Teen Pregnancy

Are you a pregnant teen? Your body will experience some challenges. You can learn what those challenges are and how to navigate them successfully at Grace Place. Visit us to get started. We see pregnant teens for one hour a week during pregnancy. We also offer continuing classes to help you after your baby is born.

Risks: Teenage pregnancy carries a higher risk of complications for both you and your baby. You are more likely to develop pre-eclampsia (a dangerous blood pressure condition during pregnancy), have a premature birth, a low-birth-weight baby, and experience depression. We can show you how to have a healthy pregnancy and avoid those issues.

Education: Teenage moms who receive adequate education are less likely to experience depression and are more likely to provide a healthy environment for their baby. We have prenatal education that will help you understand what your body is experiencing and how to cope. Our services are free.

Support: We offer support to help you provide a healthy and safe environment for your growing baby. We have the tools to help you, from the pregnancy test and ultrasound to the baby bed and car seat. We can walk with you through all aspects of your journey.

We understand the unique needs of teenage mothers and we are committed to providing you with the support and resources you need. Come visit us. Our services are free.

Don't Lose Hope.

Don't Lose Hope.