapologetically YOU!

  • Find your uniqueness, realize who you are, and reclaim your true power to manifest anything in life - being happy, thriving & living your dream, with pleasure & ease!

  • Dive into a powerful, rapid, transformative manifestation journey, reprogram unconscious barriers faster, and more effortlessly with powerful, practical, and proven methods!

  • Unlock efficiency, and rejuvenate your mindset. See your life flourish with equilibrium, satisfaction, and the joy of becoming the best version of your real self!

Share your goal and I'll help you achieve it!

  • Set Your Intention:
    Begin by clearly defining what you truly desire, aligning it closely with your core values. Focus your energy and attention on this intention, making it specific and vivid in your mind.

  • Release Limiting Beliefs:
    Identify any hidden fears or subconscious blocks that might be hindering your progress. Acknowledge them and consciously let them go. Replace these limiting beliefs with empowering thoughts and beliefs that support your goals.

  • Raise Your Consciousness:
    Expand your awareness through mindfulness practices such as meditation, journaling, or simply being present in the moment. Pay attention to how your thoughts and emotions shape your reality.

  • Raise Your Energetic Frequency:
    Elevate your vibration by cultivating gratitude, nurturing positive emotions, and surrounding yourself with supportive and uplifting people and environments. Your energy attracts similar energy into your life.

  • Shift Your Identity:
    Embrace the identity of the person you aspire to be. Adopt the habits, mindset, and behaviors of your future self who has already achieved your desires. Live as though your dreams are already manifesting.

  • Become Your True Self:
    Align your actions, thoughts, and decisions with your authentic self. When you operate from a place of truth and integrity, manifestation occurs naturally and effortlessly.

  • Take Inspired Action:
    Take purposeful steps towards your goals, guided by your intuition and inner wisdom. Trust that each action you take, even if it feels uncomfortable at first, is leading you closer to your desired outcome.

  • Trust the Process:
    Release the need for strict control or specific outcomes. Have faith that the universe is conspiring in your favor and that your intentions are manifesting in divine timing. Stay open to receiving opportunities and blessings in unexpected ways.

  • Cultivate Patience and Gratitude:
    Practice gratitude daily for what you already have and for what is coming your way. Patience allows you to maintain alignment with your desires and trust in the unfolding of your journey. Feel, that you have achieved it already...


Have you ever thought about obstacles that may be hindering your path to achieving your ambitious goals?

get your FREE GUIDE to


and make first step toward success!

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Share your goal and I'll help you achieve it!

  • Set Your Intention:
    Begin by clearly defining what you truly desire, aligning it closely with your core values. Focus your energy and attention on this intention, making it specific and vivid in your mind.

  • Release Limiting Beliefs:
    Identify any hidden fears or subconscious blocks that might be hindering your progress. Acknowledge them and consciously let them go. Replace these limiting beliefs with empowering thoughts and beliefs that support your goals.

  • Raise Your Consciousness:
    Expand your awareness through mindfulness practices such as meditation, journaling, or simply being present in the moment. Pay attention to how your thoughts and emotions shape your reality.

  • Raise Your Energetic Frequency:
    Elevate your vibration by cultivating gratitude, nurturing positive emotions, and surrounding yourself with supportive and uplifting people and environments. Your energy attracts similar energy into your life.

  • Shift Your Identity:
    Embrace the identity of the person you aspire to be. Adopt the habits, mindset, and behaviors of your future self who has already achieved your desires. Live as though your dreams are already manifesting.

  • Become Your True Self:
    Align your actions, thoughts, and decisions with your authentic self. When you operate from a place of truth and integrity, manifestation occurs naturally and effortlessly.

  • Take Inspired Action:
    Take purposeful steps towards your goals, guided by your intuition and inner wisdom. Trust that each action you take, even if it feels uncomfortable at first, is leading you closer to your desired outcome.

  • Trust the Process:
    Release the need for strict control or specific outcomes. Have faith that the universe is conspiring in your favor and that your intentions are manifesting in divine timing. Stay open to receiving opportunities and blessings in unexpected ways.

  • Cultivate Patience and Gratitude:
    Practice gratitude daily for what you already have and for what is coming your way. Patience allows you to maintain alignment with your desires and trust in the unfolding of your journey. Feel, that you have achieved it already...


Have you ever thought about obstacles that may be hindering your path to achieving your ambitious goals?

get your FREE GUIDE to


and make first step toward success!

I confirm that I want to receive content from Gintare, using my contact information. No spam, pure value.

"We are living in the feeling of our thinking!"

Said one of my greatest mentor - Robert Simic. He created a huge impact on my transformational journey, when I realized, that profound and lasting changes can happen instantly! Now I am on a mission to help you experience the same!

Most people think, that emotions and feelings are happening TO THEM, but as human beings, we can only feel our thinking... Picture a LIFE FREE from ALL the burdens of your past limitations... Envision the possibility in ONE DAY of releasing ALL your past negative emotions — anger, sadness, hurt, fear, shame, guilt, anxiety, psychological trauma, deeply rooted limiting belief or inner conflict of having low self-esteem, feeling low self-love or lack of self-confidence...

And, YES, changes can happen instantly!


Manifestation isn't just about achieving;

it's about evolving into the person you want to be!

How your life would be different if you could start each day being free from the past negative patterns? You might wonder if it's truly possible... The answer is - ABSOLUTELY YES! With the Quantum Breakthrough Experience, we've witnessed incredible transformations. This is where science meets spirituality - practical methods are based on cutting-edge Quantum-Physics, Quantum-linguistics, Neuro-linguistics, Science of Happiness, combined with Ancient Healing and Mindfulness Modalities that brings real, sustainable, long lasting change in a thorough and holistic way where you are able to manifest anything you dream of.

Check If You Are Eligible:

Who is it for?

  • You know you were born for more, and many times tried to envision a more fulfilling life, yet, you're struggling to manifest it and feeling overwhelmed.

  • If you battling inner conflicts, constantly experience negative emotions, like anxiety over potential fear, or living within the past trauma.

  • crippling limiting beliefs and decisions, imposter syndrome, lack of confidence, or feeling stuck in a negative mindset.

  • If you may have experienced personal development, and engaged in various practices, yet you still sense a missing piece.

  • If your current methods no longer resonate, leaving you feeling stagnant and uncertain.

  • Despite efforts to address recurring patterns or behaviors, you find yourself trapped in a cycle, attracting similar experiences.

Who is it not for?

  • Those, who are not willing to confront and challenge their negative emotions and limiting beliefs.

  • Those, who are not mentally prepared to commit to a transformative journey.

  • Those, who are not coachable/teachable.

  • Those, who don't want to invest in themselves.

  • Those, who are in search of a new guru to follow, yet not genuinely committed to implementing their guidance.

  • Those who are hesitant to take on more responsibility for their life and prefer doing nothing.


Remember, happiness is a journey, not a destination. Use the insights from this quiz to continue cultivating a life filled with joy, meaning, and purpose.


the first exclusive edition of ✨Haute People Magazine✨

This exclusive magazine celebrates visionaries and trendsetters, and it’s an honor to be recognized among such incredible talents. In this featured edition, Gintare dives deep into her journey of facilitating profound personal breakthroughs and life transformations, sharing her personal story and insights that have shaped her path and the unique approach she brings to coaching.

Haute People Magazine is setting a new standard in showcasing excellence, and we are beyond excited to be part of this groundbreaking edition. For those who aspire to elevate their lives and achieve lasting transformation, this is a must-read.


"So the lightness is unspeakable…Gratitude is boundless and cannot be valued by any wealth.… The path taken together brought priceless experience and ignited hope… opened the soul and showed the way… The way to a new life, a life that I can create myself with the help of the Universe…"

- Daiva, Entrepreneur

"I returned to my inner axis in the fastest and the most effective way. I’ve got strong and indisputable realizations about my own responsibility and reached a state of inner peace and raised my self-esteem. Now I know my life’s mission and have the purpose of life."

- Vaiva, Coach

"The system you are working with is unique and really gives brilliant results. Each day I was more curious to learn about myself. Thank you for your professional, and very sincere support during my journey of uncomfortable personal situations. Today I feel confident, valuable, and needed."

- Kristina, Business owner

"How good it is to get rid of that old baggage that dragged me down... How good it is to find a way, or maybe even a huge highway... How good it is to understand that life is JUST beginning… even when I am 52 and my children are grown and grandchildren are already running… "

- Inga, Entrepreneur



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Phone : +357 96 380 994

Ready to leap into a life of empowerment, balance, and unparalleled fulfillment? Your transformative journey awaits! Take the first step!


Ready to leap into a life of empowerment, balance, and unparalleled fulfillment? Your transformative journey awaits! Take the first step!


Email : [email protected]

Phone : +357 96 380 994


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