
Seasonal Care Tips for Mini Golden Retrievers: Summer

September 29, 20245 min read

Hey there, fellow Mini Golden Retriever lovers! With summer in full swing, it's essential to ensure our furry friends are well cared for during the hotter months. Just like us, Mini Golden Retrievers need some extra TLC when temperatures rise. Let’s dive into some practical and easy-to-follow summer care tips to keep your pup safe, happy, and healthy!


Hydration is Key

First and foremost, let's talk about water. Just like you wouldn't head out on a summer day without a water bottle, your Mini Golden Retriever needs constant access to fresh water. Dehydration can sneak up quickly, especially in active dogs. Keep multiple water bowls around the house and yard, and bring a portable water bottle with a dog-friendly spout on walks or trips to the park.

Pro Tip: Add a few ice cubes to their water bowl. Not only does it keep the water cooler for longer, but many dogs also enjoy the fun of bobbing for ice!

Watch Out for Hot Surfaces


Have you ever stepped onto hot pavement barefoot and regretted it instantly? Imagine how it feels for your pup! Their paw pads are sensitive to heat, and hot surfaces can cause burns. Before heading out for a walk, check the ground with your hand. If it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your Mini Golden Retriever.

Over the years I have seen dogs get blisters on their paw pads from walking on hot surfaces during the summer. Often, people will take their dogs out for a walk on a summer afternoon. They do not realize that there is an issue until their dog starts limping and it is too late.

If you could not walk on the pavement without shoes on, it is best to stick to early morning or late evening walks when the ground is cooler. I also always carry a pair of dog booties just in case.


un Protection for Your Pup

Yes, dogs can get sunburned, too! Areas with less fur, like the nose, ears, and belly, are particularly vulnerable. Apply a pet-safe sunscreen to these spots before spending time outdoors. You can find sunscreens specifically formulated for dogs at pet stores or online.

Did You Know? Light-colored or short-haired Mini Golden Retrievers are more prone to sunburn. So, if your pup fits this description, be extra vigilant!

Keep Them Cool

When the temperature soars, keeping your Mini Golden Retriever cool is crucial. Here are some fun and effective ways to help them beat the heat:

- Kiddie Pool: Set up a small, shallow pool in your yard. Many dogs love splashing around, and it provides a great way to cool down.

- Cool Mats: These are fantastic for giving your pup a cool spot to lie down. You can find them at most pet stores.

- Fans and AC: Make sure they have a cool spot indoors with good ventilation. Fans or air conditioning can make a significant difference.


Grooming Matters

Regular grooming is essential, especially in the summer. While it might be tempting to shave your Mini Golden Retriever's coat, it's best not to. Their fur actually provides insulation against the heat and protects their skin from the sun. Instead, focus on regular brushing to remove loose fur and prevent matting.

Regular brushing in the summer can also help manage any extra shedding that could occur this time of year and keep your home a bit less furry!

Be Mindful of Exercise

Mini Golden Retrievers are energetic dogs who love to play and exercise. However, during the hot summer months, it's important to adjust their activity levels to avoid overheating. Stick to early morning or late evening walks and play sessions when it's cooler. Always have water on hand, and watch for signs of heat exhaustion, such as excessive panting, drooling, or lethargy.

Safe Summer Snacks


Who doesn't love a cool treat on a hot day? Your Mini Golden Retriever is no different! Here are some safe and refreshing snacks they’ll enjoy:

- Frozen Fruit: Small pieces of frozen watermelon, blueberries, or strawberries make for delicious and hydrating treats.

- Dog-Friendly Ice Cream: You can find these at pet stores or make your own at home using simple recipes that include yogurt and dog-safe ingredients.

- Frozen Broth Cubes: Freeze low-sodium chicken or beef broth in ice cube trays for a tasty, cooling treat.

Pro Tip: Always ensure the treats you give are safe for dogs and avoid anything with added sugars or artificial sweeteners.


Traveling Safely

Summer often means road trips and vacations. If you're taking your Mini Golden Retriever along for the ride, make sure they're safe and comfortable. Never leave your dog alone in a parked car, as temperatures can rise to dangerous levels in minutes. Use a well-ventilated crate or a dog seat belt to keep them secure during the journey.

Pro Tip: If you’re planning any trips with your pup this summer, don’t forget to pack their essentials, including a travel water bowl, their favorite toys, and a comfy blanket.


Watch for Pests

Summer is prime time for pests like fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. These can pose health risks to your Mini Golden Retriever, so be proactive about prevention. Use vet-recommended flea and tick preventatives and check your dog regularly, especially after they've been outside. 

Stay Alert for Heatstroke

Despite our best efforts, sometimes the heat can get the better of our furry friends. It's vital to recognize the signs of heatstroke and know what to do. Symptoms include heavy panting, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness. If you suspect your dog is suffering from heatstroke, move them to a cool area immediately, offer water, and contact your vet.


Final Thoughts

Summer with your Mini Golden Retriever can be a blast, filled with outdoor adventures and lazy afternoons. By taking a few extra precautions and staying mindful of the heat, you can ensure your furry friend stays comfortable and safe. Remember, hydration, protection from hot surfaces, and sun safety are key. And don’t forget those fun, cooling treats!

Enjoy the summer, and happy tail-wagging adventures! If you have any questions or need more tips, feel free to reach out. What’s your favorite summer activity with your Mini Golden Retriever? Let me know in the comments below!


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