Journey into inner Radiance - a Life Transformation Program

Do you feel stuck? Are you going through a difficult time (divorce, death of a loved one, mobbing, illness, depression, addiction...) ? Maybe you feel like you lost the ground under your feet? Or maybe you’re deeply stressed or even devastated due to your life circumstances. Or you feel like your battery is depleted and you badly need a time out? Or you lost your joy and momentum in life?

I know how that feels. The school of life certainly has thrown at me many lessons to chew on... I would have loved to find support programs as the ones I offer today when I was going through the most difficult times of my life. Back then I didn’t know to whom to turn to for real help or what it was that I actually needed for healing. The professional people (shrink, holistic practitioner, etc.) I did get in touch with turned out to be disappointing encounters.

After my baby daughter died, after I had divorced my second husband, after I had two car accidents which left my body with spinal and neurological issues, after I went through financial hardships, after two burn outs and more – I had to ponder: “What in the world am I not getting? What does life want to tell me?

I did eventually smile in the face of adversity and came to the realization that I had to be my own white knight. My background in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese Medicine was helpful, but not enough. I did dive into all sorts of certified modalities, methods and techniques, and spent heaps of money on all sorts of available helping tools for body, mind and psyche.

Strengthening my intuition, receiving guidance from “above” and gifting myself with time and self love were so important steps on my personal way of transformation. All my experiences led to the creation of my programs. I know it works and I would love for as many people as possible to step out of the down spiral and into their higher vibration.

What I also learned was that there is way more than our physical eyes can see. So here I am offering you my crème de la crème: A package of powerful tools and healing, tested by me and proven to work. And once we are through with your chosen program, you too have plenty tools at your service to use at any time needed.

How Does Your Life Transformation Begin?

We will meet virtually on Zoom to discuss the obstacles you’re facing, your circumstances, anything that you feel inhibits you from moving forward and your goals.

The special thing about my Life Transformation programs is that while you do your “home work,” I work on you remotely and clear your energy fields from old burdens (and whatever holds you down), retrieve lost Soul particles, etc. with my Metaphysical Energy Healing tools. Where have you ever seen this combination? You can only win as this program offers you life transformation at its best!

I cannot wait to show you your way into your personal alignment and Soul level Healing.

You are not your circumstances, you are not your hormones, you are not what your thoughts want to make you believe, you are not your (aching) body. I am looking forward to helping you discover the real you. My superpower is finding your blind spot and transforming it with you. Let’s look it in the eye and say good bye. For good. We will find the sacred silence in you, where healing happens. We get to the root cause and transform your life.

Remember: It’s never the wrong time to become the best version of you

Do you feel called to work with me? Yes? I am absolutely thrilled! I so love to help people Blossom into their Awesome!

Let’s get Started!

I offer a FREE Zoom call during which we get to know each other and can decide if we are a fit. I will listen to your challenge, we define your goals and set up your very personal guide through the program. Once we have clarity, we set up our virtual meeting dates. (The “schedule” further below is just a guide line. It will be tailored to your needs.)

Here’s what you can achieve with Journey into Inner Radiance - a Life Transformation Program:

  • Alignment

  • Healing on Soul level

  • Inner Zen and tranquility

  • Joy

  • A re-lit inner fire

  • Stronger self worth, self esteem, and self love

  • System reset

  • Old and new baggage release

  • Discover your Soul Gifts

  • Reconnection with your inner wisdom

  • Less stress

  • Heavy energy release

  • A relaxed and transformed body and better understanding of its symptoms, if there are any

  • live your true purpose

  • have clarity

  • make empowered decissions

  • Rebalanced mind-body-spirit

  • The ability to live your life with your unleashed power within

  • a compacted Soul thanks to Soul retrieval

  • cleansed, cleared Aura with Aura Healing and Aura Surgery

  • free from dark energy, entities, etc.

  • shadow work

  • feeling fabulous on all levels

  • shine your light, laugh, liberate your innate true you

  • and so much more that is related to your specific circumstance

Let’s chat! Click below to book your free “Get-to-know-me-call.” I can’t wait to see you Blossom into your Awesome while I guide you through your Journey into inner Radiance!

Here are the 3 programs to choose from:

Blossom into Your Awesome 4-week Intensive Mentoring

What you get in this 4-week super intensive program:

Week 1 

Zoom call mentioned above

Remote Energy healing (shadow parasite cleanse)

Zoom call Akashic Record reading with shamanic healing journey

Week 2

Remote Energy healing with soul retrieval

Remote home clearing

Zoom call Akashic Record reading with shamanic healing journey

Zoom call Akashic Record reading with inner child healing

Week 3

Remote Energy healing Aura cleanse, Aura Healing, Aura Surgery

Energetic Spine alignment

Zoom call Akashic Record reading with shamanic healing journey (awaken the sacred feminine)

Zoom call Akashic Record reading with inner child work

Week 4

Remote Energy healing with Aura cleanse, Aura Surgery, Aura Healing

Zoom call Akashic Record reading with shamanic healing journey

Zoom call Akashic Record reading with inner child healing

Plus: The shamanic healing journeys will be recorded for you. After this month you will have at least 4 personalized healing journeys for whenever you feel the need to dive back into your healing energy.

Plus: we will have a follow up Zoom call after 1 month, 3 months and 5 months. To make sure you keep on blossoming and thriving

(Please note, that this is a general curriculum. It will be tailored to your exact needs.)

The total value is min. C$ 5,800.

As I want you to heal from within and bring joy into the world, I made a special package price where you save over 800$.

This means your investment into yourself is only C$ 4998.

If you should need a payment plan, let me know.

Get in touch! Click below to book your free “Get-to-know-me-call.” I can’t wait to see you Blossom into your Awesome and guide you through your inner mastery journey!

Sacred Medicine for the Soul - 12 Month Mentoring

Everything mentioned above but instead of weekly calls we will have 2 Zoom calls per month:

  • You will receive 12 remote healings

  • We will have 12 Inner Child session together = 1 Zoom call per month

  • You will receive 12 readings with Shamanic Healing Journeys = 1 Zoom call per month

  • 1 house clearing

  • 3 spine alignments. On 1st month, 6th month, 12th

Total value min. C$ 13400.

Special price for your investment in yourself for a blossoming and thriving you: C$ 12222 (you are saving over C$ 1100!)

Payment plans are available.

Get in touch! Click below to book your free “Get-to-know-me-call.” I cant wait to see you Blossom into your Awesome and guide you through your inner mastery journey!

“Self study” with 4 Private Mentoring Sessions

After our first (free) virtual meeting where we map your journey, we will do an Akashic Record reading where you will receive your personal “self study – self work” inputs. You will dive into this task on your own for a certain timeframe. After that, we come together again for a follow-up and new assessment. The 4 calls will be very individual and tailored to your needs. Each call lasts 90 – 120 minutes and will be done within 1 – 6 months, depending on your needs.

Total value: C$ 1140.

Special price for your investment in yourself: C$ 999

Payment plans available if needed.

Note: This offer will eventually rise in price some time in the future.

Get in touch! Click below to book your free “Get-to-know-me-call.” I cant wait to see you Blossom into your Awesome and guide you through your inner mastery journey

Get in touch! Click below to book your free “Get-to-know-me-call.” I cant wait to see you Blossom into your Awesome and guide you through your inner mastery journey into Radiance

Journey into inner Radiance -

a Life Transformation Program

Do you feel stuck? Are you going through a difficult time (divorce, death of a loved one, mobbing, illness, depression, addiction...) ? Maybe you feel like you lost the ground under your feet? Or maybe you’re deeply stressed or even devastated due to your life circumstances. Or you feel like your battery is depleted and you badly need a time out? Or you lost your joy and momentum in life?

I know how that feels. The school of life certainly has thrown at me many lessons to chew on... I would have loved to find support programs as the ones I offer today when I was going through the most difficult times of my life. Back then I didn’t know to whom to turn to for real help or what it was that I actually needed for healing. The professional people (shrink, holistic practitioner, etc.) I did get in touch with turned out to be disappointing encounters.

After my baby daughter died, after I had divorced my second husband, after I had two car accidents which left my body with spinal and neurological issues, after I went through financial hardships, after two burn outs and more – I had to ponder: “What in the world am I not getting? What does life want to tell me?

I did eventually smile in the face of adversity and came to the realization that I had to be my own white knight. My background in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese Medicine was helpful, but not enough. I did dive into all sorts of certified modalities, methods and techniques, and spent heaps of money on all sorts of available helping tools for body, mind and psyche.

Strengthening my intuition, receiving guidance from “above” and gifting myself with time and self love were so important steps on my personal way of transformation. All my experiences led to the creation of my programs. I know it works and I would love for as many people as possible to step out of the down spiral and into their higher vibration.

What I also learned was that there is way more than our physical eyes can see. So here I am offering you my crème de la crème: A package of powerful tools and healing, tested by me and proven to work. And once we are through with your chosen program, you too have plenty tools at your service to use at any time needed.

How Does Your Life Transformation Begin?

We will meet virtually on Zoom to discuss the obstacles you’re facing, your circumstances, anything that you feel inhibits you from moving forward and your goals.

The special thing about my Life Transformation programs is that while you do your “home work,” I work on you remotely and clear your energy fields from old burdens (and whatever holds you down), retrieve lost Soul particles, etc. with my Metaphysical Energy Healing tools. Where have you ever seen this combination? You can only win as this program offers you life transformation at its best!

I cannot wait to show you your way into your personal alignment and Soul level Healing.

You are not your circumstances, you are not your hormones, you are not what your thoughts want to make you believe, you are not your (aching) body. I am looking forward to helping you discover the real you. My superpower is finding your blind spot and transforming it with you. Let’s look it in the eye and say good bye. For good. We will find the sacred silence in you, where healing happens. We get to the root cause and transform your life.

Remember: It’s never the wrong time to become the best version of you

Do you feel called to work with me? Yes? I am absolutely thrilled! I so love to help people Blossom into their Awesome!

Let’s get Started!

I offer a FREE Zoom call during which we get to know each other and can decide if we are a fit. I will listen to your challenge, we define your goals and set up your very personal guide through the program. Once we have clarity, we set up our virtual meeting dates. (The “schedule” further below is just a guide line. It will be tailored to your needs.)

Here’s what you can achieve with Journey into Inner Radiance - a Life Transformation Program:

  • Alignment

  • Healing on Soul level

  • Inner Zen and tranquility

  • Joy

  • A re-lit inner fire

  • Stronger self worth, self esteem, and self love

  • System reset

  • Old and new baggage release

  • Discover your Soul Gifts

  • Reconnection with your inner wisdom

  • Less stress

  • Heavy energy release

  • A relaxed and transformed body and better understanding of its symptoms, if there are any

  • live your true purpose

  • have clarity

  • make empowered decisions

  • Rebalanced mind-body-spirit

  • The ability to live your life with your unleashed power within

  • a compacted Soul thanks to Soul retrieval

  • cleansed, cleared Aura with Aura Healing and Aura Surgery

  • free from dark energy, entities, etc.

  • shadow work

  • feeling fabulous on all levels

  • shine your light, laugh, liberate your innate true you

  • and so much more that is related to your specific circumstance

Let’s chat! Click below to book your free “Get-to-know-me-call.” I can’t wait to see you Blossom into your Awesome while I guide you through your Journey into inner Radiance!

Here are the 3 programs to choose from:

Blossom into Your Awesome 4-week Intensive Mentoring

What you get in this 4-week super intensive program:

Week 1 

  • Zoom call mentioned above

  • Remote Energy healing (shadow parasite cleanse)

  • Zoom call Akashic Record reading with shamanic healing journey

Week 2

  • Remote Energy healing with soul retrieval

  • Remote home clearing

  • Zoom call Akashic Record reading with shamanic healing journey

  • Zoom call Akashic Record reading with inner child healing

Week 3

  • Remote Energy healing: Aura cleanse, Aura Healing, Aura Surgery

  • Energetic Spine alignment

  • Zoom call Akashic Record reading with shamanic healing journey (awaken the sacred feminine)

  • Zoom call Akashic Record reading with inner child work

Week 4

  • Remote Energy healing: Aura cleanse, Aura Surgery, Aura Healing

  • Zoom call Akashic Record reading with shamanic healing journey

  • Zoom call Akashic Record reading with inner child healing

Plus: The shamanic healing journeys will be recorded for you. After this month you will have at least 4 personalized healing journeys for whenever you feel the need to dive back into your healing energy.

Plus: we will have a follow up Zoom call after 1 month, 3 months and 5 months. To make sure you keep on blossoming and thriving.

(Please note, that this is a general curriculum. It will be tailored to your exact needs.)

The total value is min. C$ 5,800.

As I want you to heal from within and bring joy into the world, I made a special package price where you save over 800$.

This means your investment into yourself is only C$ 4998.

If you should need a payment plan, let me know.

Get in touch! Click below to book your free “Get-to-know-me-call.” I can’t wait to see you Blossom into your Awesome and guide you through your inner mastery journey!

Sacred Medicine for the Soul - 12 Month Mentoring

Everything mentioned above but instead of weekly calls we will have 2 Zoom calls per month:

  • You will receive 12 remote healings

  • We will have 12 Inner Child session together = 1 Zoom call per month

  • You will receive 12 Akashic Record readings with Shamanic Healing Journeys = 1 Zoom call per month

  • 1 house clearing

  • 3 spine alignments. On 1st month, 6th month, 12th

Total value min. C$ 13400.

Special price for your investment in yourself for a blossoming and thriving you: C$ 12222 (you are saving over C$ 1100!)

Payment plans are available.

Get in touch! Click below to book your free “Get-to-know-me-call.” I cant wait to see you Blossom into your Awesome and guide you through your inner mastery journey!

“Self study” with 4 Private Mentoring Sessions

After our first (free) virtual meeting where we map your journey, we will do an Akashic Record reading where you will receive your personal “self study – self work” inputs. You will dive into this task on your own for a certain timeframe. After that, we come together again for a follow-up and new assessment. The 4 calls will be very individual and tailored to your needs. Each call lasts 90 – 120 minutes and will be done within 1 – 6 months, depending on your needs.

Total value: C$ 1140.

Special price for your investment in yourself: C$ 999

Payment plans available if needed.

Get in touch! Click below to book your free “Get-to-know-me-call.” I cant wait to see you Blossom into your Awesome and guide you through your inner mastery journey

Get in touch! Click below to book your free “Get-to-know-me-call.” I cant wait to see you Blossom into your Awesome and guide you through your inner mastery journey into Radiance

I can’t wait to see you thrive and blossom into your awesome!

Sending infinite blessings your way!

I can’t wait to see you thrive and blossom into your awesome!

Sending infinite blessings your way!