How to Get the Most Out of

Every Listing You Have

OCTOBER 5, 2021

Why social proof and video are the keys to elevating your listings and your real estate business.

Are you getting the most out of every one of your listings? Or do you simply add them to your website and announce them on social media, hoping that potential buyers will show up to open houses or call you for a showing? If you aren’t using video and social proof to market yourself and the homes you represent, you are missing the boat. This is your chance to inexpensively generate traffic to your site and your social profiles and increase your visibility and trustworthiness. Not sure how to use social proof of video to market yourself and get the most out of your listings? This article will help you start.

What is Social Proof?

Social proof is based on normative social influence, a concept explaining how people are likely to conform so they can be accepted by, liked by, or appear similar to an influencer, their peers, or society in general. Testimonials are an example of using social proof to market your business. When others see their peers talking about how satisfied they are with a product or service, they are more inclined to buy that product or use that service themselves.

Why social proof and video are the

keys to elevating your listings and

your real estate business.

The Importance of Your Website as a Realtor

Are you getting the most out of every one of your listings? Or do you simply

add them to your website and announce them on social media, hoping that

potential buyers will show up to open houses or call you for a showing? If you

aren’t using video and social proof to market yourself and the homes you

represent, you are missing the boat. This is your chance to inexpensively generate

traffic to your site and your social profiles and increase your visibility and

trustworthiness. Not sure how to use social proof of video to market yourself

and get the most out of your listings? This article will help you start.

What is Social Proof?

Social proof is based on normative social influence, a concept explaining how

people are likely to conform so they can be accepted by, liked by, or appear similar

to an influencer, their peers, or society in general. Testimonials are an example of

using social proof to market your business. When others see their peers talking

about how satisfied they are with a product or service, they are more inclined

to buy that product or use that service themselves.

Why is Social Proof an Important Part of Your Marketing?

The decision regarding which real estate agent to use when buying or selling a home is not an easy one. Most people only buy or sell a handful of homes in their entire lives and they want the process to go smoothly. Knowing that someone they like, trust, or are similar to has used your services and is willing to talk about it makes them more confident in your abilities to give them good customer service as well. You can put time and money into your website and ad campaigns talking about your credentials, experience, and unique way of doing business, but these won’t resonate with your target audience like social proof will. Having others tell your story and extoll your virtues will always be more powerful than bragging about them yourself.

How Can You Use Social Proof to Get Ahead of Your Competition?

To use social proof to get ahead of your competition and get the most out of your listings, ask each person you work with for a video testimonial and a review after their transaction is complete. You can also automate the process of asking for testimonials and reviews with a CRM system or other software so you never miss a chance. Though not all your clients will agree to it, you will likely have at least a few who will be happy to talk about their experience.

You can also ask other experts in the real estate industry such as mortgage loan officers, title company owners, stagers, and remodeling pros to film testimonial videos of what it’s like to work with you. This will show your prospects that you are well-respected within the community and will make them more likely to choose you to sell their home instead of your competition.

Share your reviews and video testimonials on your social media pages, send them out in your newsletters, and add them to your website. Show them to your audience when you speak at your networking groups or industry events. Use them during your presentations to other potential clients so they can see how you’ve helped others in similar situations.

The Wrong Messaging

Build and Market to Your Database

As a realtor, your database is your best friend. This is your list of past, current, and prospective clients as well as referral sources who can help grow your business. A basic rule of thumb is that an effective database consists of around 1000 names and contact information. Once you’ve built a solid database, you can market to your contacts through regular email newsletters, texts, or personal invitations to events or open houses. The marketing you do to your database should follow the same guidelines as your social media marketing: keep content informational and helpful rather than salesy. This keeps your contacts engaged with your brand and ensures they will continue to pay attention to what you have to say even when they are not actively looking to buy or sell real estate.

Harness the Power of Social Proof

The theory of social proof states that people are likely to conform and copy the actions of those in their peer group or those they view as experts or who are trustworthy. When it comes to real estate marketing, you can take advantage of social proof by featuring testimonials on your site and social media, soliciting online reviews from those you’ve done business with, and by establishing yourself as an authority on the local real estate market with helpful, informative content. When you harness the power of social proof, you essentially have others selling for you and no longer have to hustle or chase leads.

The Right Messaging

Why is Social Proof an Important Part of Your Marketing?

The decision regarding which real estate agent to use when buying or selling a

home is not an easy one. Most people only buy or sell a handful of homes in

their entire lives and they want the process to go smoothly. Knowing that

someone they like, trust, or are similar to has used your services and is

willing to talk about it makes them more confident in your abilities to give

them good customer service as well. You can put time and money into your

website and ad campaigns talking about your credentials, experience, and

unique way of doing business, but these won’t resonate with your target

audience like social proof will. Having others tell your story and extoll your

virtues will always be more powerful than bragging about them yourself.

How Can You Use Social Proof to Get Ahead of Your Competition?

To use social proof to get ahead of your competition and get the most out

of your listings, ask each person you work with for a video testimonial and

a review after their transaction is complete. You can also automate the

process of asking for testimonials and reviews with a CRM system or

other software so you never miss a chance. Though not all your clients

will agree to it, you will likely have at least a few who will be happy to

talk about their experience.

You can also ask other experts in the real estate industry such as mortgage

loan officers, title company owners, stagers, and remodeling pros to film

testimonial videos of what it’s like to work with you. This will show your

prospects that you are well-respected within the community and will

make them more likely to choose you to sell their home instead of your


Share your reviews and video testimonials on your social media pages,

send them out in your newsletters, and add them to your website. Show

them to your audience when you speak at your networking groups or

industry events. Use them during your presentations to other potential

clients so they can see how you’ve helped others in similar situations.

Now that you understand that talking yourself and your accomplishments up on your site is the wrong messaging, let’s take a look at the content that works. Here are some tips on creating messaging that resonates with your target audience:

Content that is helpful. What are the issues your ideal client is dealing with? Are they attempting to buy and sell homes at the same time and need assistance with financing a down payment? Are they struggling to find a home they are interested in due to low inventory? Are they trying to decide if they should relocate or buy a second home now that they are empty-nesters? Identify the pain points in your target market, then address those points through blog posts that you then share on social media and in newsletters that go out to your database.

Content that establishes you as an expert. Those looking for help buying or selling property want to work with the best. To show that you are an expert in your local community and industry, develop content that revolves around neighborhood events, local real estate news, and other industry issues.

Content from experts and past clients. When you use the power of social proof to develop your website content, you let others do the selling for you. Social proof is the phenomenon where others copy the actions of people they see as peers or as trusted individuals. If they see your past clients talking about your high level of customer service in a video testimonial or read reviews from experts in the industry who have worked with you, they will be more likely to choose you as their realtor.

Content that stays ahead of the game. Your ideal client wants to know what’s going on in the industry as soon as possible. They also don’t want to read the same old content on your site that they’ve read on all your competitors’ sites. To address these needs, stay on the cutting edge of the industry and share information your visitors can’t get anywhere else.

Components of an Effective Lead

Generation System

How the Right Messaging Increases Conversions

How Can You Use Videos to Get the Most Out of Each Listing?

Building trust through social proof is a key part of your marketing strategy. However, you also want your target audience to get to know you better, learn from you, and develop the opinion that you are an expert in your industry. To achieve these goals, you need to use video. It’s important to realize that while professional video may be the best option for virtual home tours and for videos embedded in your website, you don’t need to have a pro film you every time you want to make a video. If you have a newer model phone, you can quickly and easily take video of yourself to share on your social pages.

To make the most of each listing, do quick videos of you walking around the home and pointing out special features. You can also film short videos of points of interest in the neighborhood such as top restaurants, playgrounds, or shopping centers. Film ribbon cuttings of local businesses, neighborhood events like farmer’s markets or art festivals, and the annual lighting of the town Christmas tree. Use these videos to market each home you have for sale.

In addition to listing videos, you can also film videos of yourself explaining the current market, talking about mortgage interest rates, or giving other valuable advice to those buying or selling a home. You can also film day in the life videos showing your clients and prospects what it looks like to be a real estate agent or share your hobbies through short how-to videos. This helps you build a rapport with potential clients and sets you apart from other real estate agents who are hesitant about getting behind the camera.

There is a lot you can do on your own when it comes to using video and social proof to get the most out of your listings and market your real estate agency. However, if you really want to take your marketing strategies to the next level, you need to work with an expert. If your agency is large enough, you may be able to hire an in-house marketing specialist who can assist you in creating video, gathering testimonials, and putting it all into an effective strategy. If you don’t have these resources, consider working with a professional marketing agency that specializes in working with real estate agents. With the help of a marketing expert, you can harness the power of social proof and video and take your agency to the next level.

How Can You Use Videos to Get the Most Out of Each Listing?

Building trust through social proof is a key part of your marketing strategy.

However, you also want your target audience to get to know you better, learn

from you, and develop the opinion that you are an expert in your industry. To

achieve these goals, you need to use video. It’s important to realize that

while professional video may be the best option for virtual home tours and

for videos embedded in your website, you don’t need to have a pro film you

every time you want to make a video. If you have a newer model phone,

you can quickly and easily take video of yourself to share on your social


To make the most of each listing, do quick videos of you walking around the

home and pointing out special features. You can also film short videos of

points of interest in the neighborhood such as top restaurants, playgrounds,

or shopping centers. Film ribbon cuttings of local businesses, neighborhood

events like farmer’s markets or art festivals, and the annual lighting of the

town Christmas tree. Use these videos to market each home you have for sale.

In addition to listing videos, you can also film videos of yourself explaining the

current market, talking about mortgage interest rates, or giving other valuable

advice to those buying or selling a home. You can also film day in the life videos

showing your clients and prospects what it looks like to be a real estate agent

or share your hobbies through short how-to videos. This helps you build a

rapport with potential clients and sets you apart from other real estate

agents who are hesitant about getting behind the camera.

There is a lot you can do on your own when it comes to using video and social

proof to get the most out of your listings and market your real estate agency.

However, if you really want to take your marketing strategies to the next level,

you need to work with an expert. If your agency is large enough, you may be

able to hire an in-house marketing specialist who can assist you in creating

video, gathering testimonials, and putting it all into an effective strategy. If

you don’t have these resources, consider working with a professional

marketing agency that specializes in working with real estate agents.

With the help of a marketing expert, you can harness the power of

social proof and video and take your agency to the next level.


Learn the latest marketing and tech trends from our

marketing gurus and contributing industry experts.

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