
I don’t even know, how to express all those feelings that I have filled in my body and soul for Gintare… How much love and dedication are in her eyes, and how much joy when a client moves even one step higher in the spiral of life… It seems that she transfers through herself, with infinite love, every word of yours, every feeling… After meeting Gintare and going through her sessions step by step, life shifts to a state where you can say BEFORE and AFTER….

This is an experience of a lifetime that I would recommend to anyone… Because we all have invisible “skeletons in our closet”, and we know if we gonna open that door, it can fall out… and it scares us just by thinking of it… How good it is to get rid of that old baggage that drags you down so much that it seems you can’t just walk, but it’s already preventing you from breathing… How good it is to find a way, or maybe even a huge highway, after you just couldn’t even see a path through tears and pain… How good it is to understand that life is JUST beginning… even when you’re 52 when your children are grown and grandchildren are already running… How good it is to feel the breath of each day and the understanding that life is ONLY HERE… and it’s not yesterday at all… and you create tomorrow YOURSELF right HERE… EXACTLY TODAY!!! … and the splinters spread out… and it takes all the fears, and sadness, and guilt, and accusations, and anxiety… Such a heavy burden…

It turns out that you can create the future yourself… Can you imagine? For myself… When can you ask yourself a question every day: “I wonder… how will that happen?” And with breezy ease, without any burden of the past, you give yourself to the Universe and of her own accord, begins to send you signs and synchronicities and the strangest thing is… you begin to recognize them and see… it seems as if you were blind until then…

When you realize that you don’t have to be consistent and you don’t owe anything to anyone… that it’s YOUR choice to do something or say NO. When you say to yourself… I WANT it and that’s enough without even trying to prove to anyone why you need it… and you ask the Universe for tools to help you achieve it in the easiest way possible… When in every situation that seems unattractive to you at the time, you can ask yourself the question: “and why is it good for me?” And now you are neither blind nor deaf, so the answer will surely reach you soon…

Human is so strange… and how small he looks in the greatness of the Universe… but what a special place is reserved for HIM, each of us has our own mission, our own tasks… and how wonderful it is to navigate through them, and how magical it is to understand that everything does not come to us from the outside, and all prosperity comes from us… When you breathe in Happiness, when Love radiates from you, when you turn to Yourself and begin to know Yourself, then it seems that Success turns and looks straight into your face, waving her hand, as if inviting her into her arms…

After all, our ancestors were wise when they said “You are the master of your happiness”… When we didn’t believe that… we believed in something else… so each of us paid our price for not creating our own life, building our destiny castles… and we gave up again and again..

I send an INFINITE THANK YOU to Gintare Sido for such a huge transformation in my life… Gratitude is boundless and cannot be valued by any wealth.… The path taken together brought priceless experience and ignited hope… opened the soul and showed the way…The way to a new life, a life that I can create myself with the help of the Universe… If only we could understand what strength we carry inside us… we would “move mountains”…

I feel blessed after meeting this wonderful woman!!!

With love and gratitude, Inga

Dear Gintare, I would like to thank you for your coaching course, love, and support. From the first time I talked with you, your spiritual warmth swept over me and I felt our connection and decided to take this transformational program. I can definitely say that I made the right choice, and I am grateful to my dear friend Inga, (who had a great transformation as well), for her recommendation to go on this very important path in my life with you. I took this intensive course to find the root cause of all the problems in my life, to crack and remove my blocks, and limiting beliefs from my subconscious mind, and to set my new goals for life…

And, actually, I found much more in this journey… The system you are working with is unique and really gives brilliant results. You helped me figure it out, understand, and realize that the subconscious mind has a very strong role in a person’s life and helped me remove unwanted values and beliefs that caused the same repetitive sad situations and patterns in my life. Now, I can definitely say, that every person should find a professional coach to deal with their values, beliefs, intentions, and goals. And that coach is YOU, Gintare!

From the moment I started working with you, I began to feel lighter, more positive, and much happier. Incredible magical miracles began to happen to me, which made me very happy. I began to look calmly at those situations and things that irritated me before. Every day I see not only my changes, but even the changes in my relatives, friends, and my surroundings. The situations began to change in a positive direction, and all this thanks to your help. I was very pleased with your professionalism, every day you explained the information with clear, presentable slides. It helped me a lot to understand deeply and realize the workings of the subconscious mind and made the process of learning and working easy and pleasant. You are a master of your profession and very passionate about your work.

You were excellent at identifying and removing all limiting beliefs from my subconscious mind. You taught me how to listen to my intuition and to read signs from the Universe. With your help I got rid of ALL the anger, sadness, fears, hurt, guilt and shame… All those negative emotions and limiting thoughts, that I suffered for many years… You helped me remove old beliefs and put new empowering beliefs into my subconscious mind. With your guiding, I have revised my values, desires, goals, and meaning of life. You even helped me get confirmation from the Universe about what I should do, what kind of work my soul wants to do, and be useful in this beautiful world for the Universe and all of humanity. It was your kind personality that helped me connect with you in harmony and get such a great result from your sessions. Your warmth was so strong that every day I looked forward to our classes with joy. Every day everything was more interesting to know about myself. Dear Gintare, I sincerely thank you once again for your professionalism, your great work, your support, for your understanding, your patience and for your sincere love. You are a Super Master of your job. Thankful FOREVER!

Best Regards, Fatme

Just had Polarities Integration session with Gintare, and I could say, in less than an hour she helped me to integrate my both - positive and negative emotional polarities into the wholeness inside me. Immediately felt calm and balanced, and my emotional problem just disappeared! Totally recommending to book a session with her!

Thanks, Jurate

When I felt that the external situations were taking over me emotionally, I went to Gintare for help. Thanks to her program of Personal Breakthrough Experience, I returned to my inner axis in the fastest and most effective way. I’ve got strong and indisputable realizations about my responsibility in life. Together, we reached a state of inner peace and raised my self-esteem. Today, I already know my life’s mission and have the purpose of life. I know the proper direction towards it, and I am moving forward. Thank you for your professional, patient, and very sincere support during my journey of uncomfortable personal situations. Today I feel confident, valuable, and needed. Thanks a lot!

Regards, Vaiva

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