Books that inspire me . . .

As a dedicated lifelong learner, I encourage you to explore the books
that have shaped me as a person and as a coach.

I am dedicated to empowering change, igniting passion, and achieving outstanding results

for individuals, teams & organisations.

AHC Book Pick - Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill by Napoleon Hill

Think & Grow Rich

by Napoleon Hill

The book that if read once, if read twice, if read multiple times and if you DO what Napoleon Hill tells you to do, it can and will change your life! One of the greatest books ever written!

Check out Think & Grow Rich Amazon.

AHC Book Pick - As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

As A Man Thinketh

by James Allen

2% of people THINK, 3% of People THINK they THINK and 95% of people would rather die than THINK – George Bernard Shaw. Never has there been a truer quote in my view!

We need to THINK, we need to control and direct our THINKING and As A Man Thinketh is a truly brilliant MUST read for us all! Our THOUGHTS set the course for our life, not our circumstances. Read this book today, you will thank me later!

Check out As a Man Thinketh on Amazon.

AHC Book Pick - Coaching for Performance by Sir John Whitmoe

Coaching for Performance

by Sir John Whitmore

Another must read for any Coach. Sir John Whitmore who created the GROW model, the foundational principal for any other Coaching model that’s been created since and still the best model for ‘real genuine’ Coaching today! This is the Coaching Bible for all Leaders and Coaches.

Check out Coaching for Performance on Amazon.

AHC Book Pick - Start with Why by Simon Sinek

Start with Why

by Simon Sinek

I love this book and I’m a massive admirer of Simon! He loves and cares about people and lives ‘on purpose’!

I discovered my purpose far too late in life and I now encourage as many friends and clients as I can to work hard on discovering their purpose, their ‘Why’!

When you discover your why and learn to live into it every day and make your decisions based around it, your whole life changes for the better.

Read every book Simon writes and if you don’t do that read this one!

Check out Start with Why on Amazon.

AHC Book Pick - Gung Ho! by Ken Blanchard

Gung Ho!

by Ken Blanchard

I absolutely love this book and used it constantly in my leadership roles. I believe it’s a must read for every leader who wants to stay ahead in today's ultra-competitive business world.

Check out Gung Ho! book on Amazon.

AHC Book Pick - The Inner Game of Tennis by Tim Galway

The Inner Game of Tennis

by Tim Galway

This is the foundational book of Coaching and is a must read for anyone starting out on their Coaching journey. If you are a Coach and have not read this book, then I encourage you to do that today.

Check out The Inner Game of Tennis on Amazon.

AHC Book Pick - Good to Great by Jim Collins

Good to Great

by Jim Collins

This world famous book by Jim Collins was introduced to me by my HR business partner many years ago Simon Birch, thank you Simon!

Jim Collins points out that you need the right people ‘on the bus and in the right seats on the bus before you decide where to go!

So True, because with the wrong people on your bus, you will potentially be sabotaged along the way, or never achieve the team’s true potential! Meaning you might create a good team, but never a great team!

It’s a vital read for all Leaders and its as important today as it was back when it was published in 2001!

Check out Good to Great on Amazon.

AHC Book Pick - the Five Dysfunctions of a Team

The FIVE Dysfunctions of a Team

by Patrick Lencioni

My second Patrick Lencioni recommendation and it’s another book that any leaders or potential leaders of teams should read in my view. It’s that good that Patrick and his team created an entire curriculum around it! The Five dysfunctions help us identify and overcome the 5 root causes that lead to a team’s failure!

My big learning from this work as a senior team leader is that all teams to need to find the balance of ‘healthy conflict’ to become high performing!

Check out The FIVE Dysfunctions of the TEAM book on Amazon.

AHC Book Pick - 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell

15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

by John C. Maxwell

As Maxwell says, “don’t be goal conscious, be growth conscious” and for what it’s worth I agree with him.

Probably the simplest, yet the most profound book on Personal Growth ever written. As my mentor Paul Martinelli says, “you are not going to get a brain hernia reading it”. I’m always recommending this book to individuals who have just found the awareness to focus on their growth, but don’t know where to begin.

Check out 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth on Amazon.

AHC book pick - The One Thing by Gary Keller

The One Thing

by Gary Keller

One of the best books I have ever read on Goal Setting and the delivery of Goals. The surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results.

Check out The One Thing book on Amazon.

AHC Book Pick - Death by Meeting by Patrick Lencioni

Death by Meeting

by Patrick Lencioni

This is not your typical business book that I find people who are passionate about Leadership talk about or recommend, but this book by the brilliant Patrick Lencioni can really change how you lead your meetings, if you do what he tells you to do. I did what he tells you to do in my latter leadership career and it transformed my meetings.

I was guilty of leading meetings that always finished late, always trying to fit one more subject into the agenda, always making my team get home late! Then I adopted Patrick's 4 simple meeting principles!  

I love this quote by Patrick, “if a meeting doesn’t contribute to a solution or a decision, it’s just a conversation”!  

Check out Death by Meeting on Amazon.

AHC Book Pick - Raving Fans by Ken Blanchard

Raving Fans

by Ken Blanchard

As a ‘retailer’, for my 30 years in corporate, this was another life changing book, that is so simple to read! Reading this book, influenced me to become obsessed by Customer service!

Ask anyone who enters a shop today with me, I end up driving them ‘nuts’ because the simple Customer service basics that turn your customers into ‘raving fans’ are just ignored!

If you are delivering any service to at least one customer, you must read this book! Another fabulous Ken Blanchard book, and as important today as it was back when published in 1993.

Check out Raving Fans on Amazon.

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How does life coaching differ from therapy?

While both life coaching and therapy aim to support personal growth, they have distinct approaches. Therapy typically focuses on addressing past traumas, emotional healing, and diagnosing mental health conditions. On the other hand, life coaching is forward-focused, centered around setting and achieving goals, enhancing performance, and unlocking potential. If you're seeking to overcome specific challenges from your past, therapy might be more suitable. If you're looking to create a roadmap for personal or professional success, life coaching could be the right fit.

How often are coaching sessions conducted?

Coaching sessions frequency can vary based on your needs and preferences. Typically, we recommend starting with weekly sessions to establish momentum and make consistent progress. As you gain confidence and traction towards your goals, sessions might transition to bi-weekly or monthly. The flexibility of our approach ensures that the coaching frequency adapts to your evolving requirements, ensuring optimal support and accountability.

What if I'm unsure about my goals and direction?

It's completely normal to feel uncertain about your goals and direction. Our coaching process begins with an initial assessment where we'll work together to clarify your aspirations, values, and priorities. Through insightful questioning and exploration, we'll collaboratively uncover your passions and potential areas for growth. If you're not entirely sure about your goals, our coaching can help you gain clarity and chart a course that aligns with your authentic self. Remember, the journey towards clarity is an integral part of the coaching process itself.

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All rights reserved

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