Holiday Safety

Holiday Safety for Your Pets

November 20, 20235 min read

With the holidays fast approaching, we can’t deny the excitement and anticipation we feel! Fun get togethers, family dinners and vacations are just a few of the things we love about the holidays.


While we, humans, love these holidays, it can also be a time of stress and anxiety for our furry friends. While our Mini Golden Retrievers love people, they can still feel the change of pace and excitement of the holiday season.

One study found that "emergency vet" searches spike on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day in the United States. Our Miniature Golden Retrievers are not immune to the hazards that the holidays can pose.

If you are a pet owner, pet safety should be at the top of our to-do list this season. These helpful holiday safety tips will make sure everyone gets the most out of this festive season.


If you will be having house guests, try to make your pet as comfortable as possible. If they get anxious when people visit, keep them in a quiet room away from guests to help calm them down. Remember, it is more tiring for your pet when there is a lot of excitement and people over.

You cannot always prevent things that make your pets uncomfortable. However, you should make an effort to create a pleasant environment for them.

If your pet is comfortable with guests, feel free to let them stick around! For some pets it might even be more stressful to be in a separate room away from everyone.

Pay attention to how your dog is acting. Are they acting normal? Do they seem overwhelmed? Do they love everyone? Or do they seem anxious around new people?

Visitors may leave the door open, giving your pet a chance to escape. If your pet is around when guests come, there are a few things you should do:

- First, make sure to microchip them. This will assist in identifying them if they become lost.

- Second, give them a collar and tag with your contact information. This will also help in case they wander off.

- Lastly, consider attaching an airTag to them. This can provide an additional layer of tracking and locating your pet if they go missing.

Microchips offer one of the best ways to ensure the safe return of your pet if it gets lost.

Finally, remember that a well exercised dog is a happy dog. In your excitement and business around the holidays, don’t forget to exercise your pets. Take your dog for a long walk or extended exercise sessions. Doing this before you have guests over can especially help them stay more calm and relaxed.


The delicious food that we make and eat is always a highlight of the holiday season. We bake cookies and pies, and we cook extravagant meals. Food is often a central part of what brings us together as families and friends. While we may consider our pets to be our children, our family or our best friend, please remember that they are not human. 

We all want to share the delights of the holidays with our pets. But sharing the food we eat with them is not a good idea. Keep them off the table and remember to put the garbage somewhere that they cannot access.

Our pets can get sick by eating food the way that we prepare it for ourselves, our family and our friends. Check out our info on what foods are toxic to pets, some of it may be surprising!



When decorating your house, keep in mind the age and temperament of your pet. If you have a young puppy, you’ll probably want to keep your decorations higher off the floor. If you have a cat, you may not want to put ornaments on the bottom half of your Christmas tree.

You’ll also want to consider what plants are toxic to your pets. A couple that come out a lot during the holidays are Poinsettias and Pine, however, they are toxic to pets. Be careful what plants you are bringing into your home!


If you travel for the holidays with your pets, be sure to check the laws and requirements of any place you are traveling. You'll need to be prepared with any necessary health certificates and vaccine records, as required.

If you will be driving somewhere with your pet, be sure to restrain your pet in your vehicle. Use a secure harness or carrier, your pet should be in a part of your car that is free from airbags. This is as much for your dog's protection as it is for yours.

If you will be flying somewhere with your pet, you should consult your vet. They will be able to let you know if your pet is healthy enough to fly. Additionally, you'll want to check the requirements of the airline you will be flying on.

One thing you can do to help them feel more comfortable is to bring their crate with you. To many pets, their crate is their home base, so by bringing it with you, it is like bringing your pet’s home with you. Although there are many new and strange things around them, they can at least have a safe space to decompress and rest.

I hope these tips help you and your pets stay safe this holiday season. If you have any other ideas of how to keep our furry friends safe, please comment below. Happy Holidays! 

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