6 Ways You Can Demonstrate Your

Expertise with Social Media

NOVEMBER 16, 2021

Use your social content to elevate your brand and share your knowledge.

As a luxury real estate agent, there’s no limit to the amount and breadth of

tasks involved in running your day-to-day business. Between advocating for

existing clients, managing contracts, and preparing high-quality listings, it’s

easy to let marketing fall to the wayside — especially social media marketing,

which can feel tedious and thankless, particularly without a strategy.

However, social media can be an irreplaceable stream of warm leads when you

use your social content to show your audience that you’re an expert. Developing

a strong social media strategy grounded in your expertise can make your real

estate business more lucrative and more fun at the same time! Here are six

ways to start showing up as an expert on social media.

As a luxury real estate agent, there’s no limit to the amount and breadth of tasks involved in running your day-to-day business. Between advocating for existing clients, managing contracts, and preparing high-quality listings, it’s easy to let marketing fall to the wayside — especially social media marketing, which can feel tedious and thankless, particularly without a strategy.

However, social media can be an irreplaceable stream of warm leads when you use your social content to show your audience that you’re an expert. Developing a strong social media strategy grounded in your expertise can make your real estate business more lucrative and more fun at the same time! Here are six ways to start showing up as an expert on social media.

Share local tips

Share local tips

One fun and easy way to connect with your audience on social media while

showcasing your relevant expertise is by sharing local tips.

Whether you create a video series about the best coffee shops in town, post

beautiful photos from a nearby hiking trail, or share updates about new

restaurants and retail stores opening, posting local tips quickly displays for

your audience how well you know your area. While this local knowledge may feel

trivial or obvious, a deep understanding of the local area is critical to the role of

a real estate agent, so displaying your knowledge goes a long way. For potential

clients hoping to sell a home, displaying expertise about the perks and charms

of specific neighborhoods and parts of town can set you apart from your


For buyers moving in from out of town, your posts about local details not only

display your expertise but also provide value. Being a newcomer in an unknown

city poses more challenges than some might expect, and tips as seemingly

small as where to get a great cup of coffee can be a huge comfort. Sharing local

knowledge can draw people to your profile who are planning a move, help them

prepare and get to know their new home city, and establish your name as a

source of authority and useful knowledge. Building that trust and providing

consistent value are the best ways to attract the right clients to your luxury real

estate business.

One fun and easy way to connect with your audience on social media while showcasing your relevant expertise is by sharing local tips.

Whether you create a video series about the best coffee shops in town, post beautiful photos from a nearby hiking trail, or share updates about new restaurants and retail stores opening, posting local tips quickly displays for your audience how well you know your area. While this local knowledge may feel trivial or obvious, a deep understanding of the local area is critical to the role of a real estate agent, so displaying your knowledge goes a long way. For potential clients hoping to sell a home, displaying expertise about the perks and charms of specific neighborhoods and parts of town can set you apart from your competition.

For buyers moving in from out of town, your posts about local details not only display your expertise but also provide value. Being a newcomer in an unknown city poses more challenges than some might expect, and tips as seemingly small as where to get a great cup of coffee can be a huge comfort. Sharing local knowledge can draw people to your profile who are planning a move, help them prepare and get to know their new home city, and establish your name as a source of authority and useful knowledge. Building that trust and providing consistent value are the best ways to attract the right clients to your luxury real estate business.

Explain a process

Explain a process

Until someone sets out to buy or sell a home, they likely aren’t aware of the

many ins and outs of doing so. Contracts, objection periods, best practices,

state laws, lender details, and endless other considerations quickly become

overwhelming to potential clients. Nowadays, most questions can be answered

through a quick internet search, and you can help establish your expertise by

being the face of that answer online.

When you set out to create educational content like process breakdowns, tailor

your content to your brand and personality. You may have a knack for making

complex concepts feel more approachable, and start a video series of quick hits

where you explain common real estate or lending terms. You might break big

processes down into steps and create quick Instagram Reels outlining them.

Maybe you prefer to go more in-depth and create a YouTube series breaking

down key components of a real estate contract. Whatever your specialty and

brand voice may be, there’s a social media outlet where you’ll thrive by showing

up with consistency.

Breaking down processes not only helps your audience by giving them a deeper

understanding of what they can expect when buying or selling real estate but

also puts them at ease knowing that you specialize in these contracts and

processes and know what you’ve got them covered in the nitty-gritty of the

processes. In a sea of real estate agents, your educational content on social

media can help you stand out as one who truly knows what you’re doing and the

weight of a real estate transaction. Embarking on such a large investment

means people need someone they can fully rely on to look out for their best


Until someone sets out to buy or sell a home, they likely aren’t aware of the many ins and outs of doing so. Contracts, objection periods, best practices, state laws, lender details, and endless other considerations quickly become overwhelming to potential clients. Nowadays, most questions can be answered through a quick internet search, and you can help establish your expertise by being the face of that answer online.

When you set out to create educational content like process breakdowns, tailor your content to your brand and personality. You may have a knack for making complex concepts feel more approachable, and start a video series of quick hits where you explain common real estate or lending terms. You might break big processes down into steps and create quick Instagram Reels outlining them. Maybe you prefer to go more in-depth and create a YouTube series breaking down key components of a real estate contract. Whatever your specialty and brand voice may be, there’s a social media outlet where you’ll thrive by showing up with consistency.

Breaking down processes not only helps your audience by giving them a deeper understanding of what they can expect when buying or selling real estate but also puts them at ease knowing that you specialize in these contracts and processes and know what you’ve got them covered in the nitty-gritty of the processes. In a sea of real estate agents, your educational content on social media can help you stand out as one who truly knows what you’re doing and the weight of a real estate transaction. Embarking on such a large investment means people need someone they can fully rely on to look out for their best interests.

Answer FAQs

Answer FAQs

Whether you’ve been in real estate for years or you’re just starting out, you’ll

likely notice trends in the questions your clients ask. One way to address those

questions is by incorporating the information into your initial presentation to

clients and directly walking your buyers and sellers through any points that are

unclear to them. These questions can also give you clues as to what your ideal

future clients might be searching for on the internet or pausing to watch as

they scroll on social media!

Use your social media accounts to address common questions you hear from

your clients and even from others in your life. The format of these answers is up

to you: you could make a weekly video, create infographics to share, or address

individual questions through text posts. Regardless of your branding and the

way you convey your knowledge, you’re likely to be answering a question that

people in your audience also have, but have never asked.

Another way to gather questions and boost engagement on your social

channels while showcasing your expertise is by hosting real-time question and

answer sessions through social media. One way to do so is by posting a

question on your Instagram or Facebook story with a space for your followers to

respond. Then, when they submit their questions, you can repost them on your

story with your answer. Another option is to go the “Live” route and go on live

video to take questions that you’ve gathered through engagements beforehand

or that your audience submits during the live event. Either way, real-time

engagement and displaying your knowledge in a less planned format will help

drive home the authenticity of your expertise, while also making you more

accessible and helpful to your audience.

Whether you’ve been in real estate for years or you’re just starting out, you’ll likely notice trends in the questions your clients ask. One way to address those questions is by incorporating the information into your initial presentation to clients and directly walking your buyers and sellers through any points that are unclear to them. These questions can also give you clues as to what your ideal future clients might be searching for on the internet or pausing to watch as they scroll on social media!

Use your social media accounts to address common questions you hear from your clients and even from others in your life. The format of these answers is up to you: you could make a weekly video, create infographics to share, or address individual questions through text posts. Regardless of your branding and the way you convey your knowledge, you’re likely to be answering a question that people in your audience also have, but have never asked.

Another way to gather questions and boost engagement on your social channels while showcasing your expertise is by hosting real-time question and answer sessions through social media. One way to do so is by posting a question on your Instagram or Facebook story with a space for your followers to respond. Then, when they submit their questions, you can repost them on your story with your answer. Another option is to go the “Live” route and go on live video to take questions that you’ve gathered through engagements beforehand or that your audience submits during the live event. Either way, real-time engagement and displaying your knowledge in a less planned format will help drive home the authenticity of your expertise, while also making you more accessible and helpful to your audience.

Post client testimonials

Post client testimonials

Establishing trust comes in many forms. While displaying your knowledge by

sharing facts and helpful breakdowns goes a long way, your own words can only

do so much to win the faith of people who have never met you. Much of the time,

the words that others say about you can wield even more power than your most

carefully curated marketing copy. That’s why it’s so helpful to post testimonials

and reviews from past clients on your social media. Someone else vouching for

your expertise will work wonders for nudging your followers to take the leap and

work with you on the purchase or sale of a home!

Establishing trust comes in many forms. While displaying your knowledge by sharing facts and helpful breakdowns goes a long way, your own words can only do so much to win the faith of people who have never met you. Much of the time, the words that others say about you can wield even more power than your most carefully curated marketing copy. That’s why it’s so helpful to post testimonials and reviews from past clients on your social media. Someone else vouching for your expertise will work wonders for nudging your followers to take the leap and work with you on the purchase or sale of a home!

Engage with others

Engage with others

A free strategy that can help you show up on more people’s feeds while

demonstrating your expertise is engaging with others. That might look like

responding to people on your own page and posts, or venturing out to other

relevant pages and leaving your own comments or liking posts.

Liking, commenting, and sharing other people’s or organizations’ content puts

your name in front of people who don’t follow you yet, sets the social media

algorithms in your favor, and gives you a space to share your thoughts and

create an online community. Whether it’s celebrating an announcement from

someone in your referral network, liking a past client’s post, or sharing

promotions from local businesses, interacting with others online enforces your

expertise as well as your authenticity. Just like the real world, social profiles

aren’t meant to exist in a vacuum and always do better when people and pages

can coexist with one another.

On your own page, promote and sustain engagement to reinforce the knowledge

you’re sharing and answer relevant questions. When people comment on posts,

responding to them with insights and extra information helps to let your

personality shine and further establishes your authority and knowledge. For

realtors, brand and personality are heavily intertwined, so showing up for your

followers beyond your original post speaks volumes about your reliability


A free strategy that can help you show up on more people’s feeds while demonstrating your expertise is engaging with others. That might look like responding to people on your own page and posts, or venturing out to other relevant pages and leaving your own comments or liking posts.

Liking, commenting, and sharing other people’s or organizations’ content puts your name in front of people who don’t follow you yet, sets the social media algorithms in your favor, and gives you a space to share your thoughts and create an online community. Whether it’s celebrating an announcement from someone in your referral network, liking a past client’s post, or sharing promotions from local businesses, interacting with others online enforces your expertise as well as your authenticity. Just like the real world, social profiles aren’t meant to exist in a vacuum and always do better when people and pages can coexist with one another.

On your own page, promote and sustain engagement to reinforce the knowledge you’re sharing and answer relevant questions. When people comment on posts, responding to them with insights and extra information helps to let your personality shine and further establishes your authority and knowledge. For realtors, brand and personality are heavily intertwined, so showing up for your followers beyond your original post speaks volumes about your reliability offline.

Link to your resources

Link to your resources

Creating original resources like articles and videos not only boosts

SEO for realtors but also gives you ideal content to share on social media.

When your content library is robust enough for frequent cross-promotion and

crossposting, you reinforce your expert status by linking to more in-depth

resources to back up your social posts.

Even on sites like LinkedIn with longer content possibilities, there’s only so

much you can say in a social post. Adding value by sharing an in-depth

resource can take your account to new heights. Having that resource come from

your brand and voice as well drives home your authority and shows your

audience how much you truly know.

Incorporating these types of posts on social media has the potential to take

your online presence and brand to the next level. The more built out your

content strategy is overall, the more it can all work to

Creating original resources like articles and videos not only boosts SEO for realtors but also gives you ideal content to share on social media. When your content library is robust enough for frequent cross-promotion and crossposting, you reinforce your expert status by linking to more in-depth resources to back up your social posts.

Even on sites like LinkedIn with longer content possibilities, there’s only so much you can say in a social post. Adding value by sharing an in-depth resource can take your account to new heights. Having that resource come from your brand and voice as well drives home your authority and shows your audience how much you truly know.

Incorporating these types of posts on social media has the potential to take your online presence and brand to the next level. The more built out your content strategy is overall, the more it can all work to


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