Want More Conversions from Your

Website? Check Your Messaging

OCTOBER 22, 2021

Writing copy that resonates with your ideal audience.

Do you feel you put a lot of time and energy into your marketing, yet it doesn’t give you the results you want? Many real estate professionals feel they are creating effective marketing campaigns, but then are disappointed when the right leads don’t pour in. What many of them don’t realize is that all their marketing starts with a website that contains the right messaging. Not sure what that is? Here’s more information on why messaging is crucial and how to make sure your content is hitting the mark.

Writing copy that resonates with your

ideal audience.

The Importance of Your Website as a Realtor

Do you feel you put a lot of time and energy into your marketing, yet it doesn’t

give you the results you want? Many real estate professionals feel they are

creating effective marketing campaigns, but then are disappointed when the

right leads don’t pour in. What many of them don’t realize is that all their

marketing starts with a website that contains the right messaging. Not sure

what that is? Here’s more information on why messaging is crucial and how to

make sure your content is hitting the mark.

As a real estate professional, one of your most valuable assets is your website. Your website is where you direct those interested in working with you to. Whether this is by telling them in person to visit your site or they find your site by clicking a link in your marketing materials, when your ideal client visits your website, they’ve taken the next step toward choosing you as their real estate professional.

What your target market sees and reads when they visit your website forms the basis of their impression of your work. If they are greeted by helpful articles about ways to increase the ROI of their homes, video testimonials from your former clients, and how-to blogs about the correct steps to take to buy a new house, they will have a favorable impression. If, instead, they are greeted with nothing more than listings and promotional materials, that impression will be far less favorable and may cause them to seek out your competition.

The Importance of Your Website as a


The Wrong Messaging

As a real estate professional, one of your most valuable assets is your website.

Your website is where you direct those interested in working with you to.

Whether this is by telling them in person to visit your site or they find your site

by clicking a link in your marketing materials, when your ideal client visits your

website, they’ve taken the next step toward choosing you as their real estate


What your target market sees and reads when they visit your website forms the

basis of their impression of your work. If they are greeted by helpful articles

about ways to increase the ROI of their homes, video testimonials from your

former clients, and how-to blogs about the correct steps to take to buy a new

house, they will have a favorable impression. If, instead, they are greeted with

nothing more than listings and promotional materials, that impression will be

far less favorable and may cause them to seek out your competition.

Many agents believe the goal of their website is to promote as many listings as possible and tell their visitors about how many transactions they’ve conducted, how many years of experience they’ve had, and all their professional designations. They believe that talking themselves up is the best way to show their target market they are the right choice when it comes to buying or selling a home. However, what they fail to realize is that their website shouldn’t be about them at all. Instead, it should be about their visitors and their ideal client. Yes, it’s important to share a bit of information about yourself so your potential clients can get to know you better. However, focusing too much on yourself will cause visitors to your site to tune out. They won’t be able to see how you can help them or feel that you understand them and their unique needs and will likely seek out another real estate agent whose messaging resonates with them.

The Wrong Messaging

The Right Messaging

Many agents believe the goal of their website is to promote as many listings as

possible and tell their visitors about how many transactions they’ve conducted,

how many years of experience they’ve had, and all their professional

designations. They believe that talking themselves up is the best way to show

their target market they are the right choice when it comes to buying or selling

a home. However, what they fail to realize is that their website shouldn’t be

about them at all. Instead, it should be about their visitors and their ideal client.

Yes, it’s important to share a bit of information about yourself so your potential

clients can get to know you better. However, focusing too much on yourself will

cause visitors to your site to tune out. They won’t be able to see how you can

help them or feel that you understand them and their unique needs and will

likely seek out another real estate agent whose messaging resonates with


Now that you understand that talking yourself and your accomplishments up on your site is the wrong messaging, let’s take a look at the content that works. Here are some tips on creating messaging that resonates with your target audience:

Content that is helpful. What are the issues your ideal client is dealing with? Are they attempting to buy and sell homes at the same time and need assistance with financing a down payment? Are they struggling to find a home they are interested in due to low inventory? Are they trying to decide if they should relocate or buy a second home now that they are empty-nesters? Identify the pain points in your target market, then address those points through blog posts that you then share on social media and in newsletters that go out to your database.

Content that establishes you as an expert. Those looking for help buying or selling property want to work with the best. To show that you are an expert in your local community and industry, develop content that revolves around neighborhood events, local real estate news, and other industry issues.

Content from experts and past clients. When you use the power of social proof to develop your website content, you let others do the selling for you. Social proof is the phenomenon where others copy the actions of people they see as peers or as trusted individuals. If they see your past clients talking about your high level of customer service in a video testimonial or read reviews from experts in the industry who have worked with you, they will be more likely to choose you as their realtor.

Content that stays ahead of the game. Your ideal client wants to know what’s going on in the industry as soon as possible. They also don’t want to read the same old content on your site that they’ve read on all your competitors’ sites. To address these needs, stay on the cutting edge of the industry and share information your visitors can’t get anywhere else.

The Right Messaging

How the Right Messaging Increases Conversions

Now that you understand that talking yourself and your accomplishments up

on your site is the wrong messaging, let’s take a look at the content that works.

Here are some tips on creating messaging that resonates with your target


Content that is helpful. What are the issues your ideal client is dealing with?

Are they attempting to buy and sell homes at the same time and need

assistance with financing a down payment? Are they struggling to find a home

they are interested in due to low inventory? Are they trying to decide if they

should relocate or buy a second home now that they are empty-nesters?

Identify the pain points in your target market, then address those points

through blog posts that you then share on social media and in newsletters that

go out to your database.

Content that establishes you as an expert. Those looking for help buying

or selling property want to work with the best. To show that you are an expert

in your local community and industry, develop content that revolves around

neighborhood events, local real estate news, and other industry issues.

Content from experts and past clients. When you use the power of social proof

to develop your website content, you let others do the selling for you. Social

proof is the phenomenon where others copy the actions of people they see as

peers or as trusted individuals. If they see your past clients talking about your

high level of customer service in a video testimonial or read reviews from

experts in the industry who have worked with you, they will be more likely

to choose you as their realtor.

Content that stays ahead of the game. Your ideal client wants to know what’s going on in the industry as soon as possible. They also don’t want to read the same old content on your site that they’ve read on all your competitors’ sites. To address these needs, stay on the cutting edge of the industry and share information your visitors can’t get anywhere else.

Having the right content and messaging on your website is the foundation of all your real estate marketing efforts. When you have content that is helpful, informative, and addresses your target audience’s pain points, you gain their trust and encourage them to take the next step and reach out to you for more information.

Once you have the right messaging on your website, you can then use the same type of content in all your other marketing including social media posting, ad campaigns, and database marketing. Your audience will appreciate the consistency and know exactly what to expect from you should they choose to use you to buy or sell property.

Having the right content on your site is the first step toward growing your real estate business and staying ahead of your competition. Not sure where to start when it comes to developing a website or adding the content your ideal client wants to read? This is where partnering with a professional marketing company comes in. When you work with an expert marketer who has helped others in the real estate industry hone their messaging, you’ll know you’re in the right hands. Ready to take the next step? Reach out to the pros at Luxury Presence for more information.

How the Right Messaging Increases


Having the right content and messaging on your website is the foundation of all

your real estate marketing efforts. When you have content that is helpful,

informative, and addresses your target audience’s pain points, you gain their

trust and encourage them to take the next step and reach out to you for more


Once you have the right messaging on your website, you can then use the same

type of content in all your other marketing including social media posting, ad

campaigns, and database marketing. Your audience will appreciate the

consistency and know exactly what to expect from you should they choose to

use you to buy or sell property.

Having the right content on your site is the first step toward growing your real

estate business and staying ahead of your competition. Not sure where to start

when it comes to developing a website or adding the content your ideal client

wants to read? This is where partnering with a professional marketing company

comes in. When you work with an expert marketer who has helped others in the

real estate industry hone their messaging, you’ll know you’re in the right hands.

Ready to take the next step? Reach out to the pros at Luxury Presence for more



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