What Are My Choices?

First, a note about us: Grace Place Pregnancy Care Center is dedicated to providing accurate and informative resources for all alternatives. This includes offering reliable information about abortions, their procedures, and their potential physical, emotional and psychological effects. Every woman has the responsibility to be well-informed when making decisions about her own body regardless of her personal beliefs.

Now let’s talk about you: Since you have landed here on this website, you are likely pregnant or think you might be pregnant. You are probably looking for a way out of the situation, embarrassed, and hoping this is all a bad dream that you will wake up from. Also, pregnancy releases a lot of hormones into your body. This flood of hormones can result in much stronger feelings than premenstrual mood swings. When there is so much emotion involved, it is often difficult to make such an important decision. You might want to ignore it and hope it will go away. When women do that, they can find themselves giving birth in an odd location without anyone knowing that they are pregnant. This can result in a sense of shame and it can be dangerous for the mother and baby. We are here to help. We will help you look at your choices and talk about what is bothering you. . . and our services are free.

There are many aspects to your life. You are a mother now. A baby is in your womb. Let’s talk about what you will do with it.

You have a spiritual side: What does God think about all of this?

You have a social side: Will my friends make fun of me or avoid me? Can I still continue school? Will my boyfriend leave me?

There is the emotional side: Who will help me have this baby? How do I tell my parents? Will they kick me out?

There is the financial side: I don’t have any money. Will I lose my job? Where will I get all the stuff for a baby? I have no insurance! What will I eat?

You have a physical side: I don’t want to get fat. I like my body just the way it is. Will my boyfriend leave me?

All of these parts need to be in agreement before you do anything permanent.

There are also many choices to be made ABOUT your baby: Will you parent her when she is born? Will you place her for adoption? Will you choose an abortion? You need to completely understand each of these options before you make a choice. You don’t have to do this alone. We can help. . . and did I say…we are free?

Let's Talk about Your Options:


Adoption is when you give birth to your baby and then place him with another family. You can continue your life through pregnancy. You will need to take about a week off for childbirth and recovery, then you can go back to your normal life. Choosing adoption allows you to give your child a chance at life, while also giving a family the opportunity to grow through adoption. You can choose the amount of contact that you have with your baby from semi-open (occasional letters and visits) to closed (she does not know who you are.) We have birth mothers who have placed their child for adoption. Would you like to talk with one? We can help.

We have prenatal and childbirth classes to help you have a healthy pregnancy and birth. You can shop our boutique for hygiene products and maternity clothing. You can meet individually with us for lessons or do them online at home.

We work with two adoption agencies: Lifeline and Lifetime. They are both licensed to work in Kansas.

Lifeline adoption has some very helpful articles by clicking HERE or the photo labeled 'articles'.

Lifetime has great videos to learn about adoption. Clicking HERE or the photo labeled 'videos'. You don't have to do this alone. Call us, we can help!


If you chose to parent, you will be able to go about your life as normal. You will need to take about a week off to give birth and recover. Then, you will go about your life including your baby. Parenting is rewarding. There is nothing like the feeling of a toddler's hug and that adoring smile that says YOU are her world.

Parenting is tough, too. It looks easy when someone else does it, but babies cry, they eat all the time, they poop a lot, and sometimes they get colic and cry non-stop. Babies can't tell you what is wrong, so you have to figure it out. You will likely meet some other girls who choose to parent by attending class here at the center. The other moms are a wonderful resource for you. We are here to help you, too. You don't have to do it alone.

We offer lessons to prepare you for every stage in your infant's life and we are here for you until your baby is toddling around and speaking words. Through the classes you will earn 'baby bucks' that you can spend in our boutique for things like clothing, bedding, bouncers, baby food, formula, clothing, and hygiene products. At 30 lessons you earn a new crib and mattress. Financially, the only thing you need to add are the doctor visits.


If you choose abortion, you will be able to go about your life as usual until the procedure. A chemical abortion will cause you to labor at home without medical professionals. You will need to check to be sure that all parts of the baby and sack have been born. Your baby will not be alive. You can go about your life after about a week of recovery.

An abortion is a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy. There are different types of abortion including the medication-induced (also called chemical abortion and abortion pill), aspiration (vacuum or suction) and dilation/evacuation procedures.

While abortion may seem like a quick easy solution to an unplanned pregnancy, it is not a simple procedure for you, and can have physical and emotional risks. Many women experience regret. Abortion does not just make the pregnancy go away, it ends the life of the unborn child.

Videos about Adoption

Articles About Adoption

Who can have abortion? Anyone who is pregnant and meets the criteria established by the medical provider can have an abortion. In Kansas it is legal up to 21 weeks and six days of the pregnancy. You will need to find out the policies of the medical facility that you will visit. You will need a pregnancy test and an ultrasound to verify the baby’s age. We offer both tests for free. We can also show you what a 21 week 6 day pregnancy looks like.

How safe is abortion? Like any medical procedure, risks can include bleeding, infection, punctured organs, and complications with future pregnancies. To minimize the risks, be sure to choose a reputable medical provider and follow all instructions. Have an STI test (sexually transmitted infection) and any needed treatment BEFORE the procedure.

What are the emotional effects of having an abortion?
Every person’s experience is unique. You may feel a sense of relief after having an abortion, but years down the road when you have a new baby in your arms you may come to a new understanding of your choice. You may experience regret and depression. You may wonder what your baby would have looked like and how she would have acted.

What is the abortion pill?
This pill is two drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol. It is taken in two separate doses. It can cost anywhere between $400-$800. It is important to confirm your pregnancy because this pill is very hard on your body and will put you into labor. You may not need the pills because 30% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage in the first trimester.

How does it work?
The abortion pill is usually taken between 4 and 6 weeks. The abortion pill is not an option for people with certain medical conditions or ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy occurring outside of the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency and can be identified with ultrasound.)

Is reversal possible?
Reversal is possible if action is taken after the first dose. If you have recently taken the first dose of mifepristone and decide not to take the second pill, please contact AbortionPillReversal.com. They will walk you through your next steps. Call us, we can help you make the call.

What if I am past 21 weeks, 6 days?
Come visit with us. At your appointment, we can answer all of your questions about second trimester choices.

What if I have already had an abortion and am depressed?
Come see us. We have some lessons and resources to help you work through your feelings. You don’t have to do this alone.

We offer pregnancy decision support to help you explore the options available and make an informed decision. No judgment, no stigma, no gossip. Confidential. YOU make your decision.

Get In Touch

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 620-655-8050

Address Office: 311 N. Grant, Liberal, KS

Assistance Hours:

Mon – Fri 9:00am-5:00PM

Weekend by Appointment

311 N Grant Ave, Liberal, KS 67901, USA

Site References

AbortionsAt Home Abortion Facts. (2023a. February 26). Abortion Health & Safety Checklist | At-Home Abortion Facts.



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Steupert, M. (2023. March 30). Five Things We Don't Know about Abortion in the U.S. (but Could with BetterReporting) - Lozier Institute. Lozier Institute.


to abortion and subsequent mental health. The British Journal of Psychiatry, May 2009. Vol. 195. pp.420-426.Abortion Pill Reversal. (n.d.-b). Overview.



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Fertility & ContraceptionThe Guiding Star Project. (2023. April 5). National Project Home Page - The Guiding Star Project.



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Pregnancy Association. (2022b). Taking a Pregnancy Test. American Pregnancy Association.


PregnancyAmerican Pregnancy Association. (2022, November 22). Pregnancy Symptoms | American Pregnancy Association.


Pregnancy Association. (2022a). What is Implantation Bleeding? American Pregnancy Association.



Lozier Institute. (2023. April 25). Fetal Development: 12 Facts at 12 Weeks - Lozier Institute. LozierInstitute.



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Pregnancy Association. (2021a, December 9). Facility Choices - American Pregnancy Association.


Health & STDsNationally Representative CDC Study Finds 1 in 4 Teenage Girls Has a Sexually Transmitted Disease, 2008National STD Prevention Conference, Press Release, March 11. 2008.STD Facts - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. May 2023.


From First Intercourse to First Sexually Transmitted Infection Diagnosis Among Adolescent Women.Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Vol. 163. No. 12. December 2009. pp. 1106-1111 Our Voices, Our Lives, Our Futures: Youth and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, School of Journalism and MassCommunication (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), February 2004. pp. 1-25.Oral Sex Among Teens - STDs and Pregnancy, National Center for Health Statistics, MedPage Today. September16, 2005. pp. 1-4 Genus B human papillomaviruses and incidence of basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas of skin: population-based case-control study. The British Medical Journal, 2010,

Don't Lose Hope.

Don't Lose Hope.