600 S Lake Ave Suite 101 Pasadena, Ca 91106

Nutritional Guidance & Lifestyle Coaching

Unlock your full wellness potential with our Nutritional Guidance & Lifestyle Coaching services at Pasadena Weight Loss Center. In a world filled with dietary fads and conflicting health advice, a personalized approach to nutrition and lifestyle is more critical than ever. Our tailored programs are designed to align with your unique health needs, life circumstances, and wellness goals.

Our certified nutritionists and life coaches employ a holistic approach, utilizing scientifically-backed methods to guide you toward making healthier choices, setting achievable goals, and managing stress more effectively. Read on to discover the specialized programs aimed at enhancing your well-being from the inside out.

Start Your Transformation - Schedule A Free Consultation Today!

Voted #1 in the San Gabriel Valley for 10 Consecutive Years

Empower Your Wellness Journey

Unlock the Path to Holistic Health with Our Customized Nutritional Guidance and Lifestyle Coaching Programs

Lifestyle Coaching and Mentoring

What Is It?

Personalized coaching sessions conducted via telecommunication methods, alongside tracking your body composition metrics.


  • Goal setting and achievement

  • Consistent monitoring of your health metrics

  • One-on-one guidance and feedback

How It Works

Through video conferencing or phone calls, our coaches will guide you in setting realistic goals and tracking key health metrics using our mobile health tracking app.

Who It's For

Those looking to enhance their well-being with the guidance of a certified coach.

Create Accountability

What Is It?

A framework to keep you accountable for your health decisions and actions.


  • Regular check-ins

  • Emotional support

  • Objective tracking of progress

How It Works

Regular consultations, reminders, and tracking methods are utilized to keep you responsible for your health.

Who It's For

Individuals who perform better with structured accountability systems.

Set Personalized Goals

What Is It?

Customized goal-setting to help you achieve short-term and long-term success.


  • Clarity in your wellness journey

  • Achievement-based motivation

  • Improved decision-making

How It Works

Goals are set collaboratively and are regularly reviewed and updated during your consultations.

Who It's For

Anyone who wants to set and achieve measurable, actionable goals in their wellness journey.

Benefit from a Support System

What Is It?

Access to a community and professionals to provide ongoing support.


  • Emotional support

  • Professional advice

  • Peer-to-peer learning

How It Works

Join online groups, forums, and get personalized advice from experts for support.

Who It's For

Those who thrive in community settings or require ongoing support and advice.

Sleep Optimization

What Is It?

Sleep tracking and coaching to improve the quality of your sleep.


  • Improved sleep quality

  • Increased daytime alertness

  • Better overall well-being

How It Works

Sleep metrics are tracked and analyzed, followed by personalized coaching sessions to improve sleep habits.

Who It's For

Anyone struggling with sleep issues or looking to optimize their sleep for better health.

Movement & Stretching

What Is It?

Personalized at-home stretching and movement plans.


  • Increased flexibility

  • Improved posture

  • Reduced risk of injury

How It Works

You'll receive a custom plan that you can follow at home to improve your flexibility and body movement.

Who It's For

People who want to continue their physical wellness journey from the comfort of their home.

Enhanced Breathing

What Is It?

Exercises aimed at strengthening the ribcage and improving breathing capacity.


  • Improved lung capacity

  • Better stamina

  • Stress relief

How It Works

Through a series of breathing exercises and routines, this program aims to improve your respiratory health.

Who It's For

Good for athletes, people with respiratory issues, or anyone looking to improve their overall lung health.

Dwight Hicks

Two-Time Super Bowl Champ

"I’m a former professional athlete and two-time Super Bowl Champion. I know what it takes for my body to perform at its optimal potential. Implementing the [FIT50 program] into my life has helped me achieve that goal.

My energy has increased, my metabolism is better, and I don’t remember the last time I got a cold."

Linda Gray

Golden Globe Award Nominated Actress

“The [FIT50 Program] is the ‘missing link’ that I was looking for. It is not a program where you are told not to eat ‘this’ or ‘that.’

It educates you and gives you the tools so that you know exactly what happens to your body and gives you the freedom to make your own choices.”

Still Have Questions?

Dive into our Frequently Asked Questions below to find the answers you're looking for. If you need more personalized assistance, don't hesitate to call us at (626) 844-4686. We're here to help!

What exactly is the Fit50 Weight Loss Program?

The Fit50 Weight Loss Program is a comprehensive approach to wellness, targeting individuals over 50. It focuses on reducing belly fat, blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol through natural means. The program combines fitness training, nutritional guidance, and lifestyle education to create a personalized path to optimal health.

How does the NO RISK - FREE TRIAL work?

The free trial offers an opportunity to experience the Fit50 Program without any obligation. It includes a body composition test, a fitness evaluation, a personal training session, and a detailed discussion about the program. Simply sign up through our website to claim your free trial.

Is the program suitable for someone with medical conditions?

Our program is designed with care, but individual health needs can vary. We recommend discussing your specific medical conditions with our qualified professionals during the free trial session to ensure that the program is tailored to your needs.

What are the credentials of the trainers and specialists?

Our team consists of experienced professionals with diverse qualifications, including medical degrees, fitness certifications, and specializations in nutrition. You can learn more about each team member on our "Meet Our Fantastic Team" page.

How long does it take to see results?

The results may vary based on individual goals, commitment, and starting point. Typically, clients begin to see noticeable improvements within the first few weeks. Our team will work closely with you to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments.

Can I continue with my current diet while on the Fit50 Program?

The Fit50 Program emphasizes healthy eating habits as a key part of achieving your goals. Our specialists will work with you to develop a nutrition plan that accommodates your preferences and aligns with the program's principles.

What support is offered beyond the fitness and nutritional guidance?

The Fit50 Program is not just about exercise and diet; it's about fostering a holistic lifestyle change. We offer continuous support, regular check-ins, educational workshops, and a community of fellow participants to keep you motivated and engaged.

How can I contact Fit50 if I have more questions?

Feel free to reach out to us via phone, email, or through our contact form on the website. Our dedicated team is always here to assist you with any inquiries.

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