
Stay healthy, stay strong and embrace the healing power of nature

How to Knock Out a Cold with Natural Remedies

October 07, 202414 min read

How to Knock Out a Cold with Natural Remedies

We’ve all been there—suddenly feeling like you’ve been run over by a truck, a nose that’s simultaneously congested and running like a faucet, and a throat that could double as sandpaper. Whether you’re battling a cold, the flu, or something more sinister (cough COVID cough), fear not! There are plenty of natural remedies to help you bounce back faster, and I’ve got some of them here for you—plus a little humor to keep your spirits up. After all, laughter is medicine too, right?

1. Load Up on Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the hero we all need during cold season. Think of it as the body’s little cheerleader, boosting your immune system’s morale and keeping those pesky viruses in check.

  • How it works: Vitamin C encourages the production of white blood cells, aka the immune system’s army. Oranges, limes, bell peppers, and kiwis are packed with it. So, maybe a fruit salad instead of that bag of chips? And a supplement to top it up good? Here an idea:


2. Zinc – The Unsung Sidekick

Zinc is like your immune system’s behind-the-scenes assistant, quietly ensuring everything runs smoothly while making sure that cold doesn’t overstay its welcome.

  • How it works: Zinc reduces the duration of colds by interfering with the virus’s ability to replicate. You can get it in lozenges, supplements, or foods like pumpkin seeds and chickpeas. Fancy a hummus snack, anyone? If having the flu, you can’t get enough of it, hence here an idea for a supplement:


3. Colloidal Silver: The Shiny Defender

While it sounds like something a superhero might wield, colloidal silver is actually an effective natural remedy for fighting bacteria and viruses.

  • How it works: Silver has been used for more than 2,400 years to help safeguard human health. It is a natural element that can be found in whole grains, edible and medicinal mushrooms, mammalian milk, spring water, sea water and tap water.

From the time of Hippocrates, silver's health protective properties have been well-known and vastly researched. Silver was used to help protect the purity and safety of drinking water throughout ancient civilizations.


4. Herbal Teas: The Healing Elixirs

Sage, thyme, cinnamon—no, this isn’t a recipe for a fancy dish; it’s your cold-fighting dream team. These herbs and spices aren’t just for your spice rack.

  • How they work: Sage soothes the throat, thyme clears your airways, and cinnamon kicks inflammation to the curb. Steep them in hot water for a cozy, healing brew. Plus, holding a warm mug makes you feel 10% better instantly.


natural healing

5. Quercetin: Nature’s Antioxidant

If you want to get fancy, quercetin is an antioxidant found in fruits and veggies that packs a serious punch when it comes to fighting off viruses.

  • How it works: Quercetin helps block viruses from multiplying, so the cold doesn’t have a party in your body. Apples, onions, and green tea are great sources—so stock up and munch away!

Here I found a supplement that has not only Quercetin, but also the beehive's most powerful immune supporter: propolis. What a fabulous combination!


6. NAD+ (The Cellular Energizer)

This one might sound like a new tech gadget, but NAD+ is actually a molecule that’s crucial for energy production at the cellular level. Basically, it helps you recover faster and feel like your old self.

  • How it works: By supporting your body’s energy production, NAD+ helps cells repair themselves, so you can bounce back faster after being hit with a cold or flu. You can find it in supplements:


7. Elderberry: The Immune Superstar

Not just a fun word to say, elderberry is a potent antiviral, and its syrup form tastes pretty darn good.

  • How it works: Elderberry helps stop viruses from replicating, making colds and the flu shorter and less severe. Taking it early at the first sign of sickness is key—think of it as sending in the cavalry.

I chose this syrup, because it also has the goodies of honey (which is a natural antibiotic) and some other immunboosters:


8. Garlic: Nature’s Antibiotic

If you can handle the taste (and the subsequent breath), raw garlic is your go-to when feeling under the weather. It’s nature’s antibiotic.

  • How it works: The active compound in garlic, allicin, fights bacteria and viruses. Chop it up, let it sit for a bit to activate those magical properties, and down it like a warrior. Or toss it in some honey if you’re not feeling that brave. Best would be Manuka honey, as this honey is famous for its healing properties:


9. Echinacea: The Immune System Stimulator

Echinacea is another well-known immune booster that has been traditionally used to prevent colds and flu. It works by stimulating the activity of white blood cells, which helps the body fend off infections more effectively.

  • How it works: Echinacea may help reduce the severity of viral infections by boosting overall immune function. It is especially useful when taken at the first sign of illness.


10. Turmeric: The Inflammation Fighter

Turmeric, particularly its active compound curcumin, is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Inflammation is a key factor in many viral infections, including severe cases of COVID.

  • How it may help with COVID: Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory effects may help reduce the cytokine storm—a severe immune reaction seen in some COVID patients. Incorporating it into your diet (a must have in your spice rack) can help regulate immune responses and inflammation.

As we have plenty supplements so far, here a tea blend and a powder to make the famous golden milk yourself:

(There are so many golden milk recipes out there, best you google and find your favourite)


essential oils

11. Resveratrol: The Longevity Molecule

Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, grapes, and berries, is a potent antioxidant that has been linked to longevity and immune health. It is known for its ability to reduce inflammation, support cardiovascular health, and protect the body from oxidative stress, all of which are key factors in maintaining a strong immune system.

  • How it may help with COVID: Resveratrol’s antioxidant properties may help protect the lungs and cardiovascular system from the damage caused by severe viral infections like COVID, though more research is needed. And… like Nad - it rejuvenates 😉


12. Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D is essential for a well-functioning immune system, and many people are deficient, especially during the winter months when sunlight exposure is reduced. It plays a critical role in regulating the immune response and has been shown to lower the risk of respiratory infections.

  • How it works: Research has shown that adequate levels of Vitamin D can reduce the severity of respiratory infections, including COVID. Vitamin D helps modulate immune responses, reducing the risk of a severe immune reaction known as the cytokine storm.


13. Astragalus: The Ancient Immunity Herb

Astragalus is an adaptogenic herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is well-known for its immune-boosting and antiviral properties and is often used to help the body adapt to stress and improve resilience.

  • How it may help with COVID: Astragalus may help fortify the immune system by increasing the body’s resistance to infections and improving overall immune function.


14. Ginger: Anti-Inflammatory and Antiviral Power

Ginger is a popular remedy for nausea and indigestion, but it also has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It helps to break down mucus, ease sore throats, and reduce inflammation.

  • How it works: Ginger can help soothe sore throat and cough, while also supporting the body’s immune defenses against viral infections. Best to have ginger root in your kitchen (from Peru, not China!) or Ginger powder in your spice rack.


15. Olive Leaf Extract: A Potent Antiviral

Olive leaf extract contains a compound called oleuropein, which is known for its strong antiviral, antibacterial, and immune-stimulating effects. It has been shown to reduce the severity of viral infections and support the immune system.

  • How it may help with COVID: While studies are limited, olive leaf extract has been used to combat various viral infections and may support the body’s ability to fend off respiratory viruses, including those related to COVID.


16. Green Tea: Antioxidant-Rich Immune Support

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants like catechins, which have been shown to help fight viruses by preventing their replication. The amino acid L-theanine found in green tea also promotes relaxation, which supports immune function by reducing stress levels.

  • How it works: Green tea’s antiviral properties may help reduce the risk of infection, and its immune-boosting effects can support overall health during cold and flu season.

How to Knock Out a Cold with Natural Remedies We’ve all been there—suddenly feeling like you’ve been run over by a truck, a nose that’s simultaneously congested and running like a faucet, and a throat that could double as sandpaper. Whether you’re battling a cold, the flu, or something more sinister (cough COVID cough), fear not! There are plenty of natural remedies to help you bounce back faster, and I’ve got them all here for you—plus a little humor to keep your spirits up. After all, laughter is medicine too, right? 1. Load Up on Vitamin C Vitamin C is the hero we all need during cold season. Think of it as the body’s little cheerleader, boosting your immune system’s morale and keeping those pesky viruses in check. •	How it works: Vitamin C encourages the production of white blood cells, aka the immune system’s army. Oranges, limes, bell peppers, and kiwis are packed with it. So, maybe a fruit salad instead of that bag of chips? And a supplement to top it up good? Here an idea:  2. Zinc – The Unsung Sidekick Zinc is like your immune system’s behind-the-scenes assistant, quietly ensuring everything runs smoothly while making sure that cold doesn’t overstay its welcome. •	How it works: Zinc reduces the duration of colds by interfering with the virus’s ability to replicate. You can get it in lozenges, supplements, or foods like pumpkin seeds and chickpeas. Fancy a hummus snack, anyone? If having the flu, you can’t get enough of it, hence here a link for a supplement:  3. Colloidal Silver: The Shiny Defender While it sounds like something a superhero might wield, colloidal silver is actually an effective natural remedy for fighting bacteria and viruses. •	How it works: Silver has been used for more than 2,400 years to help safeguard human health. It is a natural element that can be found in whole grains, edible and medicinal mushrooms, mammalian milk, spring water, sea water and tap water. •	From the time of Hippocrates, silver's health protective properties have been well-known and vastly researched. Silver was used to help protect the purity and safety of drinking water throughout ancient civilizations.  4. Herbal Teas: The Healing Elixirs Sage, thyme, cinnamon—no, this isn’t a recipe for a fancy dish; it’s your cold-fighting dream team. These herbs and spices aren’t just for your spice rack. •	How they work: Sage soothes the throat, thyme clears your airways, and cinnamon kicks inflammation to the curb. Steep them in hot water for a cozy, healing brew. Plus, holding a warm mug makes you feel 10% better instantly.   5. Quercetin: Nature’s Antioxidant If you want to get fancy, quercetin is an antioxidant found in fruits and veggies that packs a serious punch when it comes to fighting off viruses. •	How it works: Quercetin helps block viruses from multiplying, so the cold doesn’t have a party in your body. Apples, onions, and green tea are great sources—so stock up and munch away! Here I found a supplement that has not only Quercetin, but also the beehive's most powerful immune supporter, propolis. What a fabulous combination!  6. NAD+ (The Cellular Energizer) This one might sound like a new tech gadget, but NAD+ is actually a molecule that’s crucial for energy production at the cellular level. Basically, it helps you recover faster and feel like your old self. •	How it works: By supporting your body’s energy production, NAD+ helps cells repair themselves, so you can bounce back faster after being hit with a cold or flu. You can find it in supplements:  7. Elderberry: The Immune Superstar Not just a fun word to say, elderberry is a potent antiviral, and its syrup form tastes pretty darn good. •	How it works: Elderberry helps stop viruses from replicating, making colds and the flu shorter and less severe. Taking it early at the first sign of sickness is key—think of it as sending in the cavalry. I chose this syrup, because it also has the goodies of honey (which is a natural antibiotic) and some other immunboosters:  8. Garlic: Nature’s Antibiotic If you can handle the taste (and the subsequent breath), raw garlic is your go-to when feeling under the weather. It’s nature’s antibiotic. •	How it works: The active compound in garlic, allicin, fights bacteria and viruses. Chop it up, let it sit for a bit to activate those magical properties, and down it like a warrior. Or toss it in some honey if you’re not feeling that brave. Best would be Manuka honey, as this honey is famous for its healing properties:  9. Echinacea: The Immune System Stimulator Echinacea is another well-known immune booster that has been traditionally used to prevent colds and flu. It works by stimulating the activity of white blood cells, which helps the body fend off infections more effectively. •	How it works: Echinacea may help reduce the severity of viral infections by boosting overall immune function. It is especially useful when taken at the first sign of illness.  10. Turmeric: The Inflammation Fighter Turmeric, particularly its active compound curcumin, is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Inflammation is a key factor in many viral infections, including severe cases of COVID. •	How it may help with COVID: Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory effects may help reduce the cytokine storm—a severe immune reaction seen in some COVID patients. Incorporating it into your diet (a must have in your spice rack) can help regulate immune responses and inflammation. As we have plenty supplements so far, here a tea blend and a powder to make the famous golden milk yourself: (There are so many golden milk recipes out there, best you google and find your favourite)  11. Resveratrol: The Longevity Molecule Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, grapes, and berries, is a potent antioxidant that has been linked to longevity and immune health. It is known for its ability to reduce inflammation, support cardiovascular health, and protect the body from oxidative stress, all of which are key factors in maintaining a strong immune system. •	How it may help with COVID: Resveratrol’s antioxidant properties may help protect the lungs and cardiovascular system from the damage caused by severe viral infections like COVID, though more research is needed. And… it rejuvenates 😉  12. Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin Vitamin D is essential for a well-functioning immune system, and many people are deficient, especially during the winter months when sunlight exposure is reduced. It plays a critical role in regulating the immune response and has been shown to lower the risk of respiratory infections. •	How it works: Research has shown that adequate levels of Vitamin D can reduce the severity of respiratory infections, including COVID. Vitamin D helps modulate immune responses, reducing the risk of a severe immune reaction known as the cytokine storm.  13. Astragalus: The Ancient Immunity Herb Astragalus is an adaptogenic herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is well-known for its immune-boosting and antiviral properties and is often used to help the body adapt to stress and improve resilience. •	How it may help with COVID: Astragalus may help fortify the immune system by increasing the body’s resistance to infections and improving overall immune function.  14. Ginger: Anti-Inflammatory and Antiviral Power Ginger is a popular remedy for nausea and indigestion, but it also has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It helps to break down mucus, ease sore throats, and reduce inflammation. •	How it works: Ginger can help soothe sore throat and cough, while also supporting the body’s immune defenses against viral infections. Best to have ginger root in your kitchen (from Peru, not China!) or Ginger powder in your spice rack.  15. Olive Leaf Extract: A Potent Antiviral Olive leaf extract contains a compound called oleuropein, which is known for its strong antiviral, antibacterial, and immune-stimulating effects. It has been shown to reduce the severity of viral infections and support the immune system. •	How it may help with COVID: While studies are limited, olive leaf extract has been used to combat various viral infections and may support the body’s ability to fend off respiratory viruses, including those related to COVID.  16. Green Tea: Antioxidant-Rich Immune Support Green tea contains powerful antioxidants like catechins, which have been shown to help fight viruses by preventing their replication. The amino acid L-theanine found in green tea also promotes relaxation, which supports immune function by reducing stress levels. •	How it works: Green tea’s antiviral properties may help reduce the risk of infection, and its immune-boosting effects can support overall health during cold and flu season.  17. Hydration and Salt Water Rinses Staying hydrated is crucial when fighting off an infection, as fluids help flush toxins and support the body’s natural detox processes. Additionally, rinsing the mouth (not gargling as that could irritate your throat) with warm salt water can soothe a sore throat and help reduce viral load by washing away pathogens from the throat area. •	How it works: Using salt water as mentioned can help manage the symptoms of respiratory infections, by reducing inflammation and keeping the respiratory system clear.  18. Essential Oils: Aromatherapy for Respiratory Relief Essential oils such as eucalyptus, theaves, and tea tree have been used in aromatherapy for their antiviral and decongestant properties. Inhalation of these oils can help clear the sinuses, reduce congestion, and support respiratory health.  19. Steam Inhalation: The DIY Spa Treatment You don’t need a trip to a fancy spa to get relief from congestion—just some hot water and a towel. Steam inhalation is an age-old remedy for clearing up sinuses and easing breathing. •	How it works: Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, lean over a bowl of steaming water, and cover your head with a towel. Breathe in deeply and imagine you’re in a fancy sauna. It’s not, but hey, your sinuses don’t know that.  20. Saline Nasal Rinse: The Cold’s Worst Enemy It may not be glamorous, but using a saline nasal rinse (or neti pot if you’re feeling adventurous) will clear out congestion and get you breathing easier. •	How it works: It flushes out mucus and bacteria from your nasal passages. Just make sure to use clean, filtered water because we’re fighting colds, not creating new problems. Or take a bowl, ad lukewarm water and ½ teaspoon of a good sea salt or Himalayan salt and dive in with your face. After catching your breath, repeat till you were in this water for a total of 3 minutes.  21. Rest: Because You’re Not Superhuman (Yet) Let’s face it—you need rest. It’s one of the most important things you can do for recovery, and it doesn’t involve any fancy ingredients or weird-tasting remedies. •	How it works: Sleep gives your body time to repair itself. So grab your coziest blanket and let your body work its magic while you nap.  22. Reduce Sugar: The Not-So-Sweet Truth Sugar might taste amazing, but it’s bad news when you’re sick. Refined sugars suppress your immune system, making it harder to fight off infections. Studies have shown that sugar can reduce the ability of white blood cells to fight infections for several hours after consumption. This suppression of immune function means that your body is less capable of defending itself against viruses like the common cold, the flu, and potentially COVID. •	How it works: Skip the sweets and opt for nutrient-rich foods instead. Think of it as giving your immune system a pep talk instead of sabotaging it. Excess sugar intake increases inflammation in the body, which can worsen symptoms during illness. Chronic inflammation weakens the immune system, making it harder for your body to respond effectively to infections. Sugar also disrupts the balance of the gut microbiome, which plays a key role in immune function. A diet high in sugar can feed harmful bacteria and yeast in the gut, weakening the beneficial microbes that support immune resilience.  23. Energy Work: Because Healing is More Than Just Physical If you’re into Energy Medicine, Qigong, or chakra balancing, now’s the time to tap into those practices. Energy healing can support your physical recovery and boost your body’s natural healing mechanisms. If you are (still) too weak to practice your skills on yourself, consider booking a remote healing session.  •	How it works: Energy Healing promotes relaxation, reduce stress (which helps the immune system), cleared your energy fields and thus brings your energy back into balance. It’s a holistic approach that makes you feel better in both body and mind. Drop me an email if you would like to book an appointment  24. Detox Foot Bath: Because Why Not? Ever tried a detox foot bath? It’s one way to detoxify while giving yourself a mini spa experience at home. •	How it works: Soaking your feet in a warm foot bath with Epsom salts and essential oils helps draw out toxins and promotes relaxation. Plus, it feels amazing after a long day of lying on the couch pretending to feel better. Don’t forget to oil your feet afterwards with a nourishing oil. You could use a few drops of the mentioned essential oils with a carrier oil like coconut- or olive oil.  25. Acupressure: Activating Immune Points Acupressure involves applying pressure to specific points on the body, often aligned with acupuncture meridians, to stimulate energy flow and enhance immunity. Certain acupressure points, such as Stomach 36 (Zu San Li) and Lung 7 (Lie Que), are known for their ability to boost immune function, improve circulation, and support respiratory health. •	How acupressure helps during illness: By stimulating these points, you can enhance your body’s energy flow, reduce inflammation, and support overall immune activity. It can also relieve symptoms like nasal congestion, cough, and sore throat by improving the flow of qi (life force energy) through the body’s meridians.  26. Grounding Techniques: Reconnect with Earth’s Energy Grounding, also known as earthing, involves direct physical contact with the Earth, such as walking barefoot on grass, dirt, or sand. This practice helps neutralize free radicals, reduce inflammation, and restore the body’s natural electrical charge. •	How grounding helps during illness: Grounding can have a calming effect on the nervous system, which supports immune function. It helps reduce stress hormones, decreases inflammation, and improves sleep, all of which are critical for recovery from illness. Grounding regularly can also improve overall vitality and energy levels, helping the body fight off infections more effectively.  How to Combine These Remedies Supporting your immune system goes beyond just taking supplements or herbal remedies. A holistic approach also includes lifestyle adjustments, such as reducing sugar intake, ensuring adequate rest, incorporating energy work, and practicing regular detoxification, like foot baths. Together, these elements create a strong foundation for immune health, especially during cold and flu season. As you prioritize these natural remedies and supportive practices, you’ll empower your body to function optimally, heal faster, and defend itself more effectively against illness. To create a holistic cold-combatting routine, you can combine several of the explained remedies. Start your day with a cup of thyme or sage tea, and take zinc and Vitamin C supplements with breakfast. Take colloidal silver as directed and sip on cinnamon tea throughout the day. Choose at least 2 or more of the described supplements and take them accordingly. Afternoon: Drink elderberry syrup, ginger tea, greentea or any of the mentioned teas and include grounding, weather permitting. Find those acupoints or sign up for a remote Energy healing. Stay away from suger and rest. Your body naturally wants to sleep more, but you could also give it a go with Yoga Nidra. Evening: Sip on turmeric tea or a golden milk to ease remaining symptoms while enjoying a foot detox bath to promote healing. Before bed time you might wanna do a steam inhalation and neti or the mentioned face bath (or both) to help you breath better during the night.  Getting through a severe cold (or flu, or COVID) isn’t fun, but with these natural remedies (and of course there are way more!), lifestyle adjustments, and a dash of humor, you’re well-equipped to give that illness the fight of its life. From garlic breath to energy work, you’ve got a toolkit of both ancient wisdom and modern natural remedies at your fingertips. So rest up, drink that herbal tea, and remember: you’re stronger than this cold, and you’ve got the natural arsenal to prove it.  Feel better soon, and may your immune system be ever in your favor! And after that stay healthy, stay strong, and embrace the healing power of nature!


17. Hydration and Salt Water Rinses

Staying hydrated is crucial when fighting off an infection, as fluids help flush toxins and support the body’s natural detox processes. Additionally, rinsing the mouth (not gargling as that could irritate your throat) with warm salt water can soothe a sore throat and help reduce viral load by washing away pathogens from the throat area.

  • How it works: Using salt water as mentioned can help manage the symptoms of respiratory infections, by reducing inflammation and keeping the respiratory system clear.


18. Essential Oils: Aromatherapy for Respiratory Relief

Essential oils such as eucalyptus, theaves, and tea tree have been used in aromatherapy for their antiviral and decongestant properties. Inhalation of these oils can help clear the sinuses, reduce congestion, and support respiratory health.



19. Steam Inhalation: The DIY Spa Treatment

You don’t need a trip to a fancy spa to get relief from congestion—just some hot water and a towel. Steam inhalation is an age-old remedy for clearing up sinuses and easing breathing.

  • How it works: Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, lean over a bowl of steaming water, and cover your head with a towel. Breathe in deeply and imagine you’re in a fancy sauna. It’s not, but hey, your sinuses don’t know that.


20. Saline Nasal Rinse: The Cold’s Worst Enemy

It may not be glamorous, but using a saline nasal rinse (or neti pot if you’re feeling adventurous) will clear out congestion and get you breathing easier.

  • How it works: It flushes out mucus and bacteria from your nasal passages. Just make sure to use clean, filtered water because we’re fighting colds, not creating new problems. Or take a bowl, ad lukewarm water and ½ teaspoon of a good sea salt or Himalayan salt and dive in with your face. After catching your breath, repeat till you were in this water for a total of 3 minutes.


21. Rest: Because You’re Not Superhuman (Yet)

Let’s face it—you need rest. It’s one of the most important things you can do for recovery, and it doesn’t involve any fancy ingredients or weird-tasting remedies.

  • How it works: Sleep gives your body time to repair itself. So grab your coziest blanket and let your body work its magic while you nap.


22. Reduce Sugar: The Not-So-Sweet Truth

Sugar might taste amazing, but it’s bad news when you’re sick. Refined sugars suppress your immune system, making it harder to fight off infections. Studies have shown that sugar can reduce the ability of white blood cells to fight infections for several hours after consumption. This suppression of immune function means that your body is less capable of defending itself against viruses like the common cold, the flu, and potentially COVID.

  • How it works: Skip the sweets and opt for nutrient-rich foods instead. Think of it as giving your immune system a pep talk instead of sabotaging it. Excess sugar intake increases inflammation in the body, which can worsen symptoms during illness. Chronic inflammation weakens the immune system, making it harder for your body to respond effectively to infections. Sugar also disrupts the balance of the gut microbiome, which plays a key role in immune function. A diet high in sugar can feed harmful bacteria and yeast in the gut, weakening the beneficial microbes that support immune resilience.


herbal teas

23. Energy Work: Because Healing is More Than Just Physical

If you’re into Energy Medicine, Qigong, or chakra balancing, now’s the time to tap into those practices. Energy healing can support your physical recovery and boost your body’s natural healing mechanisms. If you are (still) too weak to practice your skills on yourself, consider booking a remote healing session.

  • How it works: Energy Healing promotes relaxation, reduce stress (which helps the immune system), cleared your energy fields and thus brings your energy back into balance. It’s a holistic approach that makes you feel better in both body and mind.

Drop me an email if you would like me to have your back


24. Detox Foot Bath: Because Why Not?

Ever tried a detox foot bath? It’s one way to detoxify while giving yourself a mini spa experience at home.

  • How it works: Soaking your feet in a warm foot bath with Epsom salts and essential oils helps draw out toxins and promotes relaxation. Plus, it feels amazing after a long day of lying on the couch pretending to feel better. Don’t forget to oil your feet afterwards with a nourishing oil. You could use a few drops of the mentioned essential oils with a carrier oil like coconut- or olive oil.


25. Acupressure: Activating Immune Points

Acupressure involves applying pressure to specific points on the body, often aligned with acupuncture meridians, to stimulate energy flow and enhance immunity. Certain acupressure points, such as Stomach 36 (Zu San Li) and Lung 7 (Lie Que), are known for their ability to boost immune function, improve circulation, and support respiratory health.

  • How acupressure helps during illness: By stimulating these points, you can enhance your body’s energy flow, reduce inflammation, and support overall immune activity. It can also relieve symptoms like nasal congestion, cough, and sore throat by improving the flow of qi (life force energy) through the body’s meridians.


26. Grounding Techniques: Reconnect with Earth’s Energy

Grounding, also known as earthing, involves direct physical contact with the Earth, such as walking barefoot on grass, dirt, or sand. This practice helps neutralize free radicals, reduce inflammation, and restore the body’s natural electrical charge.

  • How grounding helps during illness: Grounding can have a calming effect on the nervous system, which supports immune function. It helps reduce stress hormones, decreases inflammation, and improves sleep, all of which are critical for recovery from illness. Grounding regularly can also improve overall vitality and energy levels, helping the body fight off infections more effectively.


How to Combine These Remedies

Supporting your immune system goes beyond just taking supplements or herbal remedies. A holistic approach also includes lifestyle adjustments, such as reducing sugar intake, ensuring adequate rest, incorporating energy work, and practicing regular detoxification, like foot baths. Together, these elements create a strong foundation for immune health, especially during cold and flu season.

As you prioritize these natural remedies and supportive practices, you’ll empower your body to function optimally, heal faster, and defend itself more effectively against illness.

To create a holistic cold-combatting routine, you can combine several of the explained remedies. Start your day with a cup of thyme or sage tea, and take zinc and Vitamin C supplements with breakfast. Take colloidal silver as directed and sip on cinnamon tea throughout the day.

Choose at least 2 or more of the described supplements and take them accordingly.

Afternoon: Drink elderberry syrup, ginger tea, greentea or any of the mentioned teas and include grounding, weather permitting of course. Find those acupoints or sign up for a remote Energy healing. Stay away from suger and rest. Your body naturally wants to sleep more, but you could also give it a go with Yoga Nidra.

Evening: Sip on a golden milk (made with turmerik) to ease remaining symptoms while enjoying a foot detox bath to promote healing. Before bed time you might wanna do a steam inhalation and neti (or the explained face bath) or both, to help you breath better during the night.


Getting through a severe cold (or flu, or COVID) isn’t fun, but with these natural remedies (and of course there are way more!), lifestyle adjustments, and a dash of humor, you’re well-equipped to give that illness the fight of its life. From garlic breath to energy work, you’ve got a toolkit of both ancient wisdom and modern natural remedies at your fingertips.

So rest up, drink that herbal tea, and remember: you’re stronger than this cold, and you’ve got the natural arsenal to prove it.

Feel better soon, and may your immune system be ever in your favor!

And after that stay healthy, stay strong, and embrace the healing power of nature!



natural remedies against flu and coldwhat to do against covidstrenghten your immun systemhow to strengthen the immun systemhow to boost the immun systemcold fighting herbal teasquercetin and nadnatural antioxidantfighting viruses and bacteria a natural wayfighting inflammationnatural immun boosternatural antiviral and antibacterial possibilitiesessential oilsEnergy Healing to strengthen the immunsystemEnergy Medicine to help fight of the fludetox with foot bath
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Tamoah Burton

From mastering the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to weaving magic with Quantum Healing, Tamoah's journey is a whirlwind of adventure and experiences. Need a boost of cosmic clarity? She's your go-to gal for tapping into the Akashic Records. Tamoah isn't just your average healer—she's a Medicine Woman extraordinaire, trained under the tropical skies of Hawaii. With over 30 years of experience under her belt, she's a true veteran in the realms of holistic healing.

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Stay healthy, stay strong and embrace the healing power of nature

How to Knock Out a Cold with Natural Remedies

October 07, 202414 min read

How to Knock Out a Cold with Natural Remedies

We’ve all been there—suddenly feeling like you’ve been run over by a truck, a nose that’s simultaneously congested and running like a faucet, and a throat that could double as sandpaper. Whether you’re battling a cold, the flu, or something more sinister (cough COVID cough), fear not! There are plenty of natural remedies to help you bounce back faster, and I’ve got some of them here for you—plus a little humor to keep your spirits up. After all, laughter is medicine too, right?

1. Load Up on Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the hero we all need during cold season. Think of it as the body’s little cheerleader, boosting your immune system’s morale and keeping those pesky viruses in check.

  • How it works: Vitamin C encourages the production of white blood cells, aka the immune system’s army. Oranges, limes, bell peppers, and kiwis are packed with it. So, maybe a fruit salad instead of that bag of chips? And a supplement to top it up good? Here an idea:


2. Zinc – The Unsung Sidekick

Zinc is like your immune system’s behind-the-scenes assistant, quietly ensuring everything runs smoothly while making sure that cold doesn’t overstay its welcome.

  • How it works: Zinc reduces the duration of colds by interfering with the virus’s ability to replicate. You can get it in lozenges, supplements, or foods like pumpkin seeds and chickpeas. Fancy a hummus snack, anyone? If having the flu, you can’t get enough of it, hence here an idea for a supplement:


3. Colloidal Silver: The Shiny Defender

While it sounds like something a superhero might wield, colloidal silver is actually an effective natural remedy for fighting bacteria and viruses.

  • How it works: Silver has been used for more than 2,400 years to help safeguard human health. It is a natural element that can be found in whole grains, edible and medicinal mushrooms, mammalian milk, spring water, sea water and tap water.

From the time of Hippocrates, silver's health protective properties have been well-known and vastly researched. Silver was used to help protect the purity and safety of drinking water throughout ancient civilizations.


4. Herbal Teas: The Healing Elixirs

Sage, thyme, cinnamon—no, this isn’t a recipe for a fancy dish; it’s your cold-fighting dream team. These herbs and spices aren’t just for your spice rack.

  • How they work: Sage soothes the throat, thyme clears your airways, and cinnamon kicks inflammation to the curb. Steep them in hot water for a cozy, healing brew. Plus, holding a warm mug makes you feel 10% better instantly.


natural healing

5. Quercetin: Nature’s Antioxidant

If you want to get fancy, quercetin is an antioxidant found in fruits and veggies that packs a serious punch when it comes to fighting off viruses.

  • How it works: Quercetin helps block viruses from multiplying, so the cold doesn’t have a party in your body. Apples, onions, and green tea are great sources—so stock up and munch away!

Here I found a supplement that has not only Quercetin, but also the beehive's most powerful immune supporter: propolis. What a fabulous combination!


6. NAD+ (The Cellular Energizer)

This one might sound like a new tech gadget, but NAD+ is actually a molecule that’s crucial for energy production at the cellular level. Basically, it helps you recover faster and feel like your old self.

  • How it works: By supporting your body’s energy production, NAD+ helps cells repair themselves, so you can bounce back faster after being hit with a cold or flu. You can find it in supplements:


7. Elderberry: The Immune Superstar

Not just a fun word to say, elderberry is a potent antiviral, and its syrup form tastes pretty darn good.

  • How it works: Elderberry helps stop viruses from replicating, making colds and the flu shorter and less severe. Taking it early at the first sign of sickness is key—think of it as sending in the cavalry.

I chose this syrup, because it also has the goodies of honey (which is a natural antibiotic) and some other immunboosters:


8. Garlic: Nature’s Antibiotic

If you can handle the taste (and the subsequent breath), raw garlic is your go-to when feeling under the weather. It’s nature’s antibiotic.

  • How it works: The active compound in garlic, allicin, fights bacteria and viruses. Chop it up, let it sit for a bit to activate those magical properties, and down it like a warrior. Or toss it in some honey if you’re not feeling that brave. Best would be Manuka honey, as this honey is famous for its healing properties:


9. Echinacea: The Immune System Stimulator

Echinacea is another well-known immune booster that has been traditionally used to prevent colds and flu. It works by stimulating the activity of white blood cells, which helps the body fend off infections more effectively.

  • How it works: Echinacea may help reduce the severity of viral infections by boosting overall immune function. It is especially useful when taken at the first sign of illness.


10. Turmeric: The Inflammation Fighter

Turmeric, particularly its active compound curcumin, is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Inflammation is a key factor in many viral infections, including severe cases of COVID.

  • How it may help with COVID: Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory effects may help reduce the cytokine storm—a severe immune reaction seen in some COVID patients. Incorporating it into your diet (a must have in your spice rack) can help regulate immune responses and inflammation.

As we have plenty supplements so far, here a tea blend and a powder to make the famous golden milk yourself:

(There are so many golden milk recipes out there, best you google and find your favourite)


essential oils

11. Resveratrol: The Longevity Molecule

Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, grapes, and berries, is a potent antioxidant that has been linked to longevity and immune health. It is known for its ability to reduce inflammation, support cardiovascular health, and protect the body from oxidative stress, all of which are key factors in maintaining a strong immune system.

  • How it may help with COVID: Resveratrol’s antioxidant properties may help protect the lungs and cardiovascular system from the damage caused by severe viral infections like COVID, though more research is needed. And… like Nad - it rejuvenates 😉


12. Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D is essential for a well-functioning immune system, and many people are deficient, especially during the winter months when sunlight exposure is reduced. It plays a critical role in regulating the immune response and has been shown to lower the risk of respiratory infections.

  • How it works: Research has shown that adequate levels of Vitamin D can reduce the severity of respiratory infections, including COVID. Vitamin D helps modulate immune responses, reducing the risk of a severe immune reaction known as the cytokine storm.


13. Astragalus: The Ancient Immunity Herb

Astragalus is an adaptogenic herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is well-known for its immune-boosting and antiviral properties and is often used to help the body adapt to stress and improve resilience.

  • How it may help with COVID: Astragalus may help fortify the immune system by increasing the body’s resistance to infections and improving overall immune function.


14. Ginger: Anti-Inflammatory and Antiviral Power

Ginger is a popular remedy for nausea and indigestion, but it also has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It helps to break down mucus, ease sore throats, and reduce inflammation.

  • How it works: Ginger can help soothe sore throat and cough, while also supporting the body’s immune defenses against viral infections. Best to have ginger root in your kitchen (from Peru, not China!) or Ginger powder in your spice rack.


15. Olive Leaf Extract: A Potent Antiviral

Olive leaf extract contains a compound called oleuropein, which is known for its strong antiviral, antibacterial, and immune-stimulating effects. It has been shown to reduce the severity of viral infections and support the immune system.

  • How it may help with COVID: While studies are limited, olive leaf extract has been used to combat various viral infections and may support the body’s ability to fend off respiratory viruses, including those related to COVID.


16. Green Tea: Antioxidant-Rich Immune Support

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants like catechins, which have been shown to help fight viruses by preventing their replication. The amino acid L-theanine found in green tea also promotes relaxation, which supports immune function by reducing stress levels.

  • How it works: Green tea’s antiviral properties may help reduce the risk of infection, and its immune-boosting effects can support overall health during cold and flu season.

How to Knock Out a Cold with Natural Remedies We’ve all been there—suddenly feeling like you’ve been run over by a truck, a nose that’s simultaneously congested and running like a faucet, and a throat that could double as sandpaper. Whether you’re battling a cold, the flu, or something more sinister (cough COVID cough), fear not! There are plenty of natural remedies to help you bounce back faster, and I’ve got them all here for you—plus a little humor to keep your spirits up. After all, laughter is medicine too, right? 1. Load Up on Vitamin C Vitamin C is the hero we all need during cold season. Think of it as the body’s little cheerleader, boosting your immune system’s morale and keeping those pesky viruses in check. •	How it works: Vitamin C encourages the production of white blood cells, aka the immune system’s army. Oranges, limes, bell peppers, and kiwis are packed with it. So, maybe a fruit salad instead of that bag of chips? And a supplement to top it up good? Here an idea:  2. Zinc – The Unsung Sidekick Zinc is like your immune system’s behind-the-scenes assistant, quietly ensuring everything runs smoothly while making sure that cold doesn’t overstay its welcome. •	How it works: Zinc reduces the duration of colds by interfering with the virus’s ability to replicate. You can get it in lozenges, supplements, or foods like pumpkin seeds and chickpeas. Fancy a hummus snack, anyone? If having the flu, you can’t get enough of it, hence here a link for a supplement:  3. Colloidal Silver: The Shiny Defender While it sounds like something a superhero might wield, colloidal silver is actually an effective natural remedy for fighting bacteria and viruses. •	How it works: Silver has been used for more than 2,400 years to help safeguard human health. It is a natural element that can be found in whole grains, edible and medicinal mushrooms, mammalian milk, spring water, sea water and tap water. •	From the time of Hippocrates, silver's health protective properties have been well-known and vastly researched. Silver was used to help protect the purity and safety of drinking water throughout ancient civilizations.  4. Herbal Teas: The Healing Elixirs Sage, thyme, cinnamon—no, this isn’t a recipe for a fancy dish; it’s your cold-fighting dream team. These herbs and spices aren’t just for your spice rack. •	How they work: Sage soothes the throat, thyme clears your airways, and cinnamon kicks inflammation to the curb. Steep them in hot water for a cozy, healing brew. Plus, holding a warm mug makes you feel 10% better instantly.   5. Quercetin: Nature’s Antioxidant If you want to get fancy, quercetin is an antioxidant found in fruits and veggies that packs a serious punch when it comes to fighting off viruses. •	How it works: Quercetin helps block viruses from multiplying, so the cold doesn’t have a party in your body. Apples, onions, and green tea are great sources—so stock up and munch away! Here I found a supplement that has not only Quercetin, but also the beehive's most powerful immune supporter, propolis. What a fabulous combination!  6. NAD+ (The Cellular Energizer) This one might sound like a new tech gadget, but NAD+ is actually a molecule that’s crucial for energy production at the cellular level. Basically, it helps you recover faster and feel like your old self. •	How it works: By supporting your body’s energy production, NAD+ helps cells repair themselves, so you can bounce back faster after being hit with a cold or flu. You can find it in supplements:  7. Elderberry: The Immune Superstar Not just a fun word to say, elderberry is a potent antiviral, and its syrup form tastes pretty darn good. •	How it works: Elderberry helps stop viruses from replicating, making colds and the flu shorter and less severe. Taking it early at the first sign of sickness is key—think of it as sending in the cavalry. I chose this syrup, because it also has the goodies of honey (which is a natural antibiotic) and some other immunboosters:  8. Garlic: Nature’s Antibiotic If you can handle the taste (and the subsequent breath), raw garlic is your go-to when feeling under the weather. It’s nature’s antibiotic. •	How it works: The active compound in garlic, allicin, fights bacteria and viruses. Chop it up, let it sit for a bit to activate those magical properties, and down it like a warrior. Or toss it in some honey if you’re not feeling that brave. Best would be Manuka honey, as this honey is famous for its healing properties:  9. Echinacea: The Immune System Stimulator Echinacea is another well-known immune booster that has been traditionally used to prevent colds and flu. It works by stimulating the activity of white blood cells, which helps the body fend off infections more effectively. •	How it works: Echinacea may help reduce the severity of viral infections by boosting overall immune function. It is especially useful when taken at the first sign of illness.  10. Turmeric: The Inflammation Fighter Turmeric, particularly its active compound curcumin, is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Inflammation is a key factor in many viral infections, including severe cases of COVID. •	How it may help with COVID: Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory effects may help reduce the cytokine storm—a severe immune reaction seen in some COVID patients. Incorporating it into your diet (a must have in your spice rack) can help regulate immune responses and inflammation. As we have plenty supplements so far, here a tea blend and a powder to make the famous golden milk yourself: (There are so many golden milk recipes out there, best you google and find your favourite)  11. Resveratrol: The Longevity Molecule Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, grapes, and berries, is a potent antioxidant that has been linked to longevity and immune health. It is known for its ability to reduce inflammation, support cardiovascular health, and protect the body from oxidative stress, all of which are key factors in maintaining a strong immune system. •	How it may help with COVID: Resveratrol’s antioxidant properties may help protect the lungs and cardiovascular system from the damage caused by severe viral infections like COVID, though more research is needed. And… it rejuvenates 😉  12. Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin Vitamin D is essential for a well-functioning immune system, and many people are deficient, especially during the winter months when sunlight exposure is reduced. It plays a critical role in regulating the immune response and has been shown to lower the risk of respiratory infections. •	How it works: Research has shown that adequate levels of Vitamin D can reduce the severity of respiratory infections, including COVID. Vitamin D helps modulate immune responses, reducing the risk of a severe immune reaction known as the cytokine storm.  13. Astragalus: The Ancient Immunity Herb Astragalus is an adaptogenic herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is well-known for its immune-boosting and antiviral properties and is often used to help the body adapt to stress and improve resilience. •	How it may help with COVID: Astragalus may help fortify the immune system by increasing the body’s resistance to infections and improving overall immune function.  14. Ginger: Anti-Inflammatory and Antiviral Power Ginger is a popular remedy for nausea and indigestion, but it also has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It helps to break down mucus, ease sore throats, and reduce inflammation. •	How it works: Ginger can help soothe sore throat and cough, while also supporting the body’s immune defenses against viral infections. Best to have ginger root in your kitchen (from Peru, not China!) or Ginger powder in your spice rack.  15. Olive Leaf Extract: A Potent Antiviral Olive leaf extract contains a compound called oleuropein, which is known for its strong antiviral, antibacterial, and immune-stimulating effects. It has been shown to reduce the severity of viral infections and support the immune system. •	How it may help with COVID: While studies are limited, olive leaf extract has been used to combat various viral infections and may support the body’s ability to fend off respiratory viruses, including those related to COVID.  16. Green Tea: Antioxidant-Rich Immune Support Green tea contains powerful antioxidants like catechins, which have been shown to help fight viruses by preventing their replication. The amino acid L-theanine found in green tea also promotes relaxation, which supports immune function by reducing stress levels. •	How it works: Green tea’s antiviral properties may help reduce the risk of infection, and its immune-boosting effects can support overall health during cold and flu season.  17. Hydration and Salt Water Rinses Staying hydrated is crucial when fighting off an infection, as fluids help flush toxins and support the body’s natural detox processes. Additionally, rinsing the mouth (not gargling as that could irritate your throat) with warm salt water can soothe a sore throat and help reduce viral load by washing away pathogens from the throat area. •	How it works: Using salt water as mentioned can help manage the symptoms of respiratory infections, by reducing inflammation and keeping the respiratory system clear.  18. Essential Oils: Aromatherapy for Respiratory Relief Essential oils such as eucalyptus, theaves, and tea tree have been used in aromatherapy for their antiviral and decongestant properties. Inhalation of these oils can help clear the sinuses, reduce congestion, and support respiratory health.  19. Steam Inhalation: The DIY Spa Treatment You don’t need a trip to a fancy spa to get relief from congestion—just some hot water and a towel. Steam inhalation is an age-old remedy for clearing up sinuses and easing breathing. •	How it works: Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, lean over a bowl of steaming water, and cover your head with a towel. Breathe in deeply and imagine you’re in a fancy sauna. It’s not, but hey, your sinuses don’t know that.  20. Saline Nasal Rinse: The Cold’s Worst Enemy It may not be glamorous, but using a saline nasal rinse (or neti pot if you’re feeling adventurous) will clear out congestion and get you breathing easier. •	How it works: It flushes out mucus and bacteria from your nasal passages. Just make sure to use clean, filtered water because we’re fighting colds, not creating new problems. Or take a bowl, ad lukewarm water and ½ teaspoon of a good sea salt or Himalayan salt and dive in with your face. After catching your breath, repeat till you were in this water for a total of 3 minutes.  21. Rest: Because You’re Not Superhuman (Yet) Let’s face it—you need rest. It’s one of the most important things you can do for recovery, and it doesn’t involve any fancy ingredients or weird-tasting remedies. •	How it works: Sleep gives your body time to repair itself. So grab your coziest blanket and let your body work its magic while you nap.  22. Reduce Sugar: The Not-So-Sweet Truth Sugar might taste amazing, but it’s bad news when you’re sick. Refined sugars suppress your immune system, making it harder to fight off infections. Studies have shown that sugar can reduce the ability of white blood cells to fight infections for several hours after consumption. This suppression of immune function means that your body is less capable of defending itself against viruses like the common cold, the flu, and potentially COVID. •	How it works: Skip the sweets and opt for nutrient-rich foods instead. Think of it as giving your immune system a pep talk instead of sabotaging it. Excess sugar intake increases inflammation in the body, which can worsen symptoms during illness. Chronic inflammation weakens the immune system, making it harder for your body to respond effectively to infections. Sugar also disrupts the balance of the gut microbiome, which plays a key role in immune function. A diet high in sugar can feed harmful bacteria and yeast in the gut, weakening the beneficial microbes that support immune resilience.  23. Energy Work: Because Healing is More Than Just Physical If you’re into Energy Medicine, Qigong, or chakra balancing, now’s the time to tap into those practices. Energy healing can support your physical recovery and boost your body’s natural healing mechanisms. If you are (still) too weak to practice your skills on yourself, consider booking a remote healing session.  •	How it works: Energy Healing promotes relaxation, reduce stress (which helps the immune system), cleared your energy fields and thus brings your energy back into balance. It’s a holistic approach that makes you feel better in both body and mind. Drop me an email if you would like to book an appointment  24. Detox Foot Bath: Because Why Not? Ever tried a detox foot bath? It’s one way to detoxify while giving yourself a mini spa experience at home. •	How it works: Soaking your feet in a warm foot bath with Epsom salts and essential oils helps draw out toxins and promotes relaxation. Plus, it feels amazing after a long day of lying on the couch pretending to feel better. Don’t forget to oil your feet afterwards with a nourishing oil. You could use a few drops of the mentioned essential oils with a carrier oil like coconut- or olive oil.  25. Acupressure: Activating Immune Points Acupressure involves applying pressure to specific points on the body, often aligned with acupuncture meridians, to stimulate energy flow and enhance immunity. Certain acupressure points, such as Stomach 36 (Zu San Li) and Lung 7 (Lie Que), are known for their ability to boost immune function, improve circulation, and support respiratory health. •	How acupressure helps during illness: By stimulating these points, you can enhance your body’s energy flow, reduce inflammation, and support overall immune activity. It can also relieve symptoms like nasal congestion, cough, and sore throat by improving the flow of qi (life force energy) through the body’s meridians.  26. Grounding Techniques: Reconnect with Earth’s Energy Grounding, also known as earthing, involves direct physical contact with the Earth, such as walking barefoot on grass, dirt, or sand. This practice helps neutralize free radicals, reduce inflammation, and restore the body’s natural electrical charge. •	How grounding helps during illness: Grounding can have a calming effect on the nervous system, which supports immune function. It helps reduce stress hormones, decreases inflammation, and improves sleep, all of which are critical for recovery from illness. Grounding regularly can also improve overall vitality and energy levels, helping the body fight off infections more effectively.  How to Combine These Remedies Supporting your immune system goes beyond just taking supplements or herbal remedies. A holistic approach also includes lifestyle adjustments, such as reducing sugar intake, ensuring adequate rest, incorporating energy work, and practicing regular detoxification, like foot baths. Together, these elements create a strong foundation for immune health, especially during cold and flu season. As you prioritize these natural remedies and supportive practices, you’ll empower your body to function optimally, heal faster, and defend itself more effectively against illness. To create a holistic cold-combatting routine, you can combine several of the explained remedies. Start your day with a cup of thyme or sage tea, and take zinc and Vitamin C supplements with breakfast. Take colloidal silver as directed and sip on cinnamon tea throughout the day. Choose at least 2 or more of the described supplements and take them accordingly. Afternoon: Drink elderberry syrup, ginger tea, greentea or any of the mentioned teas and include grounding, weather permitting. Find those acupoints or sign up for a remote Energy healing. Stay away from suger and rest. Your body naturally wants to sleep more, but you could also give it a go with Yoga Nidra. Evening: Sip on turmeric tea or a golden milk to ease remaining symptoms while enjoying a foot detox bath to promote healing. Before bed time you might wanna do a steam inhalation and neti or the mentioned face bath (or both) to help you breath better during the night.  Getting through a severe cold (or flu, or COVID) isn’t fun, but with these natural remedies (and of course there are way more!), lifestyle adjustments, and a dash of humor, you’re well-equipped to give that illness the fight of its life. From garlic breath to energy work, you’ve got a toolkit of both ancient wisdom and modern natural remedies at your fingertips. So rest up, drink that herbal tea, and remember: you’re stronger than this cold, and you’ve got the natural arsenal to prove it.  Feel better soon, and may your immune system be ever in your favor! And after that stay healthy, stay strong, and embrace the healing power of nature!


17. Hydration and Salt Water Rinses

Staying hydrated is crucial when fighting off an infection, as fluids help flush toxins and support the body’s natural detox processes. Additionally, rinsing the mouth (not gargling as that could irritate your throat) with warm salt water can soothe a sore throat and help reduce viral load by washing away pathogens from the throat area.

  • How it works: Using salt water as mentioned can help manage the symptoms of respiratory infections, by reducing inflammation and keeping the respiratory system clear.


18. Essential Oils: Aromatherapy for Respiratory Relief

Essential oils such as eucalyptus, theaves, and tea tree have been used in aromatherapy for their antiviral and decongestant properties. Inhalation of these oils can help clear the sinuses, reduce congestion, and support respiratory health.



19. Steam Inhalation: The DIY Spa Treatment

You don’t need a trip to a fancy spa to get relief from congestion—just some hot water and a towel. Steam inhalation is an age-old remedy for clearing up sinuses and easing breathing.

  • How it works: Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, lean over a bowl of steaming water, and cover your head with a towel. Breathe in deeply and imagine you’re in a fancy sauna. It’s not, but hey, your sinuses don’t know that.


20. Saline Nasal Rinse: The Cold’s Worst Enemy

It may not be glamorous, but using a saline nasal rinse (or neti pot if you’re feeling adventurous) will clear out congestion and get you breathing easier.

  • How it works: It flushes out mucus and bacteria from your nasal passages. Just make sure to use clean, filtered water because we’re fighting colds, not creating new problems. Or take a bowl, ad lukewarm water and ½ teaspoon of a good sea salt or Himalayan salt and dive in with your face. After catching your breath, repeat till you were in this water for a total of 3 minutes.


21. Rest: Because You’re Not Superhuman (Yet)

Let’s face it—you need rest. It’s one of the most important things you can do for recovery, and it doesn’t involve any fancy ingredients or weird-tasting remedies.

  • How it works: Sleep gives your body time to repair itself. So grab your coziest blanket and let your body work its magic while you nap.


22. Reduce Sugar: The Not-So-Sweet Truth

Sugar might taste amazing, but it’s bad news when you’re sick. Refined sugars suppress your immune system, making it harder to fight off infections. Studies have shown that sugar can reduce the ability of white blood cells to fight infections for several hours after consumption. This suppression of immune function means that your body is less capable of defending itself against viruses like the common cold, the flu, and potentially COVID.

  • How it works: Skip the sweets and opt for nutrient-rich foods instead. Think of it as giving your immune system a pep talk instead of sabotaging it. Excess sugar intake increases inflammation in the body, which can worsen symptoms during illness. Chronic inflammation weakens the immune system, making it harder for your body to respond effectively to infections. Sugar also disrupts the balance of the gut microbiome, which plays a key role in immune function. A diet high in sugar can feed harmful bacteria and yeast in the gut, weakening the beneficial microbes that support immune resilience.


herbal teas

23. Energy Work: Because Healing is More Than Just Physical

If you’re into Energy Medicine, Qigong, or chakra balancing, now’s the time to tap into those practices. Energy healing can support your physical recovery and boost your body’s natural healing mechanisms. If you are (still) too weak to practice your skills on yourself, consider booking a remote healing session.

  • How it works: Energy Healing promotes relaxation, reduce stress (which helps the immune system), cleared your energy fields and thus brings your energy back into balance. It’s a holistic approach that makes you feel better in both body and mind.

Drop me an email if you would like me to have your back


24. Detox Foot Bath: Because Why Not?

Ever tried a detox foot bath? It’s one way to detoxify while giving yourself a mini spa experience at home.

  • How it works: Soaking your feet in a warm foot bath with Epsom salts and essential oils helps draw out toxins and promotes relaxation. Plus, it feels amazing after a long day of lying on the couch pretending to feel better. Don’t forget to oil your feet afterwards with a nourishing oil. You could use a few drops of the mentioned essential oils with a carrier oil like coconut- or olive oil.


25. Acupressure: Activating Immune Points

Acupressure involves applying pressure to specific points on the body, often aligned with acupuncture meridians, to stimulate energy flow and enhance immunity. Certain acupressure points, such as Stomach 36 (Zu San Li) and Lung 7 (Lie Que), are known for their ability to boost immune function, improve circulation, and support respiratory health.

  • How acupressure helps during illness: By stimulating these points, you can enhance your body’s energy flow, reduce inflammation, and support overall immune activity. It can also relieve symptoms like nasal congestion, cough, and sore throat by improving the flow of qi (life force energy) through the body’s meridians.


26. Grounding Techniques: Reconnect with Earth’s Energy

Grounding, also known as earthing, involves direct physical contact with the Earth, such as walking barefoot on grass, dirt, or sand. This practice helps neutralize free radicals, reduce inflammation, and restore the body’s natural electrical charge.

  • How grounding helps during illness: Grounding can have a calming effect on the nervous system, which supports immune function. It helps reduce stress hormones, decreases inflammation, and improves sleep, all of which are critical for recovery from illness. Grounding regularly can also improve overall vitality and energy levels, helping the body fight off infections more effectively.


How to Combine These Remedies

Supporting your immune system goes beyond just taking supplements or herbal remedies. A holistic approach also includes lifestyle adjustments, such as reducing sugar intake, ensuring adequate rest, incorporating energy work, and practicing regular detoxification, like foot baths. Together, these elements create a strong foundation for immune health, especially during cold and flu season.

As you prioritize these natural remedies and supportive practices, you’ll empower your body to function optimally, heal faster, and defend itself more effectively against illness.

To create a holistic cold-combatting routine, you can combine several of the explained remedies. Start your day with a cup of thyme or sage tea, and take zinc and Vitamin C supplements with breakfast. Take colloidal silver as directed and sip on cinnamon tea throughout the day.

Choose at least 2 or more of the described supplements and take them accordingly.

Afternoon: Drink elderberry syrup, ginger tea, greentea or any of the mentioned teas and include grounding, weather permitting of course. Find those acupoints or sign up for a remote Energy healing. Stay away from suger and rest. Your body naturally wants to sleep more, but you could also give it a go with Yoga Nidra.

Evening: Sip on a golden milk (made with turmerik) to ease remaining symptoms while enjoying a foot detox bath to promote healing. Before bed time you might wanna do a steam inhalation and neti (or the explained face bath) or both, to help you breath better during the night.


Getting through a severe cold (or flu, or COVID) isn’t fun, but with these natural remedies (and of course there are way more!), lifestyle adjustments, and a dash of humor, you’re well-equipped to give that illness the fight of its life. From garlic breath to energy work, you’ve got a toolkit of both ancient wisdom and modern natural remedies at your fingertips.

So rest up, drink that herbal tea, and remember: you’re stronger than this cold, and you’ve got the natural arsenal to prove it.

Feel better soon, and may your immune system be ever in your favor!

And after that stay healthy, stay strong, and embrace the healing power of nature!



natural remedies against flu and coldwhat to do against covidstrenghten your immun systemhow to strengthen the immun systemhow to boost the immun systemcold fighting herbal teasquercetin and nadnatural antioxidantfighting viruses and bacteria a natural wayfighting inflammationnatural immun boosternatural antiviral and antibacterial possibilitiesessential oilsEnergy Healing to strengthen the immunsystemEnergy Medicine to help fight of the fludetox with foot bath
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Tamoah Burton

From mastering the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to weaving magic with Quantum Healing, Tamoah's journey is a whirlwind of adventure and experiences. Need a boost of cosmic clarity? She's your go-to gal for tapping into the Akashic Records. Tamoah isn't just your average healer—she's a Medicine Woman extraordinaire, trained under the tropical skies of Hawaii. With over 30 years of experience under her belt, she's a true veteran in the realms of holistic healing.

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